gay rights

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>

School Breaks With Feds Over Gay Rights

San Jose State stops blood drives, cites FDA rule banning gays

(Newser) - Saying a federal directive aimed at keeping gay men from donating blood violates school non-discrimination policies, the president of a California university is stopping blood drives on campus, the San Jose Mercury News reports. In a campus-wide email, San Jose State University president Don Kassing says a ban on such...

Insurer Rejects Church Over Gay Support

Fear of retaliation leads to denial of application for property coverage

(Newser) - A Michigan church has been denied property insurance not because it sits on the wrong side of the tracks, but because its national governing body sanctions gay marriage and the ordination of homosexuals, reports the Wall Street Journal. Denials are normally reserved for high-risk applicants, and Brotherhood Mutual was concerned...

NH Rings in Civil Unions With New Year

First primary state becomes 4th to recognize same-sex vows

(Newser) - At midnight, New Hampshire became the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions, and more than 40 couples came from across the state to ring in 2008 with vows under the State House arch, the Concord Monitor reports. Planned as a small ceremony for about 20 couples, the event drew...

Nepal Court Rules for Gay Rights
Nepal Court Rules for Gay Rights

Nepal Court Rules for Gay Rights

Landmark decision to scrap laws discriminating against gay, lesbian, transgender Nepalese

(Newser) - Conservative Nepal must stop its discrimination against homosexuals and make laws to protect their rights, the nation's highest court ruled yesterday. The decision is a major victory for gay rights advocates in the Himalayan country, where gay men and women have long complained of discrimination and attacks, BBC reports. "...

California Episcopals Split Over Gay Rights

Legal battles likely to ensue after diocese breaks with church

(Newser) - A California diocese split with the Episcopal Church today over its defense of gay and women's rights, Reuters reports. The Diocese of San Joaquin, home to 47 churches and 8,800 congregants around Fresno, voted for the break by a vote of 173-22 among delegates. “This is the first...

Philly Boots Scouts Over Gays
Philly Boots Scouts Over Gays

Philly Boots Scouts Over Gays

City won't give anti-homosexual group $1 lease on city property

(Newser) - Philadelphia will evict the Boy Scouts from a municipal building known as the group’s birthplace, citing its exclusion of gay members, the New York Times reports. The city requires renters to put nondiscriminatory language into leases; the BSA has fought the stipulation at the building where it's held the...

Rice Ripped for Stonewalling Rights for Gay Partners

Ex-ambassador quits: 'More benefits for pets'

(Newser) - The former US ambassador to Romania has quit the Foreign Service to protest its treatment of gays, the Washington Post reports. Michael E. Guest had some parting shots for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the system that he said gives same-sex partners of members of the Foreign Service fewer...

Iranian Official Says Gays Merit Death Penalty

Confirms quiet policy of torture, execution for homosexuals

(Newser) - Tehran is sanctioning the execution and perhaps torture of homosexuals, reports the London Times, and an Iranian politician confirmed the policy at a meeting with British MPs. Quizzed about the hanging of two boys accused of homosexual activity, a member of Iran's energy committee responded that gays should be killed—...

Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted
Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted

Gay Groups Want Craig Probe Halted

Citing Vitter, activists see ‘homophobic’ double standard

(Newser) - Prominent gay rights groups are calling on the Senate Ethics Committee to drop its sexual misconduct probe of Larry Craig, calling the panel’s focus on the senator’s case—combined with the lack of focus on David Vitter’s—“hypocrisy tinged by homophobia.” The two groups say...

Chicago Episcopalians Pass on Lesbian Bishop

But new bish calls for 'full inclusion' of gays

(Newser) - Chicago’s Episcopal Diocese today passed up lesbian Tracey Lind for its bishop post, instead electing popular Midwest-native Jeffrey Lee. But Lee is a firm supporter of gay inclusion, much to conservatives’ chagrin. “I believe God is calling us to full inclusion of gays and lesbians in ministry of...

Pat's Nod Gives License to Pull Rudy Lever

But press overstates endorsement power, Salon scribe says

(Newser) - Pat Robertson’s endorsement will undoubtedly help Rudy Giuliani snag conservative votes, but the televangelist's nod can only do so much to help the pro-choice divorcé, writes Salon’s Walter Shapiro—and Rudy may be satisfied with that. The aging evangelical has granted permission for those already attracted to Rudy...

House Bans Bias Against Gays at Work

Major civil rights measure now moves to Senate

(Newser) - It took more than 30 years, but House Democrats today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals, the New York Times reports. Thirty-five Republicans joined 200 Democrats to pass the legislation, which would amend the Civil Rights Act and safeguard workers against discrimination because of their “actual or...

Lib Label Belies Solidly Right Views

Pundits say Rudy's too 'liberal' for GOP nom; polls show otherwise

(Newser) - Pundits call Rudy too “liberal” to win the GOP nom, but his views on free speech, religion, and government secrecy say otherwise, writes David Greenberg of the Washington Post. Even Rudy's takes on guns, gays, and abortion—allegedly left—are far from it. “As any New Yorker can...

Senate OKs Judge Opposed by Civil Rights Groups

He'll serve on federal court in the South

(Newser) - The Senate today confirmed a judge opposed by civil rights groups to a seat on a federal appeals court in the South. Judge Leslie Southwick will serve on the 5th Circuit, which comprises Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, the New York Times reports. A civil rights leader called the appointment  “...

Obama Angers Gays With Choice of Gospel Singer

Donnie McClurkin has said homosexuality can be 'cured'

(Newser) - A Grammy-winning gospel singer who claims homosexuality can be “cured” is scheduled to perform this weekend at a show organized by Barack Obama's campaign, setting off a political brouhaha in the gay community. Obama’s camp has rejected calls to drop Donnie McClurkin, the Chicago Tribune reports, but the...

Whoops! Uncle Sam Doesn't Want You
Whoops! Uncle Sam Doesn't Want You

Whoops! Uncle Sam Doesn't Want You

Homosexual-unfriendly US military unwittingly lists jobs on gay site

(Newser) - The US Army, Navy and Air Force were surprised Tuesday to learn they'd been advertising thousands of jobs on, a gay networking website included in job-listing giant's "diversity and inclusion" package. The website is at odds with the military's exclusionary "don't ask, don't tell"...

Label Doesn't Fit to a T
Label Doesn't Fit to a T

Label Doesn't Fit to a T

Salon pundit ponders paradox of gay-rights bill threatened by inclusion of trans

(Newser) - As the fate of legislation that would protect gay people from employment discrimination hangs in the balance, gay leaders have withdrawn support—because protection for the transgendered has been dropped from the bill. The liberal instinct to “want it all now” has run amok, John Aravosis argues, and boosters...

'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage
'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage

'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage

Rights group to honor columnist's accepting 'mainstream voice'

(Newser) - 'Dear Abby' takes a simple stance on gay marriage: "I believe if two people want to commit to each other, God bless 'em." Over the years Jeanne Phillips, aka Abigail Van Buren, has consistently urged support for gay family members in her nationally syndicated column. Now she's being...

Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand
Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand

Episcopalians Affirm Gay Rights Stand

But pledge 'restraint' in naming gay bishops to avoid schism

(Newser) - Episcopal leaders wrapping up their meeting in New Orleans yesterday pledged to “exercise restraint” in selecting gay bishops and blessing same-sex marriages, but declined to disavow either practice. The move was designed to appease Anglicans, who sought a ban. “This is a ‘try to keep your foot...

Arnold to Veto Gay Marriage Bill
Arnold to
Veto Gay
Marriage Bill

Arnold to Veto Gay Marriage Bill

Schwarzenegger likely to cite popular mandate once again

(Newser) - Gov. Schwarzenegger is signaling he'll veto California's same-sex marriage bill, arguing the measure violates the "will of the people." Schwarzenegger employed the same logic when he vetoed a similar bill two years ago, but the tides of popular sentiment are changing: the Chronicle reports that gay-marriage opponents outnumber...

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>