United Kingdom

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>

Irish Furious After Starbucks Calls Them Brits

Twitter post was intended for UK only: coffee giant

(Newser) - Starbucks' Irish Twitter account has just 2,000 followers, but an awkward tweet it directed to them has managed to piss off an entire nation: "Show us what makes you proud to be British," the company tweeted during the Diamond Jubilee. The coffee giant says it intended the...

Scotland's Battle for Freedom Kicks Off

'Yes for Scotland' campaign targets 2014 vote

(Newser) - Supporters of Scottish independence are about to officially kick off their campaign to end the country's 305-year-old marriage to England and Wales. The "Yes for Scotland" drive is being spearheaded by Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond, whose party won a majority in Scottish elections last years, reports...

Bomb-Plot Busting Double-Agent Is British

CIA not happy about this leak

(Newser) - Another tantalizing—and potentially damaging—tidbit has leaked about the double-agent who foiled an al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula underwear bomb plot. The agent is of Saudi descent but lived for years in Britain, where he spent some time with jihadist sympathizers and acquired a British passport, sources tell CNN...

UK Considers Blocking All Porn Sites

David Cameron wants you to have to 'opt in' with your ISP

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron is considering a move forcing Internet service providers to block all porn unless users specifically request it, the Guardian reports, in a move likely to be vigorously opposed by the ISPs, free speech groups, and teenagers sneaking onto their parents' computers. Cameron will consult on...

Yum? Great Lakes Provide Lampreys for Queen's Pie

England needs them for Elizabeth's jubilee dessert

(Newser) - The slimy eel-like creature known as a sea lamprey happens to be the special ingredient in a traditional English pie that will be cooked up for Queen Elizabeth II to celebrate the 60th anniversary of her reign in June, reports the Detroit Free Press . But the animals are endangered and...

Will and Kate's New Neighbor: Prince Harry

Royal siblings will live at Kensington Palace

(Newser) - Roll out the royal couch. Prince Harry is crashing with his older bro and sister-in-law for the foreseeable future. Things likely won't get too tight as there is plenty of space on the grounds of Kensington Palace, where Harry, William, and Kate reside. Harry, 27, has moved into a...

'Widespread' Abuses by Groupon: UK Regulator

Company given three months to clean up its act

(Newser) - The UK's Office of Fair Trading today found Groupon guilty of "widespread" violations of consumer protection rules, citing concerns over "pricing, advertising, refunds, unfair terms, and the diligence of its interactions with merchants," the BBC reports. The regulator gave Groupon three months to clean up its...

Jamaica PM Would Like Apology From UK for Slavery

Portia Simpson Miller calls history 'wicked and brutal'

(Newser) - Jamaica Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller didn't mince words when asked yesterday about her country's history with Britain—just as Prince Harry arrived in the country for a visit. "No race should have been subjected to what our ancestors were subjected to," Miller said, according to...

UK to Demand Record of Every Call, Text, Email

Companies will have to keep complete record on every UK citizen

(Newser) - The UK government is working on an anti-terror plan that would require service providers to record and store details on every call, text, email, or even Twitter direct message sent by anyone in the country—along with all their complete browsing history. Companies would then keep that info on file...

Scotland Schedules Independence Vote

Vote in 2014 could break apart United Kingdom

(Newser) - Scottish voters will finally get their chance to throw off the, er, iron hand of Queen Elizabeth in 2014, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has announced. Salmond's Scottish National Party has long argued that Scotland should seek independence from the UK , and Salmond wants a referendum on it held...

Brazil Ousts UK as World's No. 6 Economy

Part of Europe's waning influence

(Newser) - London had better hear Brazil calling: The South American powerhouse has overtaken the United Kingdom as the world's No. 6 economic power, reports the BBC . The shift is hardly shocking, given Brazil's hefty 7.5% economic growth last year, and represents an overall slide back for traditional economic...

Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars
 Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars 

Freak Apple Storm Pelts Cars

Rain of fruit baffles British drivers

(Newser) - Drivers on a busy road in central England were suddenly forced to pull over when it started raining apples. "The apples fell out of the sky as if out of nowhere. They were small and green, and hit the bonnet hard," says one driver, noting that there were...

Britain Goes on Strike
 Britain Goes on Strike 

Britain Goes on Strike

Public sector workers strike over pensions, retirement age

(Newser) - Public sector workers across Britain went on strike today in protest of government demands that they contribute more to their pensions and wait longer to receive them. As many as 2 million were expected to strike, according to the AP , making it the biggest action in Britain since 1979. Only...

Scottish Independence Edges Nearer

Independent Scotland will get on well with US, SNP leader says

(Newser) - The 304-year-old union between England and Scotland is starting to look shaky, and some believe Scottish independence could be in the cards within a few years. The pro-independence Scottish National Party recently won its first majority in Scottish elections and has pledged to hold a referendum on nationhood within 5...

The UK's Most Expensive Flat Sells For...

Nearly $222M, according to newly filed documents

(Newser) - A penthouse in London broke records by selling for nearly $222 million, which makes it the UK’s most expensive flat. Oddly, the deal was made in 2007, but details were just recently filed, the Metro reports. The three-story apartment overlooks Hyde Park, and the as-yet-anonymous buyer is likely a...

Same Nations Shelling Gadhafi Peddled Him Weapons

Before the uprising, France, UK, Italy and Russia all vied to make sales

(Newser) - Some of the very same European countries now leading the charge to destroy Moammar Gadhafi’s weapons were pushing each other out of the way to sell him those same weapons just months earlier, according to a survey of international arms sales. France, the UK, Russia, and Italy have all...

UK Blocks Export of Popular Execution Drug to US

Thiopental sodium can't be exported for use in executions

(Newser) - Soon, the US will no longer be able to execute criminals using thiopental sodium from the UK. The UK government will issue an order requiring suppliers of the anesthetic to obtain a license before exporting to the US—and if there is a risk it will be used in executions,...

Brits to Jobless: Volunteer or Lose Benefits

Goal: 'End the habit of worklessness'

(Newser) - Unemployed Britons may have to volunteer full-time for a month in order to keep their benefits. The plan, to be unveiled this week, is part of a massive overhaul of the country's $300 billion welfare program, notes the Guardian . The goal, says a government source, is to "end the...

UK Asks US to Ban Al-Qaeda YouTube Clips

Anwar al-Awlaki videos blamed for radicalizing young Brits

(Newser) - Several UK officials are calling on the US to censor Anwar al-Awlaki’s videos on YouTube, after a would-be assassin cited them as a key ingredient in her radicalization. More than 5,000 of Anwar al-Awkali’s sermons can be found on YouTube, exhorting the faithful to take up terrorism....

Stars Making Half a Million a Year via Twitter

Celebs making up to $50K per month pitching products to fans

(Newser) - American celebrities are raking in up to $50,000 a month for tweeting on behalf of brands. A single shout-out from 50 Cent or Snoop Dogg, for instance, can earn them $5,000, finds the Sun . The pay-per-tweet model is now heading across the pond, and UK celebs won't be...

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