Michelle Obama

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Why Michelle Obama Should Earn a Salary

The White House could take a stronger stand on equal pay: Gregory Krieg

(Newser) - President Obama is paid $400,000 a year to jet around the globe, shake hands, sign legislation, and sprout several new gray hairs . His wife, who will fly to Maryland today for a clinic for war veterans before hosting a poetry event at the White House, doesn't collect a...

Secret Service Taught Malia to Drive, Says Michelle

That's what first lady tells Rachael Ray

(Newser) - Some teenagers suffer the torture of getting driving lessons from their parents. Other teens are taught by licensed instructors. But Malia Obama isn't your average 16-year-old: Her driving lessons were provided by the US Secret Service. That's what Michelle Obama tells celebrity chef and daytime talk-show host Rachael...

Univision Fires Host Over Michelle Obama Comment

Rodner Figueroa made 'Planet of the Apes' reference

(Newser) - Talk show host Rodner Figueroa was fired from Univision after saying that Michelle Obama looks like someone from the cast of Planet of the Apes. Figueroa, who's known for his biting fashion commentary, made his remarks during a live segment of the show El Gordo y la Flaca. The...

Saudis Grumble About 'Immodest' Michelle Obama

She didn't wear headscarf during brief visit

(Newser) - The Obamas cut short their India visit to visit Saudi Arabia after the death of King Abdullah , and while Michelle didn't do anything truly outrageous like leave her arms uncovered or drive a car, some Saudis were annoyed by her failure to wear a headscarf. More than 1,500...

Ex-Cuba Prisoner, CVS Boss Among Michelle&#39;s Guests
 Ex-Cuba Prisoner, 
 CVS Boss Among 
 Michelle's Guests 
state of the union

Ex-Cuba Prisoner, CVS Boss Among Michelle's Guests

President preps for State of the Union amid healthier poll numbers

(Newser) - President Obama goes into tomorrow's State of the Union address with some momentum : A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds his approval rating now stands at 50%, which is the highest since spring 2013; improving views on the economy are a big factor, the Post reports. Meanwhile, the White House...

Mike Huckabee Dings Obama on Parenting

Former governor's big concern: Beyonce

(Newser) - Amid murmurs of another presidential run, Mike Huckabee has left his Fox News show behind—but in an interview with People , he still had time to make his views on the Obamas clear. How can such concerned parents, he wondered, let their daughters listen to Beyonce? "I don't...

Michelle Obama Dances With Turnip

To 'Turn Down for What'

(Newser) - A Twitter Q&A with Michelle Obama yesterday got amusing when Iman Crosson —while impersonating President Obama—asked his question via a Vine video: "How many calories do you burn every time you 'turn up'?" The first lady responded in a Vine video of her own,...

How the Secret Service 'Bungled' White House Shooting

Agency didn't even know White House had been hit: investigation

(Newser) - The Secret Service fumbled its response to a 2011 attack on the White House so badly that the president and Michelle Obama were furious with the agency behind closed doors, according to a Washington Post investigation. The Post's article—apparently based on documents, radio transmissions, and interviews with key...

Michelle Obama Stars in 'Funny or Die' Video

'Snackpocalypse' is fake horror movie trailer about junk food

(Newser) - No, “Snackpocalypse” is not a real movie—though it sure looks like one. The mock trailer features Chloe Grace Moretz in a world where junk food has turned people into zombies, Politico reports. It's the latest in Michelle Obama's campaign to get US schools to offer fruits...

Michelle Obama: 'Blood of Africa' in My Veins

First lady urges young African leaders to focus on women's rights

(Newser) - Her husband didn't dwell much on his African heritage when he addressed a group of young leaders from the continent this week in DC, but first lady Michelle Obama took the opposite approach today, reports Reuters . “The blood of Africa runs through my veins, and I care deeply,...

School Officials: Kids Just Throw Away Healthy Food

We can't make students eat it, says official

(Newser) - It's not just House Republicans that are fighting Michelle Obama's healthy school lunches. School officials say kids across the country are actually throwing away the healthy food offered to them in place of less-healthy options. In New Mexico, whole-wheat tortillas went into the garbage, while whole-grain biscuits in...

Michelle Obama to Congress: Hands Off of School Lunches

First lady hits House attempts to weaken school lunch standards

(Newser) - She's not naming any names, but Michelle Obama is taking to the pages of the New York Times today to call out "some members of the House of Representatives" who took the "Let's Move" in her anti-childhood obesity program to mean "Let's Move ... Squarely...

Michelle Obama's School Lunch Rules in GOP Cross Hairs

New bill would let schools opt out of program championed by first lady

(Newser) - No Obama program is safe from House Republicans—even when the Obama in question is Michelle. A GOP agriculture and food spending released yesterday contains a provision that would take a bite out of the first lady's stricter school lunch health standards, the AP reports. With many schools complaining...

First Lady Condemns Kidnapping of Girls

Michelle Obama does weekly address, raises issue of girls' education worldwide

(Newser) - Michelle Obama took over the weekly presidential address to mark Mother's Day weekend, and she devoted her remarks to the kidnapped girls in Nigeria , reports CNN . The first lady said that she and the president are "outraged and heartbroken" over the mass kidnapping by Boko Haram. "This...

Schools: Healthy Lunch Rules Go Too Far

Teens see Michelle Obama as culprit

(Newser) - Schools are struggling to adhere to new government rules on healthy lunches, and school officials are asking Washington to step back. "The regulations are so prescriptive, so it's difficult to manage not only the nutrition side of your businesses but the business side of your business," a...

After Students Protest, First Lady Scraps Grad Speech

She will speak at Topeka event a day earlier instead

(Newser) - High school students in Topeka, Kansas, have decided they would rather have friends and family members at their graduation ceremony than Michelle Obama. The first lady ditched plans to speak at a combined commencement ceremony for five high schools after students protested that security concerns would limit the number of...

Obamas Pay $98K in Taxes on $481K of Income

They donate $59K to charities

(Newser) - President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama paid $98,169 in taxes on $481,098 income last year, according to tax returns the White House released today. They paid an effective federal income tax rate of 20.4%. The 42-page document shows the Obamas reported donating $59,251 to 32...

Obamas Celebrate MLK Day at Soup Kitchen

President proves he is not good at identifying taco meat

(Newser) - Barack Obama is honoring Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of service by helping a soup kitchen prepare its daily meals. Obama took Michelle, Sasha, and Malia to DC Central Kitchen, which is a few minutes away from the White House by presidential motorcade. They joined an assembly line...

Michelle Obama's New Agenda: College Access

First lady shifts attention from kids' bellies to teens' minds

(Newser) - Sorry, potentially obese children of America, Michelle Obama has a new hobby. The first lady is taking up the cause of higher education access, particularly for low-income students, the New York Times observes, an effort that could come with a greater role in shaping policy. Today, she'll speak at...

Monument to First Lady's Ancestor Toppled

Police investigating incident in Georgia

(Newser) - Police in Georgia are investigating after a monument dedicated to one of first lady Michelle Obama's relatives was knocked over in suburban Atlanta. Clayton County Commissioner Sonna Singleton tells WSB-TV that a stone monument to Obama's great-great-great-grandmother, Melvinia Shields, was pushed over and will need to be inspected...

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