
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Hamas Pitches Deal for Gaza 'Calm'

Offer to Israel, through Egypt, also provides for eventual truce in West Bank

(Newser) - Meeting with Egyptian authorities, Hamas leaders today proposed a truce with Israel in the Gaza Strip and, eventually, the West Bank, Reuters reports. A Palestinian source said the group agreed to "a calm” in Gaza and, after a “specified period,” in the West Bank. The deal, supported...

Carter: Rice Is Fibbing, Didn't Nix Hamas Meet

Secretary of state and former president at odds over warnings

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter continued a war of words with Condoleezza Rice today over whether he was officially warned against meeting with Hamas leaders last week—insisting through reps that, “perhaps inadvertently, she is continuing to make a statement that is not true.” The Secretary of State said yesterday a...

Rice Refutes Carter, Says US Advised Against Trip

She clarifies opposition to Hamas meeting

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice says the US explicitly advised Jimmy Carter not to meet with Hamas, refuting claims by the former president that no one in the government told him to scrap the trip, the Washington Post reports. "I just don't want there to be any confusion," Rice said. "...

Hamas Would Accept Peace With Israel: Carter

Militant faction would follow Abbas-led deal if put to vote

(Newser) - Hamas would accept a peace deal brokered by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas if  Palestinian voters favored the agreement, Jimmy Carter said after talks with a Hamas leader in Damascus. "There's no doubt that both the Arab world and the Palestinians, including Hamas, will accept Israel's right to live in...

Carter Meets With Hamas Chief

Ex-president draws widespread criticism for talks with Palestinian group

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter met today with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal despite protests from the US State Department and the Israeli government. A Hamas deputy told the AP the agenda would include strategies to calm tensions between Israel and Hamas, as well as the fate of a kidnapped Israeli soldier. Carter has...

Gaza Fighting Kills at Least 23
 Gaza Fighting Kills at Least 23 

Gaza Fighting Kills at Least 23

Reuters journalist among the dead in Israeli offensive

(Newser) - Three Israeli soldiers and at least 20 Palestinians were killed today as Israeli attacks rocked the Gaza Strip, the AP reports. Fadel Shana, a Reuters cameraman, was among the dead in fighting that undermined an Egyptian-negotiated peace effort and saw the highest death toll in a month.

Carter Meets With Former Hamas Minister

Ex-prez defies Israel, Bush, and lays wreath on Arafat's grave

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter traveled to the West Bank today to meet a former Hamas minister, ignoring strenuous objections by Israeli leaders. Carter also laid a wreath on Yasser Arafat’s tomb, a customary gesture of respect President Bush pointedly avoided on his last visit, Reuters reports.

Israel Won't Help Protect Carter
Israel Won't Help Protect Carter

Israel Won't Help Protect Carter

Stonewalling by Olmert's security force 'unprecedented' breach: Secret Service

(Newser) - Israeli leaders won’t meet with Jimmy Carter, and Israeli security won’t help protect him on his trip through the country, Reuters reports. As Israel’s Shin Bet and the Secret Service sparred over whether the Americans asked for help, a source called the security snub “unprecedented.”...

Israeli Gunfire Kills 5, Wounds 18 in Central Gaza

Two Hamas militants killed in air strike

(Newser) - Israeli gun and tank fire in Gaza today killed at least five Palestinians, including two boys, said officials at a Palestinian hospital. The wounded included 18 civilians and two fighters. Israeli officials said troops entered the area to quell terrorist activity and push Palestinians from a border fence when they...

Carter to Meet Hamas Leader Despite White House Policy

State Dept. 'counseled against' Syrian trip

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter plans to visit leaders of Palestinian extremist group Hamas in Syria next week despite warnings by the State Department that the rendezvous violates the Bush administration’s policy of isolating terrorist organizations, Reuters reports. Carter has scheduled talks with Khaled Meshaal, who heads Hamas’ Syrian branch and claims...

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive &amp; Well'
 Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well' 

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well'

Deputy touts his health on internet

(Newser) - Seven years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden is alive and well, according to his deputy. "Sheik Osama bin Laden is in good health. The ill-intentioned always try to circulate false reports about him being sick," said Ayman al-Zawahiri in a 104-minute recording posted on the internet. The comments...

Puppet Kills Bush on Hamas Kids' Show

Prez punished for helping Israel

(Newser) - In its newest anti-American educational video, a Hamas children's show broadcast in Gaza shows a puppet of a young Palestinian boy killing President Bush. The boy stabs the president with "the sword of Islam" to punish him for helping Israel, the Daily Telegraph reports. "You and the criminal...

Hamas Amps Up Anti-Jewish Rant

Hatred of Jews pervades media in Gaza, worries Fatah

(Newser) - In the 15 years since the Oslo accords, the Palestinian Authority under Fatah has tamped down anti-Semitic rhetoric. But in Hamas-controlled Gaza, incitement to violence against Jews has been amped up in everything from sermons to television cartoons. The New York Times investigates how virulent hatred of Jews—not just...

Israeli Hostage Alive: Hamas
 Israeli Hostage Alive: Hamas 

Israeli Hostage Alive: Hamas

Offer to avoid civilian targets

(Newser) - Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is alive, Hamas leader Khalid Meshaal tells Britain's Sky News. "Gilad is alive and we are treating him well but Israel is treating the Palestinian prisoners they hold very badly,"  he said in an interview in Damascus, offering the first word in almost...

Obama Takes Image Rehab to The View
Obama Takes Image Rehab
to The View

Obama Takes Image Rehab to The View

Candidate says he was gone from church if pastor Wright wasn't

(Newser) - Barack Obama "wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church" had Jeremiah Wright not retired this year, he said today on The View. Obama reiterated his denunciation of his ex-pastor’s sermons, saying Wright had “deeply offended people,” CNN reports. He also told Barbara Walters &...

Islamic Groups Reject Truce in Egypt Peace Talks

Islamic Jihad, Hamas want more concessions before truce with Israel

(Newser) - Egypt’s talks with Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, aimed at establishing a truce with Israel, ended unsuccessfully today, Reuters reports. The militant groups demanded Israel stop Gaza and West Bank raids, end its Gaza blockade, and reopen border-crossings. Hamas and Israel already appear to have instituted a...

The West Warms to Hamas, But Israel Stays Cold

Even the US promotes contact with the radial Islamist party

(Newser) - The West may be warming to talks with Palestine's radical Hamas party, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The EU is promoting them, and Washington has nudged Egypt to spark Israel-Hamas dialogue, although Jerusalem remains staunchly opposed. "Whoever invites us to negotiate with Hamas is actually inviting us to negotiate...

Fatah and Hamas Sign Deal, But Feuding Continues

Rival Palestinian factions bicker over control of Gaza

(Newser) - In a second attempt to mend fences, rival Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas agreed to resume direct talks today to resolve disputes and revive their failed coalition. A Hamas official called the deal “a new beginning and the start of a new stage,” but just hours after signing...

Prominent Italian Muslim Baptized by Pope

Convert Takes Big Step at Vatican During Easter Vigil

(Newser) - Italy's best-known commentator on Islam converted to Catholicism yesterday at the Vatican, during Easter vigil, and was baptized by the Pope himself, the AP reports. Though Magdi Allam was born a Muslim, he said he "never" practiced his native religion, and made his name criticizing Islamic fanaticism, receiving death...

Jihad Rockets Hit Israel After Raid

Moratorium collapses

(Newser) - A week-long moratorium on rocket attacks in Israel exploded today when the militant group Islamic Jihad fired two rockets into the town of Sderot on the Gaza border. Nobody was injured in the attack. The radical Palestinian group claims its rocket launch was in retaliation for a raid by the...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>