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Black Friday: Traffic Up, Sales Down

Thanks to Thursday store openings

(Newser) - There were nearly 308 million store visits on Black Friday this year, a 3.5% increase from last year, but sales were down 1.8% to $11.2 billion, according to a ShopperTrak analysis. Why? Blame stores that actually opened on Thursday night, CNN reports. "While foot traffic did...

Viewers Hated Matt Lauer as Macy&#39;s Parade Host
Viewers Hated Matt Lauer
as Macy's Parade Host
best tweets

Viewers Hated Matt Lauer as Macy's Parade Host

Time for him to retire, suggests one tweet

(Newser) - Is Matt Lauer getting too old to host the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade coverage for NBC? Twitter seems to think so. Some of the harshest tweets directed at Lauer yesterday, as rounded up by the New York Post :
  • @WrongImpression : "Dear Matt Lauer, RETIRE. YOU LOOK LIKE A CROTCHETY

Your Black Friday Strategy Guide

If you insist on going into the fray, here's what to do

(Newser) - "Black Friday is for suckers," declares Farhad Manjoo in Slate —but, assuming you still insist on going shopping tomorrow, he has some advice. So do Caity Weaver in Gawker , Matthew Ong in US News and World Report , and Herb Weisbaum on Today :
  • Download some of the new

10 Weird Thanksgiving Facts
 10 Weird Thanksgiving Facts 

10 Weird Thanksgiving Facts

It was supposed to be a day for fasting...

(Newser) - Thanksgiving feasts and TV dinners may seem like polar opposites, but in fact, the holiday gave birth to the prepackaged meals. Swanson bought way too much turkey in 1953—an extra 260 tons of it—so a salesman suggested packing the leftovers into 5,000 aluminum trays, accompanied by sweet...

Macy's Parade Cheers NYC After Storm

Elf on a Shelf, Papa Smurf join Thanksgiving lineup

(Newser) - The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade kicked off in New York today, putting a festive mood in the air in a city still coping with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. The young, and the young at heart, were delighted by the sight and sound of marching bands, performers and,...

Let's Stop Wasting Precious Helium on Giant Balloons

Our supply is dwindling, and helium matters

(Newser) - This story may leave you feeling a bit deflated. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a waste of the world's dwindling helium supply, argue Miriam Krule and Noam Prywes for Slate , and it may be time to put a pin in the balloons. Earth's supply of 1....

The Election Is Ruining Thanksgiving

Political conversations among relatives can be icky

(Newser) - The AP confirms what many may already be thinking: Thanksgiving is going to stink this year. After such a heated election, many part-Democrat, part-Republican families will likely be passing the green bean casserole ... and passing angry political barbs back and forth. As proof, the AP takes an in-advance peek at...

Cops: Neighbor Kills Family's Pet Turkey

Also, Obama cracks wise about Nate Silver while pardoning two birds

(Newser) - A Florida man thought he found a cheap way to put a turkey on the table for Thanksgiving: He admitted to police that he snuck onto his neighbors' property with a friend and killed a bird with a bow and arrow, reports the Pensacola News Journal . The problem is that...

Please, End the White House Turkey Pardon

It's reached new levels of absurdity: Peter Grier

(Newser) - OK, this presidential turkey pardon thing is getting ridiculous: This year, the tradition involves two birds, a contest, and Facebook profiles including details about the fowl (like a love of Carly Simon one of the turkeys supposedly has). "This isn’t a lighter moment in a president’s otherwise...

PETA to Obama: Don't Pardon the Turkey

It makes a joke of the 'mass slaughter,' says group

(Newser) - President Obama will do the annual pardon-the-turkey thing today, and one group you might not expect is raising objections: PETA. The animal-rights group sent a letter to Obama complaining that the ceremony "makes light of the mass slaughter of some 46 million gentle, intelligent birds," reports the Hill...

Thanksgiving Day: Really 4,500 Calories?

One reporter puts it to the test

(Newser) - So, you've heard that Americans typically wolf down more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day? That's what the Calorie Control Council says, but Tara Parker-Pope at the New York Times was skeptical. So she cooked up a highly indulgent Thanksgiving meal, including 6 ounces of turkey with...

Target Jumps on Black Thursday Bandwagon

Joins Walmart, among other places, in opening its doors on Thanksgiving

(Newser) - Target is joining the chorus of retailers who want you to shop on Thanksgiving , announcing that it will open its doors at 9pm, up from last year's midnight opening. Tasteless? Not according to a Target VP, who describes the 9pm opening as "a perfect balance." And it...

Walmart's 'Black Friday' to Start 2 Hours Earlier

On Thursday, doors will open at 8pm

(Newser) - Last year Black Friday became Black Midnight . This year, Walmart is instituting Black Thanksgiving Dessert Hour. That's right: The store's doors will open at 8pm on Thanksgiving, a full two hours earlier than they opened last year, reports the Wall Street Journal . And in a bid to ensure...

Stewart to Fox: Leave Thanksgiving Alone

Obama's address didn't need to include 'God'

(Newser) - If you’re not a Fox News fan, you may have missed the "uproar” President Obama’s Thanksgiving address caused—numerous Fox hosts were outraged that the president didn’t mention God. Well, Jon Stewart is outraged over the outrage. “If I recall my grade school pageants correctly,...

Scenes From Black Friday: Gunshots, Pepper Spray

... and some shopping, too

(Newser) - The American holiday shopping season has begun in earnest. Early signs point to bigger crowds than last year, but the violence keeps mounting on Black Friday (especially at Walmarts):

One in 7 Americans Traveling This Holiday

Estimate of 42.5 million is up over last year despite higher prices

(Newser) - If it seems a little crowded out there on the highways and byways, there's good reason: AAA predicts that 42.5 million Americans will be traveling this holiday via planes, trains, or automobiles, reports AP . That's up 4% from last year and the highest since the recession began...

Let's End Black Friday Craze With 6-6-6 Plan

Writer suggests special tax for goods bought during the madness

(Newser) - Like a lot of people, economics professor Robert H. Frank hates that Black Friday is now creeping into Thanksgiving Day itself. Unlike most, he's got a suggestion to stop the madness. With apologies to Herman Cain, he proposes a 6-6-6 plan: a 6% national sales tax on stuff bought...

Obama: Keep Hope Alive on Thanksgiving

Weekly address thanks troops, nation

(Newser) - President Obama’s weekly address is a Thanksgiving message for hard times. “I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most,” he says in the White House video. “But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for...

Save Your Heart: Walk Before the Big Meal

Exercise 12 hours before eating lessens spike in dangerous fats

(Newser) - The best time to walk off a gut-busting Thanksgiving dinner is at least 12 hours before you eat it, researchers say. Studies have found that light exercise, like a half-hour walk, done 12 to 16 hours before a big meal significantly reduces the post-meal spike in a type of fat...

PETA Serves 'Baby' for Thanksgiving Dinner

Calm down, it's just a doll

(Newser) - Thanksgiving might just be PETA’s least favorite holiday , and to air their disapproval this year, activists served “baby” for Thanksgiving dinner at displays in Philadelphia and Baltimore. They set up a Thanksgiving spread on a sidewalk, the group’s media coordinator explains to the Los Angeles Times , except...

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