
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

One Cain Accuser Did Receive Settlement: NBC

Plus, Politico reporter won't give details

(Newser) - Although Herman Cain admitted to being “falsely accused” of sexual harassment, he said he personally never paid anyone a settlement related to the allegations—but NBC News confirms at least one woman did receive a settlement from the National Restaurant Association. During his earlier statement , Cain—who was president...

News Corp Phone Hacking Settlement: $4.8M

Money will go to Milly Dowler's family, charity

(Newser) - As the phone hacking controversy rages on , News Corp has reached a settlement with the family of a murdered girl at the center of the case, Bloomberg reports. In keeping with an offer last month , the company’s British branch is paying Milly Dowler’s family about $3.2 million,...

Rupert Murdoch's News International Offers Milly Dowler Family Millions in Phone Hacking Scandal

 News International 
 Offers Dead Girl's 
 Family $4.7M 
phone hacking scandal

News International Offers Dead Girl's Family $4.7M

But the phone-hacking victims may want more

(Newser) - The price for illegal phone hacking has just skyrocketed for Rupert Murdoch. Seeking to settle a high-profile hacking case against Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old girl who was murdered in 2002, News International has offered her family roughly $4.7 million—a third of which would go to charity. But sources...

Google to Pay $500M Fine for Pharmacy Ads

Ads promoted illegal drug sales, prosecutors argued

(Newser) - Google has agreed to pay $500 million to settle a US government investigation into its distribution of online ads from Canadian pharmacies illegally selling prescription and non-prescription drugs to American consumers, a US attorney announced today. The settlement means the Internet search engine giant will not face criminal prosecution.

James Murdoch Misled Parliament on Hacking Payoffs

Hacking victims received much bigger payouts than testified

(Newser) - James Murdoch misled Parliament in Tuesday's hearing, saying the hush-money payout to one prominent phone-hacking victim was about $402,000, when in fact it was 70% more, a hefty $684,000, reports the Guardian . Despite protesting that phone-hacking settlements were not "astronomic sums," with legal costs and...

Judge: Winklevosses Can't Renege on Facebook Deal

Twins knew what they were doing when

(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled today that former Harvard University schoolmates of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg can't undo their settlement over creation of the social networking site. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said that Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss were savvy enough to understand what they were agreeing to...

Jesuits Settle Sex-Abuse Suit for $166M

Staggering case involves 470 victims in Pacific Northwest

(Newser) - A Catholic order will pay $166 million to some 470 survivors of sexual abuse and "spiritual incest" in a case of staggering scale that dates back to the 1940s at Jesuit-run schools in the Pacific Northwest. The victims were almost all Native Americans and Native Alaskans, notes the Seattle ...

BP Issues Final Payment to Just One of 91K Spill Victims

$10M final settlement payment went to undisclosed firm

(Newser) - BP's compensation fund for Gulf oil spill victims has issued a final settlement payment—to just one of the roughly 91,000 people and businesses waiting for checks, records show. And that $10 million payout went to a company after the oil giant intervened on its behalf. BP won't identify...

More Than 10K Settle Suits Over Ground Zero Dust

Just 500 refused settlement offer

(Newser) - More than 10,000 people have joined a legal settlement that will pay hundreds of millions of dollars to Ground Zero workers exposed to toxic World Trade Center dust. The near-universal acceptance of the deal was announced by a court today. It will mean an end to most litigation over...

Israel Plans New Settlements
Israel Plans New Settlements

Israel Plans New Settlements

Controversial announcement for 1,000 homes made as Netanyahu visits DC

(Newser) - Plans for 1,000 new homes to be built in East Jerusalem were published in Israeli newspapers just as Benjamin Netanyahu participated in negotiations in Washington, DC, the New York Times reports. The announcements fly in the face of American and Palestinian requests for a settlement freeze in the interest...

Verizon Pays Record $25M Fine for 'Mystery Fees'

It's the largest settlement in FCC history

(Newser) - Verizon Wireless will pay a record $25 million fine to the federal government to settle accusations it overcharged customers. Separately, Verizon is refunding $52.8 million to about 15 million customers over so-called "mystery fees" in which they were charged for data services they didn't use.

Man Gets $650K After Stripper Kick

High heel damaged his vision

(Newser) - A Florida man has won a $650,000 settlement for getting kicked in the face by a stripper, NBC Miami reports. The lawsuit charged that Michael Ireland suffers from permanent double vision after taking a high-heeled boot to the head while in a club. Ireland says the blow punctured his...

Meet the One 9/11 Family That Refuses to Settle

They want a trial, not the money

(Newser) - Since Sept. 11, 2001, every legal claim for people injured or killed in the attacks has been resolved…except one. Mark Bavis, a 31-year-old hockey scout from Boston, died on United Airlines Flight 175, and his family has no intention of joining the large group of victims and their families...

Atlanta Will Pay $4.9M in Wrongful Death of 92-Year-Old

Cops killed grandma, planted drugs on her

(Newser) - The city of Atlanta has settled with the family of a 92-year-old woman killed in an illegal police raid, agreeing to cough up $4.9 million in damages. Mayor Kasim Reed said the settlement allows the city and police department to close the door on the controversial shooting, which caused...

Angry HP Board Says Hurd Deal Undermined Probe

Sex harass deal impeded talks

(Newser) - The Hewlett-Packard board ousted former CEO Mark Hurd not because of sexual harassment charges against him, but because the board felt he went behind its back to settle with the woman who made the charges. Board members thought Hurd's deal with former actress and HP management consultant Jodie Fisher botched...

Ousted HP CEO Settles Sex-Harass Case

Mark Hurd will pay accuser undisclosed sum directly

(Newser) - Ousted Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd has settled allegations of sexual harassment lodged against him by a female contract worker, a person with intimate knowledge of the case told the AP late yesterday. The source told the AP that Hurd agreed to pay the woman, but wouldn't reveal the size of...

NYC Pays $7M in Sean Bell Shooting Lawsuit

'No amount of money can make up for the pain,' says fiancé

(Newser) - New York City has agreed to dole out more than $7 million in damages to settle a lawsuit from the family and friends of Sean Bell, the unarmed black man gunned down by police officers right before his wedding in 2006. Of that, $3.25 million will go to the...

Lesbian Teen Gets $35K Settlement Over Prom

School must pay up for violating her rights

(Newser) - A rural Mississippi school district that canceled its prom rather than allow a lesbian student to attend with her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit the ACLU filed on her behalf. The district also agreed to follow a non-discrimination policy as part of the...

Kelsey Grammer Settles Lawsuit for Just $10

 Kelsey Grammer 
 Settles Lawsuit 
 for Just $10 
big bargains dept

Kelsey Grammer Settles Lawsuit for Just $10

Swing Vote suit had apparently dragged on too long

(Newser) - In what certainly sounds like the cheapest settlement in Hollywood history, Kelsey Grammer managed to get a lawsuit to go away for a mere $10. Grammer was the last remaining defendant in a claim against a host of people involved with Swing Vote, which a former Bush staffer says was...

Judge Nixes $657M Ground Zero Deal, Wants More Talks

Fears sum won't be enough, and lawyers get too much

(Newser) - A federal judge put the kibosh today on New York City’s deal to set aside as much as $657 million for 10,000 workers sickened by toxic debris at the World Trade Center site. Alvin Hellerstein thinks it’s not enough money, would leave out other first responders to...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>