United Nations

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Suicide Bomber Kills 5 at Pakistan UN Office

Terrorist infiltrated World Food Program headquarters

(Newser) - A suicide bomber disguised as a security officer infiltrated UN offices in the Pakistani capital today, killing five people and leaving several others critically injured. Witnesses said the blast at the UN World Food Program, in one of Islamabad's more exclusive neighborhoods, shattered windows and left victims lying in pools...

UN's Dance Dance Resolution: Protect the Tango

Cultural tradition placed on protected list, as with physical heritage sites

(Newser) - The tango is a cultural treasure worthy of the same kinds of protection as the Great Wall of China or the California redwoods, the United Nations declared today. The dance, submitted for such recognition by Uruguay and Argentina, “embodies and encourages diversity and cultural dialogue,” the UN Educational,...

US, Iran May Meet One-on-One on Nukes

Meeting tomorrow could be most direct engagement since the revolution

(Newser) - US diplomats will try to meet one-on-one with their Iranian counterparts during tomorrow’s multi-nation negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear program. It would be the most significant direct engagement between the two countries since the Iranian revolution. An anonymous official tells the Washington Post that the one-on-one talks would "...

Iran Allows Swiss Envoys Visit With Detained Hikers

Policy reversal may be gesture of goodwill ahead of nuclear talks

(Newser) - Iran has changed its policy on three detained US hikers, allowing Swiss diplomats—who represent American interests in Iran—to visit them. Officials have been denied access to the three Americans since they were detained in July after crossing the border from Iraqi Kurdistan into Iran. Tehran’s reversal may...

Israel Committed War Crimes in Gaza: UN Report

Fact-finding mission recommends world court prosecutor take action

(Newser) - Israel committed "actions amounting to war crimes, possibly crimes against humanity" during the three-week Gaza war, according to a UN special report that will be released today. The fact-finding mission, headed by the Jewish South African judge Richard Goldstone, also determined that Palestinian militants committed war crimes, but reserved...

US Scrambles for Support for Iran Sanctions

Hopes to build coalition even if Russia and China kill UN move

(Newser) - The US is rushing to assemble support for tougher economic sanctions against Iran ahead of talks scheduled for Thursday. With Russia and China looming as potential spoilers in the UN Security Council, the administration hopes to assemble a coalition that could independently enact sanctions. But the US’ European allies oppose...

Honduran Leaders Will Reopen Talks

Micheletti agrees to open dialogue with ousted president

(Newser) - The ousted president and acting president of Honduras have agreed to reopen dialogue after the recently returned Manuel Zelaya announced he would accept the results of a November election. Zelaya and Roberto Micheletti held separate meetings with four presidential candidates yesterday and may meet face to face soon, according to...

Gadhafi: Lockerbie Is Over, 'Legally, Politically, Financially'

'This problem has been solved to the satisfaction of all parties'

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi tried to leaven his image a bit after his 90-minute UN diatribe by sitting down with the Wall Street Journal yesterday. The Libyan strongman assured reporter Jay Solomon he could "comprehend" the anger of Americans who lost friends and relatives in the Lockerbie bombing. He denied orchestrating...

Sullivan: That's Not Weakness, It's Confidence

(Newser) - The "usual suspects" in the neoconservative camp are apoplectic at President Obama's behavior at the UN, writes Andrew Sullivan. After all, he had the nerve to "engage foreign powers as equals rather than as subordinates." Obama's critics, of course, see America as always in the right—even...

Chavez: Obama's 'Smell of Hope' Beats Bush's Sulfur

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez paid President Obama a high compliment at the UN today, asserting that he doesn't have the same satanic odor as George Bush. "I don't smell sulfur anymore," the Venezuelan leader told the General Assembly. "It's gone. Now it's the smell of something else—it's the...

Netanyahu Blasts UN for Ahmadinejad Speech

'Have you no shame?' cries Israeli PM

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t hold back today when he took the stage at the United Nations. The Israeli PM went on a tirade, berating the UN for allowing Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. “Have you no shame? Have you no decency?” he demanded, after recounting the horrors of...

Obama-Led Security Council OKs Nuke Resolution

US-drafted measure strengthened by Obama appearance at meeting

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today adopted a US-drafted resolution that outlines much of President Obama’s plan to rid the world of nuclear weapons. The president’s attendance at the meeting of heads of state—just the fifth in UN history—underscores the centrality of the issue for his administration....

Obama Scores on Nuclear Proliferation at UN

Manages to get Russia and China to cooperate

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored two significant victories at the UN yesterday, cajoling Dmitry Medvedev into saying he would get behind tougher nuclear sanctions against Iran, and convincing both Russia and China to support a resolution strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Publicly the administration wouldn’t acknowledge any quid-pro-quo, but several official...

Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense
 Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense 

Gadhafi Rant: Not All Nonsense

Buried in 96-minute diatribe was a smart UN reform proposal

(Newser) - His swine flu conspiracy theories and who-shot-JFK musings may have got the headlines, but Moammar Gadhafi actually made a few good points during his 96-minute monologue at the UN General Assembly, blogs Gideon Rachman. The Libyan colonel is totally right that the Security Council is outdated and doesn't represent the...

Bolton: Obama's UN Address Naive, 'Post-American'

Ex-UN rep not impressed by president's focus on 'interests that unite us'

(Newser) - President Obama's address to the United Nations yesterday was long on uniting nations and short on looking out for American interests, complains Bush administration UN representative John Bolton. The "Wilsonian" address was "a post-American speech by our first post-American president," and was "very revealing of Obama’...

Obama Dodges Sitdown With Brown for Chat in UN Kitchen

White House declines 5 requests for talks from humiliated prime minister

(Newser) - Brit papers are buzzing about President Obama's snub of visiting Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who asked for a meeting five times. Brown—keen to boost his profile as an international statesman as his poll numbers flatline in Britain—had to settle for a 15-minute "walk and talk" with Obama...

JFK, Swine Flu Plots: Gadhafi Covers All

(Newser) - Maybe he just needs a good night's sleep (somewhere). Moammar Gadhafi made such a long and rambling speech today—his main point seemed to be to rail against the Security Council's power—that he wore out his first translator. Some odds and ends:
  • He suggested Israel had a hand in

Gadhafi: Security Council Is 'Terror Council'

(Newser) - In his first appearance at the UN, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi blasted the Security Council and called for the end of the five permanent members' veto power. He also wants to expand the group with additional member states to make it more representative. "It should not be called the...

Obama to UN: US Can't Solve World's Problems

President to take blunt approach in first General Assembly address

(Newser) - Barack Obama told the UN today that the global community has too long been "defined by our differences and outpaced by our problems." He said he was aware of the high expectations for his presidency, and he acknowledged US failings, but said solving the world's problems is not...

Obama Vows New US Resolve on Climate Change

(Newser) - President Obama declared the United States a serious partner in combating global warming today, telling world leaders at the UN, "We understand the gravity of the climate threat. We are determined to act. And we will meet our responsibility to future generations." In brief remarks at a high-level...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>