Nouri al-Maliki

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Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq
Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Iranian Prez Arrives in Iraq

Ahmadinejad visit deepens ties with neighbor

(Newser) - In an historic visit, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Iraq today predicting “a new chapter” for relations between the two countries, despite a tense history and a feud with Baghdad’s American allies. Ahmadinejad, who won’t be protected by US forces during his two-day trip, met...

'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang
'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang

'Chemical Ali' Slated to Hang

Convicted of genocide, cousin of Saddam has death sentence approved

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein's cousin "Chemical Ali" will be hanged now that the last legal obstacle to his execution has been eliminated by the Iraqi presidency council, Reuters reports. The execution of Ali Hassan al-Majid will take place in a matter of days, according to a spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister...

British Hostage Appears on Arab Television

One of 5 missing since May asks for prisoner exchange

(Newser) - One of the five British men kidnapped in Baghdad eight months ago appeared on Arab television last night, begging Prime Minister Gordon Brown to free nine Iraqi prisoners in exchange for the Britons. “Release their people so that we can go home. It’s as simple as that,"...

Iraq Lawmakers Overcome Rifts, Pass Key Laws

Long deadlock had threatened to dissolve young parliament

(Newser) - A day after the speaker of Iraq’s parliament threatened to disband the legislature, lawmakers passed three key but divisive laws after months of infighting, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The measures—passage of a federal budget, limited amnesty for prisoners, and curbs on the powers of local governments—allowed...

Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip
Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip

Ahmadinejad Plans First Iraq Trip

First Iranian leader to visit since '80s war; highlights new relations

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Baghdad, the Iraqi foreign ministry announced today, a historic trip that highlights the new relationship between the neighbors, who fought a bloody war in the 1980s. No Iranian president has ever visited Iraq, but with a Shiite government in power after the ouster of...

Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil
Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil

Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil

Warns even rogue Iranian attack would have 'serious consequences'

(Newser) - OPEC should start producing more oil, President Bush told Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah today, or it risks damaging “consuming economies,” like the US. Bush said high oil prices were reducing consumer purchasing power, and said more supply “would be helpful.” He also warned Iran to...

Kurds Lead Charge to Oust Iraqi Leader

US tries to stave off no-confidence vote against PM Maliki

(Newser) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is under fire again, this time from Kurdish politicians who say he hasn’t followed through on promises he made after the Kurds propped him up last summer. A Kurdish/Sunni coalition against Maliki almost has enough votes to depose him, a development the US fears...

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops
Iraqi Soldier
Kills Two
US Troops

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops

He turned on them during joint patrol; 3 others wounded

(Newser) - An Iraqi insurgent who joined the country’s military force shot and killed two American troops, the BBC reports. Three other US soldiers were injured in the Dec. 26 shooting, which happened during a joint patrol in northern Iraq. After the patrol was besieged by gunmen, the Iraqi soldier “...

British PM Gives Troops Surprise Visit

Vows Basra pullout in 2 weeks; mum on link to kidnappings

(Newser) - UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown surprised his troops with a visit in Iraq today and declared that Britain will cede control of Basra within two weeks, the Times of London reports. He told 300 soldiers that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki had advised the quick pull-out "so Iraq can...

Bombs Linked to Iraq Sunni Leader
Bombs Linked to Iraq Sunni Leader

Bombs Linked to Iraq Sunni Leader

Car bombs found, 40 arrested in raid on compound

(Newser) - A raid on the compound of the leader of Iraq's biggest Sunni political bloc saw his son and dozens of guards arrested, reports the Washington Post.  American and Iraqi soldiers found cars wired with explosives outside the compound; one of the guards had the keys. Adnan al-Dulaimi said the...

Iraq Staggered by Flood of Returning Refugees

Nation unprepared for needy hordes

(Newser) - Better security in Baghdad has produced a dangerous and largely unforeseen problem: what to do with an influx of refugees streaming back from Syria and elsewhere now that it's safe to return. Many find their former homes have been occupied and the stranded refugees have few places to turn for...

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions
Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Says 'Chemical Ali', 2 others should be handed over to hang

(Newser) - US forces have yet to hand over three prominent figures in Saddam Hussein's regime sentenced to death in September, and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is accusing the US of dragging its feet—not to mention violating the constitution.  Though "Chemical Ali" is the star of the three, the...

Baghdad Vows to Curb Kurds
Baghdad Vows to Curb Kurds

Baghdad Vows to Curb Kurds

Iraqi PM refuses to rule out joint military strike with Ankara against rebels

(Newser) - Iraq vowed today to “chase and arrest” Kurds who are striking Turkey from northern Iraq, the BBC reports. "We will co-operate with our neighbors in defeating this threat," Maliki told diplomats at international talks in Istanbul. Baghdad showed its muscle by shutting a Kurdish political office, but...

Huge Iraqi Dam Could Fail
Huge Iraqi Dam Could Fail

Huge Iraqi Dam Could Fail

Biggest dam in Iraq could flood Mosul and kill up to 500K, US report says

(Newser) - Iraq’s biggest dam is vulnerable to breaking and flooding the city of Mosul, killing up to 500,000 and flooding the Tigris River, the BBC reports. A US report today warns that an ongoing $27 million reconstruction project has not fixed the dam's flaws. Poor construction, incorrect parts, and...

Shiites Foil US Plans for Sunni Cop Shops

Suspicion and 'highly sectarian' hiring thwart key US policy

(Newser) - Shiite officials are thwarting US attempts to train Sunni cops, crippling a key strategy aimed at slashing sectarian violence, the New York Times reports. Iraq has okayed Sunni neighborhood watch groups, but putting their old foes in uniform is another story. One US officer put it bluntly: Iraq officials "...

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets
US Forces
Hunt Down
Iraqi Rackets

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets

Illegal schemes funnel key money to insurgents

(Newser) - Iraq's mafia-style rackets are funneling big money to insurgents, making them key targets for US commanders. Corruption and kickbacks in real estate, soft drinks, cement—even the extortion of US contractors—are fueling what Maliki calls a “second war” in Iraq. "We have got to attack the insurgency...

Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq
Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq

Turkey OKs Strikes in Iraq

526-19 vote gives year-long permission to respond to Kurdish attacks

(Newser) - The Turkish Parliament today authorized its prime minister to send the country's military into Iraq to combat Kurdish separatists who have been accused of raids on Turkish soil. The 526-19 vote gives year-long permission for military strikes across the border, CNN reports. With 60,000 Turkish troops amassed in the...

US Halts Hanging of Convicted Saddam Chief

Official says his work 'saved American lives'

(Newser) - The US stopped Saddam's defense chief from hanging last month, claiming Iraqi outrage inspired the pardon — but insiders say that Sultan Hashem earned his reprieve by thwarting Iraqi attacks during the 2003 US-led invasion. Officials tell Time that Hashem’s execution would be a “gross miscarriage of justice”...

Iraqis Vow to Prosecute Blackwater
Iraqis Vow
to Prosecute Blackwater

Iraqis Vow to Prosecute Blackwater

Blackwater deaths called 'deliberate killings'

(Newser) - A spokesman for the Iraqi government continued to escalate the rhetoric on the Blackwater shootings yesterday, charging that security guards "deliberately killed" 17 Iraqi civilians in last month's massacre in Baghdad. Ali al-Dabbagh said the Iraqis intend to take legal action, despite a US ruling in 2004 that the...

Maliki Again Takes Aim at Blackwater

Security firm no longer ‘valid’ in Iraq in wake of incidents, PM says

(Newser) - Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki has stepped back into the Blackwater fray today, saying the influx of accusations against the security contractor “do not make it valid to stay in Iraq.” One day after Blackwater's CEO appeared before a Congressional committee, Maliki signaled he wouldn't sitting on his hands...

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