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Darfur Sinking Into Chaos of Warring Rebel Groups

Rebel factions endanger massive relief effort

(Newser) - The civil war in Darfur has degenerated into a tangled mess of militias and warlords battling each other, a development that threatens efforts to bring relief to the 2.5 million people affected by the fighting. Dozens of rebel groups are at war with each other, not just the government,...

Albright: Burmese Paying for Bush's Failed Policies

US blunder has weakened the case for global intervention

(Newser) - The Myanmar junta’s shameful cyclone response illustrates some global truths we must face, writes Madeleine Albright in the New York Times. Among them: President Bush's ill-advised attack of Iraq has made it all the more difficult for the international community to intervene in the world's trouble spots. Instead, the...

100 May Be Dead in Sudan Crash

Plane veers off Khartoum runway during storm

(Newser) - An airplane with 200 aboard veered off a runway in Sudan today and burst into flames, the AP reports, with 100 feared dead. The plane, arriving from Jordan, swerved off the runway as it landed amid thunderstorms in the capital, Khartoum. Authorities confirmed the jet was Sudanese; the country's airlines...

US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur
US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur

US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur

Farrow: Use term atop UN Security Council to cement support

(Newser) - The US will take over as president of the UN Security Council next month, and, in the Wall Street Journal, Mia Farrow and Nancy Soderberg say that ending the Darfur genocide should be a key goal during its term. Sudan is denying entry to all non-African UN peacekeepers, the actress...

Vuitton Refuses to Be Accessory to Genocide

Luxury firm sues over fundraising T-shirt

(Newser) - A Danish designer hoped her T-shirt featuring a starving child tricked out with Paris Hilton's favorite accessories—a Louis Vuitton handbag and her tiny dog Tinkerbell—would highlight the media's distorted priorities and raise money to fight genocide in Darfur. The French luxury brand, however, was not amused, and has...

Sudan Cuts Ties With Chad After Surprise Rebel Attack

Assault was crushed, says Sudan prez

(Newser) - Sudan today severed ties with Chad, charging that the nation aided hundreds of Darfur rebels who launched a surprise assault on the Khartoum suburb of Omdurman late yesterday. Khartoum and Omdurman were heavily guarded and under curfew after the assault hundreds of miles from rebel bases in the west. Sudanese...

Sudanese Rebels Fight for Control of Capital

Sudan says claims victory in rare Khartoum battle

(Newser) - Darfur rebels battled Sudanese soldiers today in a rare bid for control of Sudan's capital, Reuters reports. The military later claimed victory and said just a few militants had reached Khartoum. "Thank God this attempt has been completely defeated," a government spokesman said.

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN
 300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN 

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN

Security Council told that situation is worsening

(Newser) - The UN's humanitarian chief has painted a grim picture of the situation in Darfur, estimating that disease, war, and famine have claimed 300,000 lives in the region since conflict broke out in 2003—100,000 of them since 2006. People are continuing to die as efforts to solve the...

China Off US Rights Blacklist
 China Off US Rights Blacklist 

China Off US Rights Blacklist

State Dept. report drops China from top 10 worst abusers despite poor record

(Newser) - The State Department has taken China off its list of the world's 10 worst human rights abusers, the New York Times reports. China's human rights record "remained poor," the department's annual report said, with abuses including "extrajudicial killings, torture, and coerced confessions of prisoners." Officials declined...

Clooney Wound Up Over Omega Role in Olympics

Presses Olympic sponsor over Darfur

(Newser) - Actor George Clooney is pressuring watchmaker Omega, a key sponsor of  the Beijing Olympics, to speak out against China's involvement in Darfur. Clooney, a spokesman for the legendary Swiss company, is the latest Hollywood figure to use the upcoming Olympics as leverage against China, the strongest ally of Sudan, which...

Teddy Teacher Spurs UK to Kill Own Blasphemy Law

House of Lords strikes down statute questioned since Sudan teddy-bear case

(Newser) - Britain's House of Lords voted yesterday to abolish blasphemy laws after an international incident sparked debate over secularism and tradition, the Los Angeles Times reports. With the UK and Sudan at odds in November over the prosecution of a British teacher allowing students to name a teddy bear Mohammad, many...

Darfur Sees New Cycle of Bloodshed, Refugees

Recent upset in Chad has Sudanese military, janjaweed militias on warpath

(Newser) - Darfur may be on a road back to the pitched fighting between rebels, militias and the Sudanese army that killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions 5 years ago, prompting the US to call it genocide, the New York Times reports. The Sudanese government recently stepped up operations in the...

Olympic Sponsors Targeted Over China-Darfur Links

McDonald's and others supporting 'genocide Olympics,' activists say

(Newser) - Activists are preparing to plaster college campuses with posters with charges like “McDonald’s: Proud Sponsor of the Genocide Olympics,” hoping to pressure multinational corporations sponsoring the Beijing Games into doing more about Darfur, BusinessWeek reports. Buying oil from Sudan makes China a sponsor of the region's genocide,...

Bush Defends Decision Not to Send Troops to Darfur

Reluctant to intervene in another Muslim nation

(Newser) - President Bush has defended his decision not to send US troops to Darfur to stop the genocide taking place in the troubled African region. The choice was partly due to a desire not to intervene in another Muslim country, he told the BBC. Bush is scheduled to leave today for...

Spielberg Quits '08 Olympics Over Darfur

Filmmaker slams China for failing to pressure Sudan

(Newser) - Steven Spielberg stepped down today as a 2008 Beijing Olympics adviser over China’s links to the Darfur genocide, the BBC reports. “I find that my conscience will not allow me to continue business as usual,” the filmmaker said. China has been criticized for buying oil from the...

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad
12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

Sudanese gov't says attacks on 3 villages aimed at rebels

(Newser) - Government attacks on Darfur villages, ostensibly directed at rebel fighters, have caused a new exodus of at least 12,000 people from western Sudan into Chad, the BBC reports. The government acknowledges bombing three villages Friday, but said it was targeting fighters from the Justice and Equality Movement. Rebel leaders...

Chad President Claims 'Control' of Country

Rebels supported by Sudan 'forced to flee,' Idriss Deby says

(Newser) - The president of Chad said today his forces had reclaimed control of the whole nation, the AP reports. "Security forces have repulsed the aggressors. The mercenaries directed by Sudan have been forced to flee," Idriss Deby said in his first public remarks since the uprising began last week....

Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad
Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad

Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad

Sarkozy says France will support embattled government if needed

(Newser) - Chad's capital city was largely quiet today as rebels prowled the outskirts of violence-wracked N'Djamena, Reuters reports. "I think they are awaiting some reinforcements,” the foreign minister told the AP. Just in case, Nicolas Sarkozy said France was ready to lend its former colony's government military support. “...

Rebels Flee Chad's Capital
Rebels Flee Chad's Capital

Rebels Flee Chad's Capital

Government declares victory; insurgents say move allows civilians to escape hostilities

(Newser) - Rebels pulled out of Chad’s capital city of N’Djamena last night, temporarily ending a 2-day siege, but renewed hostilities broke out today, the AP reports. The rebels said they pulled back to allow civilians to flee, an offer hundreds took advantage of. But the interior minister insisted the...

New Peace Envoy Clooney Pleads for Darfur

Sees 'hope' after first mission to Africa

(Newser) - Actor George Clooney was officially designated a United Nations peace envoy yesterday—but he had already wrapped up his first mission. "If I'm going to go somewhere that cameras are going to follow me, they might as well follow me to places that people should be looking at,"...

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