United Kingdom

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Jokesters Erect England-Scotland Border Station

Makers aim to add 'a bit of a joke' to independence debate

(Newser) - The vote for Scottish independence isn't until Thursday, but travel between England and Scotland already requires a passport. That is, if you fall for a joke border control station that a photographer erected with some English and Scottish friends. An official-looking sign on a highway reads "Scottish Border...

Queen Makes Unexpected Scotland Comment

Voters 'should think carefully,' she says

(Newser) - With just a few days to go before Scotland votes on independence, Queen Elizabeth II has spoken out on the issue for the first time. In what opponents of independence have interpreted as a statement of firm support for their No campaign, the monarch told a well-wisher outside a Scottish...

British PM Woos Scots: 'We Want You to Stay'

David Cameron heads to Scotland to plea for 'No' vote at Sept. 18 referendum

(Newser) - British PM David Cameron dropped everything today to head to Scotland to stem the momentum of the "Yes" campaign for secession. For Alex Salmond, the Scot leading the charge for independence, the move means the Brits are panicked. "If I thought they were coming by bus, I'd...

As ISIS Threatens Brit Hostage, UK Won't 'Be Cowed'

UK will exercise 'every possible option' to protect Haines

(Newser) - In the video of Steven Sotloff's execution , ISIS threatened that its next victim would be a British aid worker, the UK confirms without naming the man, as per the BBC . Other news outlets have identified him as David Cawthorne Haines, who was abducted in Syria in early 2013. "...

UK Scrambles Jets, Busts 1 in Bomb Threat

Flight was escorted to landing in Manchester by British Royal Air Force

(Newser) - A Qatar Airways flight has landed at Manchester Airport in the UK and a man swiftly arrested on suspicion of making a hoax bomb threat. British Royal Air Force fighter jets escorted the plane following a report from the pilot that a "possible device" was aboard, a military official...

Afghan Atheist Wins Asylum in UK

Lawyers say he could have faced death sentence

(Newser) - In a landmark case in Britain, an Afghan man has been granted asylum because he fears persecution for his lack of religious belief. The man, now 23, was brought up as a Muslim in Afghanistan but became an atheist after he fled to Britain at age 16, the Guardian reports....

Scotland to Exit UK on March 24, 2016?

That's the selected 'Independence Date'

(Newser) - Scotland has no decision yet, but it does have a date. If citizens vote in favor of exiting the UK , the country could become an independent nation on March 24, 2016. The BBC reports that the date is presented in a government White Paper to be published on Tuesday; the...

UK Let NSA &#39;Unmask&#39; Its Citizens

 UK Let NSA 
 'Unmask' Its 
New Snowden Leak

UK Let NSA 'Unmask' Its Citizens

Latest Snowden leak reveals US had access to Brits' personal data

(Newser) - The NSA has been collecting phone, internet, and email records on UK citizens who are not suspected of any wrongdoing, and storing them in databases that the rest of America's intelligence and military services can access—and British intelligence officials signed off on all of it, a newly leaked...

Price of Drug Baron's Freedom: $300M

UK prisoner faces 10 more years if he doesn't pay up

(Newser) - Authorities in Britain have given one of the country's most notorious drug smugglers a choice: cough up $300 million in ill-gotten gains or spend another decade in prison. Prosecutors believe Curtis Warren amassed a huge fortune from years of trafficking and spent the cash buying houses, ski resorts, vineyards,...

Coming Soon to IKEA Shelves: Solar Panels

Don't worry: you won't have to install them yourself

(Newser) - IKEA is perhaps best known for flogging flat-packs of unpronounceable but affordable furniture and modestly-priced meatballs, but the Swedish-owned retailer will soon be adding a surprising new item to its UK stores: solar panels. At $9,200 for a pack of 18 panels, the product will be pricier than most...

Rapist Really Upset Victim May Have Given Him HIV

He collapsed when told he could be infected

(Newser) - Sympathy is likely to be in short supply for Richard Thomas as he waits to find out whether he caught HIV from the woman he raped. The British man was sentenced to five years for the crime yesterday and the court was told that he will find out whether he...

UK: Greenwald's Partner Had 58K Classified Docs

And officials say they could have endangered agents

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, was carrying a file that contained 58,000 "highly classified UK intelligence documents" when agents detained him at a London airport—including some that contained enough information to identify various intelligence staffers, the UK deputy national security adviser alleged today. The files were...

US Had 'Heads-Up' on Greenwald Partner Detention

Scotland Yard insists incident was 'legally sound'

(Newser) - The White House says it didn't order British authorities to seize the partner of journalist Glenn Greenwald as he changed planes in London—but it had a "heads-up" on what was going to happen to him. The nine-hour detention and questioning of David Miranda over the Edward Snowden...

UK to Outlaw &#39;Extreme&#39; Porn

 UK to Outlaw 
 'Extreme' Porn 

UK to Outlaw 'Extreme' Porn

And Internet porn will be blocked unless households specifically request it

(Newser) - It's about to be a crime to possess violent porn in the UK, David Cameron declared today, as he announced a sweeping crackdown on Internet porn. As has long been rumored , Cameron said that all online porn would be blocked unless a household specifically requests it. By the end...

Woman Hits McDonald's Drive-Thru —on a Horse

...and then things get really weird

(Newser) - If you're on horseback and desperate for a Quarter Pounder, you are out of luck. A UK woman found this out the hard way over the weekend, when she tried to ride a horse through the drive-thru at a Manchester McDonald's. The restaurant said it couldn't serve...

Bombs Thrown at Cops in Belfast Riots

Four nights of rioting over Protestant parade dispute

(Newser) - Protestors have been rioting for four nights on the streets of Belfast, after authorities banned Protestants from marching past a Catholic area of the city during a parade last week, reports Bloomberg . During a clash with police today, the protestors threw blast bombs and Molotov cocktails at the cops, who...

Snowden: The UK Is Collecting Everything
Snowden: The UK Is Collecting Everything

Snowden: The UK Is Collecting Everything

'Even the Queen's selfies to the pool boy get logged'

(Newser) - A new Edward Snowden interview hit today, and it's making big waves—especially overseas, thanks to allegations that the NSA is working hand-in-glove with allies around the globe. The interview was conducted anonymously back before Snowden revealed his identity, with Snowden emailing security expert and sort-of WikiLeaks ally Jacob...

Richard III Had Unpleasant Burial

 Richard III Had 

Richard III Had Unpleasant Burial

King was given no death shroud, may have been bound

(Newser) - If you thought being found buried under a parking lot was about as unroyal as it could get for King Richard III, think again. In a paper published this week in Antiquity , researchers describe his body as being buried in haste, crammed into a too-small grave that was roughly dug...

6 Plead Guilty to Terror Plot They Showed Up Late To

They planned to attack the right-wing English Defence League

(Newser) - Six would-be terrorists have pleaded guilty to planning a terror attack in the UK last year, authorities announced today—although planning clearly wasn't their strong suit. Police say the men—Omar Khan, Zohaib Ahmed, Mohammed Hasseen, Mohammed Saud, Anzal Hussain, and Jewel Uddin—had planned to attack a rally...

London at Standstill for Thatcher Funeral

Dignitaries, protesters gather for former PM's sendoff

(Newser) - Britain bade farewell to her Iron Lady today, with thousands of police officers and military personnel lining the streets of London along with members of the public for Margaret Thatcher's funeral procession, reports the Guardian . The divisive former prime minister received a funeral with full military honors, the first...

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