United Kingdom

Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>

Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough
Maybe Obama Isn't
American Enough
Charles Krauthammer

Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough

Upbringing could explain why he disses US allies

(Newser) - The Obama administration has dissed one traditional American ally after another, with Britain the worst example, writes Charles Krauthammer. In trying to figure out why, he quotes a British diplomat who notes that President Obama is someone who "grew up in Hawaii, whose foreign experience was of Indonesia and...

Google Explains Internet ... in Old-School Pamphlet

Search giant's leaflet designed to encourage Britons to get online

(Newser) - The Simple Guide to the Internet is a Google product with a difference: It's three-dimensional. The old-fashioned flier espousing the benefits of getting connected is the search giant's contribution to Race Online 2012, a push to have the whole UK online within 2 years. An estimated 10 million British adults,...

Older Women's Memory Better Than Men's
Older Women's Memory Better Than Men's
battle of the sexes

Older Women's Memory Better Than Men's

50-year old women trump men at verbal recall, research shows

(Newser) - A middle-aged woman may have a better memory than a middle-aged man, a new study suggests. UK researchers asked men and women aged 50 to remember 10 words and to recall them two minutes and five minutes later. Women scored 5% higher than men, on average, in the first test...

Facebook Murderer Gets Life
 Facebook Murderer Gets Life 

Facebook Murderer Gets Life

Rapist used fake profile, posed as 'dad' to lure teen

(Newser) - A repeat sex offender was sentenced to life in prison today for killing a teenage girl he'd lured into a meeting using Facebook. Peter Chapman created a fake profile, complete with a photo of an attractive, bare-chested boy, to gain the attention of 17-year-old Ashleigh Hall. The homeless 33-year-old tricked...

UK Pol Kicks Kid in Dragon Costume

Ex-Cabinet minister apologizes for actions during Chinese New Year parade

(Newser) - A former UK Cabinet minister has apologized for charging into a Chinese New Year parade and kicking a boy in a dragon costume. Norman Tebbit, 78, "ran after the dragon and kicked it," says the owner of a restaurant on the route of the 20-year-old parade in Suffolk....

Gordon Brown Staffers Contacted Bullying Hotline

UK PM's employees reached out 3 or 4 times in recent years

(Newser) - A UK bullying hotline has received "three or four" calls from an unexpected source—Gordon Brown's office. The head of the National Bullying Helpline stopped short of calling the famously short-tempered PM a bully, adding, "What we are saying is staff in his office working directly with him...

BBC Announcer Charged in Murder of Dying Lover

Ray Gosling confessed to mercy killing on UK television

(Newser) - British police have arrested a BBC presenter who confessed on television that he'd killed a former lover who was dying of AIDS. Ray Gosling, 70, was arrested on suspicion of murder this morning, less than two days after the airing of a TV program in which Gosling tearfully described smothering...

Finally, a Hospital Gown That Covers Your ...

Fashion designer makes modest and 'fabulous' garment for England

(Newser) - A fashion designer has completed a noble project for England’s National Health Service by building a better—and less revealing—hospital gown. The “aspirational” garment will debut in 2011 and features modest “entrance points” instead of an open back. Ben de Lisi clearly understood the problem. “...

UK Gives Dads 6 Months of Paternity Leave

Policy shift reflects growing role of female breadwinners

(Newser) - The UK has overhauled its family leave policy to put more British babies in their fathers' care as mothers play the role of breadwinner. Where previously mothers got nine months' leave and fathers only two weeks, families will now have the option of shifting the mother's last three months to...

Pair of British Swans Gets Rare 'Divorce'

The birds usually mate for life, but not this time

(Newser) - A pair of British swans has done the unthinkable for the loyal species, which usually mate for life: It split up. Sarindi and Saruni had been together for two years, but both returned to an English bird sanctuary from their annual Arctic migration with brand new partners. It's only the...

UK Boosts Terror Alert Level
 UK Boosts Terror Alert Level 

UK Boosts Terror Alert Level

Second-highest designation means attack 'highly likely'

(Newser) - The British government raised its terror threat level to the second-highest designation today, signifying that an attack is "highly likely"—but officials swiftly added that terrorist aggression is not considered imminent. The upgrade from "substantial" means Brits must be "more aware," the Home Secretary said....

Woman Spends $16K to Look Like Jessica Rabbit

British great-grandmother indulges her toon obsession

(Newser) - A 57-year-old British great-grandmother is obsessed with Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and especially with Roger's wife, Jessica—so obsessed that she spent $16,000 to look like the toon siren. "I just think she's a very sexy cartoon," Annette Edwards says in an interview with This Morning, during...

Top 10 Places You Can't Go
 Top 10 Places You Can't Go 

Top 10 Places You Can't Go

The world's most significant secret places revealed

(Newser) - Want to visit Area 51? Too bad: The mecca for conspiracy theorists isn't open to visitors. Listverse runs down the 10 most significant places around the world that are nearly impossible for the general public to visit:
  • Mezhgorye: This Russian town is believed to house people working on Mount Yamantaw—

Afghan Blast Kills UK Journo, US Marine

Mirror correspondent Rupert Hamer slain, photographer wounded

(Newser) - A roadside bomb blast in southern Afghanistan yesterday killed the Sunday Mirror's defense correspondent and an American Marine. Rupert Hamer, 39, was the first UK journalist killed while covering the war in Afghanistan. "He was a gregarious figure ,a wonderful friend who was hugely popular with his colleagues,"...

Winehouse Charged in New Assault
 Charged in 
 New Assault 


Winehouse Charged in New Assault

This time, singer roughs up employee at Cinderella performance

(Newser) - Amy Winehouse made quite a scene at the theater this past weekend and has been charged with assault as a result. \Winehouse attended a stage production of Cinderella, which was fine until police say she started shouting things like “He's f---ing behind you” and “F--- Cinders, Prince Charming,...

UK to Scrap Paper Checks in 2018

Opponents argue that infirm, elderly will be disadvantaged

(Newser) - The UK plans to phase out the paper check in 2018. Officials say they'll use the next 8 years to push for innovation in payments in the country, especially electronic methods. There is robust opposition to the plan, the Telegraph reports, but the Payment Council—a semi-governmental UK entity made...

Court Derails British Airways Strike

Ballot authorizing walkout illegal; holiday job action may not proceed

(Newser) - Britain's High Court has granted British Airways an emergency injunction to stop a 12-day strike by its cabin crew over the Christmas and New Year's break. The court today backed BA's claim that the ballot of around 13,000 workers by the Unite labor union was illegal because it included...

UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50%
 UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50% 

UK to Tax Bank Bonuses 50%

Any bonus over $40K subject to one-time charge

(Newser) - Britain will levy a 50% tax on bank bonuses over $40,800 this year, in an attempt to shore up the nation's finances—and appease angry voters—ahead of the coming election. Alistair Darling slammed banks who paid out hefty bonuses even as Britain remains in recession: "Their priority...

Bin Laden's Not Here: Pakistan PM
 Bin Laden's Not 
 Here: Pakistan PM 
take that, gordon brown

Bin Laden's Not Here: Pakistan PM

Gilani contradicts Brown, says there's no 'credible' intelligence

(Newser) - Gordon Brown can talk all he wants about Pakistan not doing enough to capture Osama bin Laden—the Al-Qaeda leader isn’t in the country, its prime minister says. Yousaf Raza Gilani says he has not been provided with any “credible or actionable intelligence” to suggest otherwise, and he...

Obama Issues Orders for More Afghan Troops

Briefed military last night, will reveal number and other details tomorrow

(Newser) - After weeks of deliberation, President Obama has settled on a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan and ordered the military to carry it out. The exact size of the troop escalation has not been announced, but sources put the number in the neighborhood of 30,000 more troops. The...

Stories 1081 - 1100 | << Prev   Next >>