
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Onetime Delivery Guy Now Owns 18 Domino's

And that's not a rare story

(Newser) - It sounds like a rare rags-to-riches story: A man joins Domino's at 19 as a delivery guy and goes on to own 18 franchises. In fact, 90% of Domino's 4,500 franchise spots are owned by former entry-level employees, says a rep. CNNMoney recounts the story of Rob...

Guy Starts Robbery, Changes Mind, Gets Free Pizza
Guy Starts Robbery, Changes Mind, Gets Free Pizza

Guy Starts Robbery, Changes Mind, Gets Free Pizza

He breaks down, says family is hungry

(Newser) - A man who apparently summoned the courage to rob a Montana pizzeria changed his mind as the clerk started to hand him money, broke down crying, and ended up leaving with a pizza to feed his hungry family. Just after midnight one night this week, a man wearing a hooded...

This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume
 This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume 

This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume

It started out as a joke, but now it's real ... sort of

(Newser) - What started out as a big, cheesy joke has come to pass: Pizza Hut has actually released its very own perfume. The Christian Science Monitor explains that the company's Canadian marketing group playfully suggested the idea in a Facebook post, asking fans what they would name such a scent....

Hot Debate Question: Sausage or Pepperoni?
 Hot Debate 
 Sausage or 


Hot Debate Question: Sausage or Pepperoni?

But you'll need a debate ticket first

(Newser) - Want a lifetime of free pizza? It's within reach, if you're in the audience at the next presidential debate at Hofstra University on Oct. 16. Any audience member who asks President Obama or Mitt Romney about their favorite pizza toppings will get the prize, Pizza Hut says. One...

Obama Hugger Facing Boycott
 Obama Hugger Facing Boycott 

Obama Hugger Facing Boycott

Pizzeria owner's hug sparks Yelp battle

(Newser) - The Florida pizzeria owner who bear-hugged President Obama over the weekend is facing a major backlash from cheesed-off Republicans. "People are saying a lot of bad things and boycotting my restaurant," says Scott Van Duzer , a registered Republican who voted for Obama in 2008 and plans to do...

Colbert: No Way Am I Paying More for Papa John's

Bemoans ObamaCare's reported effect on pizza prices

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is outraged by the news that ObamaCare could increase the cost of Papa John's pizza by a whopping 14 cents. "People will not pay another cent" for the pies, Colbert asserted last night , "because when you order a Papa John's pizza, it's only...

NYC Restaurant Offers $1K Caviar Pizza

Other toppings include Maine Lobster

(Newser) - Have an extra $1,000 lying around and a craving for a decadent snack? Pop in to Nino's Restaurant in New York City and order the Bellisima Pizza. The luxurious pie, going for a thousand bucks, is smothered with six different types of caviar, reports Yahoo . You'll also...

Pizza Hut Launches P'Zolo, With Eye on Subway

Meat-stuffed sandwich unveiled this week

(Newser) - Pizza Hut is entering the sandwich arena and going after fast-food powerhouse Subway with the launch of a new offering this week, the P'Zolo. The $3 P'Zolo premieres in three flavors—Italian Steak, Buffalo Chicken, and Meat Trio—and "looks like a cross between a sub, a...

Pizza's Days as 'Vegetable' Could Be Numbered

If Rep. Jared Polis and his SLICE Act have their way

(Newser) - You may soon find it tougher to pack in a day's recommended number of vegetable servings. Rep. Jared Polis is on a quest to undo what some may consider to be the best thing Congress did in all of 2011 : its declaration that pizza is still considered a vegetable—...

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years
Woman Eats Only Pizza
for 31 Years
in case you missed it

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years

Selective Eating Disorder puts Londoner's health at risk

(Newser) - Turns out eating cheese-and-tomato pizzas for 31 years isn't very good for you—who knew. But a British woman says she can't face anything else on her plate without getting the shakes, ANI reports. “I’m actually scared of fruit and veg," says London resident Claire...

Get Engaged at Pizza Hut ... for $10K

 Get Engaged 
 at Pizza Hut ... 
 for $10K 
happy valentine's day?

Get Engaged at Pizza Hut ... for $10K

Posh package even comes with a $10 dinner box

(Newser) - If you're more interested in being memorable than romantic, and happen to have a significant other that you'd like to spend the rest of your life with, you may want to propose to her ... at Pizza Hut. Because for a mere $10,010, the Hut promises to show...

Congress Declares Pizza a Vegetable

In school lunches, at least

(Newser) - Thanks to Congress, pizza is still considered a vegetable—at least where school lunches are concerned. Proposed new school lunch standards from the USDA would have limited potatoes in school lunches (think French fries) and stopped counting less than a half-cup of tomato sauce as a vegetable (think pizza), but...

Dalai Lama Pizza Joke Goes Splat

Punchline met by sound of one hand clapping

(Newser) - A goofy Aussie news anchor did not find eternal satisfaction when his lame pizza joke fell flat with a confused Dalai Lama. "So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop," begins anchor Karl Stevanovic (confused look from Dalai Lama, who turns to his translator for clarification). "...

Sbarro Pizza: What&#39;s the Point?
 Sbarro Pizza: 
 What's the Point? 

Sbarro Pizza: What's the Point?

Bankrupt restaurant chain offers bad food at high prices

(Newser) - There are a lot of theories as to why Sbarro filed for bankruptcy last month—including “too-rapid growth” and the decline of malls. But Justin Peters has “a simpler explanation: Nobody likes Sbarro,” he writes in Slate . “Devoid of atmosphere, charm, and gustatory relevance, with no...

Man Caught Planting Mice in Rival Pizzerias

Police label it an act of 'food terrorism'

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania pizza shop owner was arrested yesterday after allegedly attempting to plant mice in a pair of rival shops, in what the local police chief termed an act of “food terrorism.” Nickolas Galiatsatos, 47, walked into a bathroom at Verona Pizza carrying a plastic bag, police tell...

Domino's Driver Saves Regular Customer

Was worried when elderly woman didn't order for 3 days

(Newser) - When 82-year-old Jean Wilson fell at home and couldn’t get up, just one person came to her aid: her pizza delivery driver. Wilson has ordered a large pepperoni pizza every single day for the past three years, and Domino’s employee Susan Guy often delivers it. Guy realized something...

Egyptians Treat Wisconsin Protesters to Pizza

Local pizza shop receiving orders from 12 countries, 38 states

(Newser) - It's protest pepperoni across the waters. Egyptian sympathizers are treating Wisconsin protesters to pizza, reports Politico . In fact, Ian's on State Street, a pizza shop haunt of UW-Madison students, has been busy filling orders from 12 countries—and 38 US states—to supply slices to protesters at the State Capitol...

Domino's Posts Job Offer: $31K for Hour of Work

Pizza chain offers world's most lucrative part-time job

(Newser) - Domino's is staging a publicity stunt guaranteed to attract attention in strapped times—its Japanese branch will hire an employee to work for a single hour in December. The pay? Just over $31,000. More details will be out later this month, but "basically it's anybody over 18, no...

Police: Coffin Wood Fuels Naples Pizza Ovens

Cops believe grave robbers supply pizzerias

(Newser) - Unscrupulous pizzeria owners in Naples may be giving their pizzas that unique wood-fired taste by using cut-rate wood from coffins dug up by a gang of grave robbers, police say. "A real suspicion hangs over pizza—one of the few remaining important symbols of the city—that it could...

Try Some Locusts on Your Pizza
 Try Some Locusts on Your Pizza 

Try Some Locusts on Your Pizza

Australians beset by plague of insects try to make the best of it

(Newser) - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you swarms of locusts, make pizza. One enterprising politician in the Australian state of Victoria, which is under siege by the aggressive insects, collected a garbage bag full to be used in place of pepperoni and meatballs. "You can't...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>