gay rights

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Santorum an 'Uncompassionate Conservative'

Santorum's 'uber-Catholicism' lacks humanity, says Dowd

(Newser) - With his repeated attacks on gay marriage and gay rights in general, Rick Santorum is "an unexpected revival of ... uncompassionate conservatism," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "Rick Perry baits gays because it’s good politics; Santorum sincerely means it," Dowd writes. "His...

Washington Guv: We Will Legalize Gay Marriage

Chris Gregoire declares her support publicly for the first time

(Newser) - Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire firmly declared her support for gay marriage yesterday, announcing that she will propose a law legalizing it in the state. For the past seven years, Gregoire has given vague answers on the topic, but she said it is her head and her heart leading her to...

Landmark Texas Sodomy Case Slips Perry's Mind

Gay-rights case he opposed doesn't ring a bell

(Newser) - Rick Perry drew a blank yesterday when asked about a Supreme Court landmark decision that struck down Texas' anti-sodomy law during his time as governor. Perry—who defended the law ahead of the Lawrence vs Texas case, and mentioned it in his latest book—said he didn't know about...

Cardinal Likens Gay Rights Movement to KKK

Chicago's Francis George under fire

(Newser) - Gay rights groups in Chicago are criticizing the city's Catholic cardinal for drawing a comparison between the gay rights movement and the Ku Klux Klan, reports the Chicago Tribune . Weighing in on a dispute between a local pastor complaining about the timing of a gay pride parade, Cardinal Francis...

Milestone: 2 Women Share 'First Kiss' in Navy Tradition

Same-sex partners smooch after ship's return from sea

(Newser) - Those who still pine for don't ask, don't tell better not look, either: Two female sailors shared a traditional "first kiss" today after a Navy ship returned from sea, reports AP . Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta kissed her partner, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell, after...

Bachmann Hubby Calls Kinsey Report on Gays a 'Myth'

Gay-friendly supporter questions candidate in Iowa

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's husband put another notch in his anti-gay belt yesterday. Marcus Bachmann, whose Christian clinic urges patients to abandon homosexuality , had a memorable exchange with a gay-friendly Bachmann supporter (so they exist?) while stumping with Michele at an Iowa pizza restaurant, CNN reports . The supporter, Kathy Schnell, even...

Newt's Gay Half-Sister: Vote Obama

She and candidate 'mutually respectful,' but 'he is on the wrong side of history'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might be surging in the polls, but he's not gaining any traction among a small part of his own family: Half-sister Candace Gingrich-Jones, a lesbian who has often sparred with her more famous sibling on gay rights, tells Rachel Maddow that she won't be voting Gingrich...

Perry Smacks Obama's Push for Gay Rights Abroad

It's not in US interests, or worth the money

(Newser) - Rick Perry was quick to jump on President Obama's decision yesterday to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights , calling it "not in America's interests," ABC News reports. "Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any more out of touch with America’...

US Will Use Foreign Aid to Push Gay Rights

Marks government's first push for LGBT rights abroad: White House

(Newser) - President Obama has ordered US agencies abroad to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights. "I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world," Obama wrote in a memorandum, calling the effort "central to the United States' commitment to promoting...

Viral Video Teen: Gay Suicides Were 'Wake-Up Call'

Iowan Zach Wahls explains his speech

(Newser) - Zach Wahls became an Internet celebrity in February, when he passionately defended gay families in a speech to Iowa lawmakers that went viral. You may have seen it going around again yesterday, as Wahls surged in popularity once again thanks to an "Ask Me Anything" session on Reddit. So,...

'Not Gay Enough' Ballplayers Win Settlement

Team with bisexual players stripped of trophy by gay sports group

(Newser) - Three bisexual softball players who say they were stripped of a trophy because they were deemed "not gay enough" have reached an out-of-court settlement with a national gay sports organization. San Francisco's D2 team lost its 2008 second-place trophy in the Gay Softball World Series when the North...

University Demands Workers Sign 'Not Gay' Pledge

Sign 'lifestyle statement' or lose your job, Georgia school says

(Newser) - Georgia's Shorter University wants to know what's happening in its workers' bedrooms. The conservative Christian university is demanding that its 200 employees sign a "Personal Lifestyle Statement" rejecting homosexuality, adultery, and premarital sex, the New York Daily News reports. Those who don't sign the pledge face...

Gay Rights Pioneer Axel Axgil Dead at 96
  Gay Rights Pioneer 
  Axel Axgil Dead at 96

Gay Rights Pioneer Axel Axgil Dead at 96

Danish activist tied the knot in world's 1st gay marriage

(Newser) - Axel Axgil spent decades fighting to make Denmark the first country in the world to legalize same-sex partnerships and, after victory in 1989, was the first to enter a union under the new law. Argil, who has died at the age of 96, helped found one of Europe's oldest...

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay
Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Also, no abortion for rape victims, but he wouldn't ban it

(Newser) - Herman Cain hit on some hot-button social issues in his interview with Piers Morgan last night, including homosexuality and abortion. In one exchange transcribed by Politico , Cain says that “because of my biblical beliefs” he thinks being gay is “a personal choice,” challenging Morgan to show him...

Cheerleader: Gay Kiss Got Me Booted Off Squad

Security camera footage resulted in suspension from school

(Newser) - Security footage of a Texas teen kissing another boy got him suspended from school and thrown off the cheerleading squad, he tells KPLC-TV . The teen believes school officials deliberately sought to catch him in the act. "They never check cameras for anything unless something is stolen," he says....

Bid to Repeal Gay History Law in California Fails

Petition doesn't get enough signatures to force vote

(Newser) - A win for gay rights advocates in California: Opponents hoped to repeal a new law that requires public schools to teach about the contributions of gay people, but they failed to get enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . That means the law will take...

Pioneer Who Coined Phrase 'Gay Is Good' Dead at 86

Frank Kameny, leader of the gay rights movement, dead at 86

(Newser) - Gay is good. "If I am remembered for anything I hope it will be that," Frank Kameny said of the phrase he coined, in a 2009 AP interview. The gay rights pioneer died yesterday at age 86; the Washington Post notes that Oct. 11 is, fittingly, National Coming...

Obama: Don't Just Sit There When People Boo a Soldier

President fires away at GOP contenters at gay rights fundraiser

(Newser) - Ah, election season—when politicians remember that they once had guts. President Obama swung hard at GOP presidential hopefuls last night, blasting them for not condemning the crowd that booed a gay soldier at a Republican debate on Sept. 22, reports the Hill . "We don’t believe in the...

Shoppers Blast Retailers' Online Anti-Gay Ties

Petitions prompt Microsoft, Apple to cut connection to charity group

(Newser) - Apple, Microsoft, and an array of other online retailers have found themselves at the center of a gay-rights battle, the New York Times reports. The retailers have been tied to an Internet marketer, the Charity Giveback Group, that receives a commission when it sends the retailers an online customer. There'...

Santorum: 'I Condemn' Boos of Gay Soldier

Says he didn't hear them at the time

(Newser) - Rick Santorum looked to bring boo-gate to a halt on Fox News yesterday: "I condemn the people who booed that gay soldier," he said, referring to the handful of jeers during a question at the GOP debate about Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The candidate says he...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>