
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

For Sale: Sherwood Forest, and Other Iconic Properties

European governments struggling to pay the bills, but locals unhappy

(Newser) - Want to live in legendary Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood faced off with the sheriff of Nottingham? Soon you might be able to—the British government wants to sell off large chunks of the woods, in order to balance the budget. Locals are furious at the thought that developers or...

Stroke Victims' New Hope: A Deep Chill

Hypothermia prompts 'hibernation' that aids doctors

(Newser) - Last year, surgeons eyed induced hypothermia to treat trauma ; now, experts think a deep chill could help stroke patients recover, the Daily Mail reports. Doctors throughout 20 European countries think inducing hypothermia could cut stroke victims’ brain damage; they’re now seeking funding for testing. “Hypothermia might improve the...

Europe Dismayed by Stumbling, Gun-Crazed America

Shooting seen as sign of violent super power in decline

(Newser) - While Americans are wringing their hands, trying to make some sense of a senseless act, the rest of the world is shaking its head in dismay. To Europeans in particular, the shooting deaths of 6 people and the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is symptomatic of a gun-obsessed nation...

Iran Nuclear Talks Recess Without Progress

Little hope for finding a consensus during remainder

(Newser) - Talks between Iran and six world powers recessed today with no sign that Tehran was ready to discuss UN Security Council calls to curb its nuclear activities, an official at the negotiations said. While the two sides were scheduled to meet again tomorrow, the official's description of today's meeting gave...

As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer
As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer

As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer

Even healthier countries now feeling pinch

(Newser) - Financial crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal have stoked fears for Italy, Belgium, and the more robust Germany as Europe struggles to find a solution, the New York Times reports. Worry that Germany may have to pay the brunt of bailout costs have prompted the sale of its debt; investor...

Snow Shuts Europe Air Hubs
 Snow Shuts Europe Air Hubs 

Snow Shuts Europe Air Hubs

Storms, strikes snarl travel across continent

(Newser) - European air travel hasn't been disrupted this much since Eyjafjalljokull was spewing: Winter storms have snarled air and road traffic across Europe for the third day in a row, forcing major air hubs like Edinburgh and Geneva to shut down completely and causing delays at many others, the AP reports....

Germany Must Step Up in Euro Crisis
Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis 

roger cohen

Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis

Berlin's not getting the bigger picture, writes Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Is the euro the new League of Nations—a grand experiment that eventually gets abandoned and left to waste away? With bailouts in Greece and Ireland and threats to Portugal and Spain, the currency “can no longer take its survival for granted just because its collapse would be unthinkable,...

Europe Markets in Turmoil Over Debt Worries

New concerns (and rumors) center on Portugal, Spain

(Newser) - Authorities across Europe rejected a report that a Portuguese bailout would cut the risk of Spain needing similar action, the Wall Street Journal reports. A German paper had cited German finance ministers in the matter, but the ministry, Portugal, Spain, and the European Commission all said Portugal wasn’t being...

Irish Citizens Pay the Price for 'Sins' of Bankers
Irish Citizens Pay the Price
for 'Sins' of Bankers
paul krugman

Irish Citizens Pay the Price for 'Sins' of Bankers

Paul Krugman: Austerity programs aren't working anyway

(Newser) - "Private wheeler-dealers" caused Ireland's mess, but the Irish government has been punishing its citizenry for three years now with austerity programs to repay the debt incurred, writes Paul Krugman. This pain is necessary to restore confidence, say all the "wise heads," even though the deep spending cuts...

Spanish Bailout Could Be Too Much for Euro

Nation's collapse represents 'systemic risk' for EU

(Newser) - The eurozone has bailed out troubled member states with success thus far, but Europe now faces a graver economic threat then ever before: the possibility of a major economic collapse in Spain. The busts in Greece and Ireland (and now possibly Portugal) have all been manageable because the economies in...

Belgium Charges 9 After Terror Raids

Authorities cite plot against unknown Belgian target

(Newser) - Authorities charged nine people today in a Belgian anti-terror court following yesterday's raids in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Belgium charged 7 for plotting an attack on an unknown target within the country; they include 6 Belgian-Moroccans and a “Russian of Chechen origin.”...

Euro in 'Survival Crisis' as Portugal Heads for Bailout

Finance ministers meet to discuss new stability plan

(Newser) - The euro, and the European Union, may be in serious trouble. Portugal suggested yesterday that there was a “high risk” it would need the same bailout treatment as Ireland and Greece. European finance ministers will meet in Brussels tomorrow to discuss a European stability plan that would lend billions...

Bailout of Ireland Looks Likely
 Bailout of Ireland Looks Likely 

Bailout of Ireland Looks Likely

EU fears a delay will bring another Greece-like crisis

(Newser) - Ireland is under heavy pressure to take a bailout before its financial troubles spread to other members of the European Union, reports the Wall Street Journal . Dublin is balking because of the handcuffs and political embarrassment that would come with it, but EU authorities don't want to a repeat of...

German Nuclear Protests Turn Violent
 Nuclear Protests Turn Violent 

Nuclear Protests Turn Violent

Demonstrators against nuclear power attack police, face water cannon

(Newser) - Protesters railing against the use and storage of nuclear materials in Germany became violent yesterday, lashing out against police with sticks and pepper spray, CNN reports. Police responded with mounted officers and water cannon. Anger was prompted by a train carrying nuclear waste to Germany from France for storage. The...

Al-Qaeda Sent Parcels in Sept. 'Dry Run'

US officials studied packages, let them continue

(Newser) - Packages sent from Yemen to the US in September may have been a “dry run” for the explosives intercepted Friday, officials tell the New York Times . American officials investigated the parcels at the time and, finding no explosives, allowed them to continue to “random addresses” in Chicago. But...

Italy Ends Search for US Balloonists

'No hope' of finding Americans alive: officials

(Newser) - Italian police canceled the search for two balloonists who went missing six days ago while flying over the Mediterranean, the Telegraph reports, with authorities saying there was "no hope" of finding them alive. The pair, who are American citizens, disappeared while flying through a patch of thunderstorms during a...

Europe Travel Alert: Just an Overreaction?

US warning not based on new info, officials say

(Newser) - European officials are not happy about the travel alert issued for the continent by the US yesterday. The new warning was not a result of any new intelligence, officials say, and they are "irritated" the US leaked warnings of possible shooting attacks before more intelligence could be gathered, the...

Now Japan Issues Travel Alert for Europe

Latest warning follows those by Britain, America

(Newser) - One day after the US State Department issued a travel alert to Americans in Europe, Japan has followed suit. Japanese citizens living or traveling in Europe have been warned of possible attacks by al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups. The Foreign Ministry asked citizens to use caution when visiting tourist sites...

US Issues Europe Alert
 US Issues Europe Alert 

US Issues Europe Alert

Urges Americans to be vigilant in crowded places

(Newser) - The State Department formally issued a travel alert to Americans living and traveling in Europe today, urging them to be vigilant, particularly in crowded places. The alert is a notch below a formal warning against foreign travel, reports the AP, but the feds are clearly taking seriously reports of a...

US Plans Travel Alert for Americans in Europe

It will ask them to be 'vigilant' because of terror threats

(Newser) - Threats about a terror attack in Europe are real enough that the State Department is expected to issue a "travel alert" tomorrow asking Americans to be wary about visiting tourist sites overseas. In the semantics of government-speak, it's expected to be a notch below a "warning"—...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>