gay rights

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

On 'Don't Ask,' Even Dick Cheney Sees the Light
On 'Don't Ask,' Even
Dick Cheney Sees the Light

On 'Don't Ask,' Even Dick Cheney Sees the Light

Ex-VP says it's time to reconsider policy

(Newser) - Opponents of repealing the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy should realize that even Dick Cheney thinks they're stuck in the past, writes Eugene Robinson. The former veep—in a miraculous moment of sense during an interview with This Week filled with the usual fear-mongering—said it's time to reconsider...

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell
 75% of Americans Oppose 
 Don't Ask, Don't Tell 
Poll Numbers

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The country has changed a lot since 1993

(Newser) - The American public overwhelmingly supports allowing gay people to serve openly in the military, which wasn’t the case when “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was introduced in 1993. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, three out of four respondents supported allowing openly gay service members. That’...

Why Saints LB Scott Fujita Makes the Ladies Swoon
 Why Saints LB Scott Fujita 
 Makes the Ladies Swoon 

Why Saints LB Scott Fujita Makes the Ladies Swoon

He's pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and wants to be a teacher

(Newser) - We all know the big names playing in tomorrow’s Super Bowl—Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Reggie Bush—but Irin Carmon has an enormous crush on Saints linebacker Scott Fujita, and thinks you should, too. Some reasons why, per Jezebel :
  • Though he was given up for adoption by a teen

Congressman: Lifting 'Don't Ask' Will Mean Hermaphrodites

Duncan Hunter thinks it's a slippery slope

(Newser) - California congressman Duncan Hunter is raising a unique argument against repealing the ban on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The one-time GOP presidential candidate thinks allowing openly gay soldiers will destroy the "special bond" among soldiers by opening the military to "transgenders, to hermaphrodites, to gays and lesbians."...

Pentagon: Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is About 'Integrity'

Gates, Mullen tell senators the year-long process has begun

(Newser) - Rolling back Don't Ask, Don't Tell boils down to a simple matter of "integrity," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told senators today. Adm. Mike Mullen and defense secretary Robert Gates took to Capitol Hill to provide details on how the Pentagon is beginning a year-long...

Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is Typical Liberal Bunk
 Repealing 'Don't Ask' 
 Is Typical Liberal Bunk 
William Kristol

Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is Typical Liberal Bunk

Doing 'the right thing' isn't good enough, says William Kristol

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to press ahead with repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell is wrong on several fronts, writes William Kristol. For starters, "it would be reckless to require the military to carry out a major sociological change, one contrary to the preferences of a large majority of its members,...

CBS KOs Gay Super Bowl Ad
 CBS KOs Gay Super Bowl Ad 

CBS KOs Gay Super Bowl Ad

Network declares gay dating site's spot unfit for broadcast

(Newser) - Is CBS using Super Bowl advertising to pursue a political agenda? The network is facing controversy after turning down an ad for gay dating site but approving an anti-abortion spot featuring University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow. CBS rejected ManCrunch's ad, which features two men making out...

NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast
 NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast 

NY Senate Race Gets Ugly Fast

Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand, challenger Harold Ford Jr. out for blood

(Newser) - Kirsten Gillibrand isn’t playing nice anymore. The New York Democrat is heeding advisers’ counsel and going for the jugular against Senate primary opponent Harold Ford Jr., who’s been lobbing bombs faster than she can keep up. Until now, Gillibrand’s mostly attacked Ford through proxies, generating little buzz...

Police Shut Down 'Mr. Gay China' Pageant

Police say organizers didn't apply 'according to procedures'

(Newser) - Chinese police shut down the “Mr. Gay China” pageant an hour before it was set to start, saying the organizers didn’t apply for permissions “according to the procedures.” The event was seen as a symbol of China’s newfound acceptance of homosexuality, which was illegal in...

Italy Plans Prison for Transgendered Cons

Gay rights groups hail move to create special detention center

(Newser) - Italy plans to convert an almost-empty women's prison into one of the world's first jails for transgender inmates. The nation has been holding transgender cons in women's prisons where they are segregated for their own safety, the BBC reports. The jail near Florence is expected to house some 30 transgender...

You've Come a Long Way, Mr. Gay China

Pageant shows rapidly shifting attitudes to homosexuality

(Newser) - When the eight finalists of the first Mr. Gay China pageant strut the catwalk of a Beijing club this Friday, they'll be doing something that was once unthinkable in a country where gay sex was illegal until 1997 and homosexuality was classed as a mental illness until 2001. These days,...

Gay Marriage Bill Dies in NJ Senate

Measure defeated 20-14; incoming governor promised veto

(Newser) - New Jersey's state senate today defeated a bill to legalize gay marriage, leaving it unlikely the state will have a gay marriage law in the very near future. The bill needed 21 votes to pass, but was defeated 20-14. Gay-rights advocates had pushed hard to get the bill passed before...

Prop 8 Trial Going on YouTube
 Prop 8 Trial Going on YouTube 

Prop 8 Trial Going on YouTube

Watershed moment on gay marriage will be taped and broadcast

(Newser) - The federal trial to decide the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 on gay marriage will likely be videotaped and put up on YouTube. A district court judge today endorsed the idea of a delayed broadcast of the trial, which starts Monday, citing "widespread interest" in the matter and the...

Mexico City Legalizes Gay Marriage

Latin American first gives gay couples new rights

(Newser) - Mexico City is set to become the first Latin American capital to say "hola" to gay weddings after lawmakers there approved a bill yesterday giving gays full marriage rights, including the right to adopt. The bill is expected to be signed into law by Mayor Marcelo Ebrard. "We...

Uganda Won't Sentence Gays to Death

Death penalty is dropped from proposed new law

(Newser) - Uganda still views homosexuals as "repugnant," but it won't execute them or send them to jail for life because of their sexual orientation. Those two punishments are being dropped from an anti-gay bill being readied for parliament, the nation's ethics and integrity minister said. The government approves of...

Straight Woman Offers Her Right to Marry on eBay
Straight Woman Offers Her Right to Marry on eBay

Straight Woman Offers Her Right to Marry on eBay

She can't actually do that, but the bids are real, and going to charity

(Newser) - A straight woman is auctioning off her right to marry on eBay in response to the New York state senate's rejection of a gay marriage bill. Alas, Jamie Frevele can’t actually auction off the right guaranteed her by way of her heterosexual birth, The Frisky notes. But the money...

NY Rejects Gay Marriage Bill
 NY Rejects Gay Marriage Bill 

NY Rejects Gay Marriage Bill

State senate rejects measure by decisive margin

(Newser) - New York lawmakers rejected a bill today that would have made their state the sixth to allow gay marriage. The measure failed by a wider-than-expected margin of 38-24. Not a single Republican senator voted in favor, dooming the bill's chances. Gov. David Paterson, a strong advocate, had pledged to sign...

To Protect Marriage, Ban Divorce
To Protect Marriage,
Ban Divorce

To Protect Marriage, Ban Divorce

Calif. man thinks straight people should give up rights, too

(Newser) - If the whole point of banning gay marriage in California was to protect “traditional” marriage, shouldn’t voters go a step further and outlaw divorce, the No. 1 threat to domestic bliss? John Marcotte thinks so, and to that end the happily married—Catholic—father of two and ardent...

Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Richard Cohen

Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage

It's not recipe for promiscuity, it's a vote for family

(Newser) - You know you’ve got a problem when the only way a guy who was "antisocial, a misfit, an incompetent psychiatrist and a likely Islamic fanatic" could get out of the military is if he was gay, writes Richard Cohen. The military should get its priorities straight, he writes...

Judge Blocks Latin America's 1st Gay Wedding

Argentine couple's case sent to supreme court at last minute

(Newser) - An Argentine judge put the kibosh on Latin America's first gay wedding before it could take place today. The federal judge ruled yesterday to reverse a decision from a Buenos Aires judge allowing the wedding to proceed, the AP reports, until the country's supreme court can consider the issue. Jose...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>