United Kingdom

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>

New Election Loss Could Be Knock-Out Punch for Brown

Tory takes vacancy in industrial district

(Newser) - The crushing defeat for the Labor Party yesterday in an election in a working class district of England could spell disaster for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, reports the Guardian. The opposition Tory candidate beat the ruling party choice in a by-election to fill a death vacancy by a whopping margin...

Londoner Dies in Double-Decker Crash

Bus runs into tree, killing bystander and injuring 19

(Newser) - A double-decker bus crashed into a tree this morning near Tower Bridge, one of London's most famous landmarks, leaving one woman dead and 19 people injured. The victim was believed to be a pedestrian in her early 20s. Bystanders told the Times of London that the bus windows had been...

Dalai Lama Won't Be Welcomed at 10 Downing

Brown draws fire for moving meeting

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama arrived in Britain today for an 11-day visit, during which he will give lectures and meet with senior religious and political figures. Gordon Brown won acclaim at the height of the Olympic torch protests for agreeing to meet the Tibetan leader. But now, writes AFP, the PM...

Hooker Sex Is Rape, London Ads Warn Johns

Trafficked women aren't giving consent, campaign maintains

(Newser) - British authorities are targeting men who pay for sex with a hard-hitting ad campaign comparing some instances to rape, Reuters reports. Because thousands of women trafficked into the country each year are forced into prostitution, there's nothing consensual about the sex they sell, the ads suggest. "Walk in a...

Doherty Freed Early From London Prison

Babyshambles frontman serves a month in drug case

(Newser) - Pete Doherty, the perpetually troubled rock star and ex-boyfriend of Kate Moss, was released early from prison today. The frontman of the band Babyshambles had been imprisoned for violating his probation after a conviction for possession of crack, heroin and other drugs, reports the Telegraph. Doherty had served about one...

GPS Beams Laughs to British Drivers

Comedy sketches make traffic jams a little funnier

(Newser) - The world's first satellite navigation comedy has British drivers chuckling up and down the country's busiest highway, the Guardian reports. The "satcom," called 230 Miles of Love, features audio comedy sketches set to play when drivers reach certain points along the country's 230-mile-long M6 highway.

'Buffoon' Boris Takes London's Mayor Race

Johnson's huge win deals devastating blow to Brown's Labour party

(Newser) - Self-described "buffoon" Boris Johnson won a hard-fought race last night to become mayor of London, the Guardian reports, dealing British PM Gordon Brown's party a stunning loss in his first election test. Johnson unseated Labour incumbent Ken Livingstone 53% to 47% after a 15-hour count that ended with a...

Brown, Labor Savaged in UK Elections

Labor posts worst election results in 40 years

(Newser) - Labor has suffered its worst showing in 40 years in local elections across England and Wales. Just one year after Gordon Brown became prime minister, his party pulled only 24% of the projected national vote, 20 points behind the Tories and behind even the third-party Liberal Democrats. As for the...

Support for Scot Independence Hits Record Low

Year after separatists take power, Scotland wants to remain in UK

(Newser) - It's been one year since a separatist government came to power in Scotland, vowing to break away from the United Kingdom. But a new poll shows while the Scottish still admire Alex Salmond, the region's first minister, support for independence is at an all-time low—with only 19% wanting to...

Labour Will Lose London, Final Poll Says

Boris Johnson on course for 10-point victory in mayor's race

(Newser) - With 48 hours to go before the election, a final poll gives Boris Johnson a 10-point edge in the race for mayor of London. The shambolic Tory is poised to romp to victory over incumbent Ken Livingstone Thursday, according to the pollster YouGov. The finding is completely at odds with...

UK Intelligence 'Sent Citizens to Be Tortured'

MI5 outsourced brutal interrogations to Pakistan, say lawyers

(Newser) - British intelligence officers have been accused of sending citizens to a Pakistani agency to be tortured, reports the Guardian. MI5 officials requested Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency to arrest British terror suspects in the country, where they were subjected to beatings, whippings, sleep deprivation and fingernail extraction, according to lawyers...

Brits 'Duped' Over Olympic Pricetag
Brits 'Duped' Over Olympic Pricetag

Brits 'Duped' Over Olympic Pricetag

Government slammed after projected costs soar $10B

(Newser) - The projected pricetag of the 2012 Olympic games in London has more than doubled to $18 billion since the city was picked as host three years ago—and the British  government is being accused of deliberately low-balling estimates to sell the event to the public, the Guardian reports. A public...

Health History Hidden in Urine
 Health History Hidden in Urine 

Health History Hidden in Urine

Metabolites differ across national, ethnic boundaries, could offer insight into disease

(Newser) - Urine does indeed hold metabolic clues, researchers have found, and could shed light on blood pressure and heart problems, the Times of London reports. "Metabolic profiling can tell us how specific aspects of a person’s diet and how much they drink are contributing to their risks for certain...

UK Psychics Foresee Trouble
 UK Psychics Foresee Trouble 

UK Psychics Foresee Trouble

Mediums fear EU rule could expose them to suits over poorly received advice

(Newser) - Britain’s mediums are consulting their crystal balls about a new EU law that might expose them to lawsuits, the Independent reports. A group of them marched up Downing Street today to deliver a 5,000-signature petition to No. 10, hoping to convince the government not to adopt the European...

Latest Credit Victim RBS Seeks $24B

UK's 2nd-largest bank faces severe cash shortfall

(Newser) - Royal Bank of Scotland is preparing to issue new stock after conceding it was facing serious cash flow problems. After consulting with the Treasury and the nation's financial oversight authority, Britain's second-largest bank is planning a rights issue for around $24 billion to rebuild its capital reserves. The move may...

On Pope's Heels, Brown Arrives in America

Overshadowed PM will talk global economy, seek closer US-UK ties

(Newser) - The pope might be commanding the headlines, but another world leader is in America this week—Gordon Brown arrived in New York yesterday for a three-day visit. In an op-ed for today's Wall Street Journal, the British PM announces a raft of initiatives designed to fortify the "special relationship,...

British PM Won't Attend Olympic Opening

Brown insists he's not boycotting, will go to closing ceremony

(Newser) - British PM Gordon Brown will not attend the Beijing Olympics’ opening ceremony, the BBC reports, though his office made clear it was not a boycott. Brown said he never intended to go to the opening and emphasized that that he will be present at the closing ceremony for the torch...

Mortgage Crisis Spreads Across the Atlantic

UK housing prices plunge; chancellor acts to shore up market

(Newser) - UK home prices tumbled 2.5% in February—the largest fall since the 1990s—as the International Monetary Fund warned that Britain could face a housing crisis similar to the US. British PM Gordon Brown insisted yesterday the decline was containable, but the Bank of England is now under serious...

F1 Chief Loses Bid to Block Nazi Orgy Video

Tabloid gets to re-post hooker spanking session with 'tea break'

(Newser) - Formula One president Max Mosley has lost his court battle to block a newspaper from hosting a video showing him cavorting with five prostitutes in a sadomasochistic scene with Nazi undertones. Mosley is suing the News of the World for breach of privacy, but a London judge ruled that, although...

Mugabe Love Story Sparked Hatred of UK

In the 1960s, he begged London not to deport his wife

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe's hatred of the British may have stemmed from an affair of the heart, reports the Independent. Newly released letters from the 1960s show the future tyrant openly begged London not to deport his then-wife, Sally Mugabe, who had fled Rhodesia in the 1960s when he was jailed for...

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>