United Nations

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

UN's 'Invisible Man,' Ban Struggles to Prove Himself

(Newser) - Halfway through his term as UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-Moon is best known for his low profile, reports the Wall Street Journal. The Korean is praised in many quarters as a fine administrator with strong principles, but his pronouncements often go unnoticed, to the frustration of UN officials who fear his...

Spread of Swine Flu 'Unstoppable': WHO

(Newser) - World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan told a summit in Mexico today that, though most cases of swine flu were not deadly, the virus cannot be stopped, the BBC reports. “With well over 100 countries reporting cases, once a fully fit pandemic virus emerges, its further international spread is...

UN Chief Meets Junta Leader in Burma
 UN Chief Meets 
 Junta Leader in Burma 

UN Chief Meets Junta Leader in Burma

Ban plans to press junta to release Suu Kyi and other political prisoners

(Newser) - Ban Ki-moon arrived in Burma today and is holding talks with the military junta to secure the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the BBC reports. The UN secretary general told the Burmese generals that he wants "to contribute, to work together, for peace and prosperity"—but that...

OAS Issues Ultimatum to Honduras
OAS Issues Ultimatum
to Honduras

OAS Issues Ultimatum to Honduras

President installed by coup says only invasion will depose him

(Newser) - If its deposed president isn’t reinstated within 72 hours, Honduras will be kicked out of the Organization of American States, the group’s secretary-general said today, in the latest sign of Manuel Zelaya’s overwhelming international support. Zelaya spoke before the UN yesterday, and the General Assembly voted by...

Racial Profiling Still Widespread in US: ACLU

A lot of high-level talk, but no 'concrete action' on issue, report says

(Newser) - Racial profiling remains rampant in the US, with thousands detained yearly due to race, religion, or nationality, even though top federal officials are trying to halt the practice, the American Civil Liberties Union claims in a report to the UN. South Asian and North African immigrants are often targeted as...

Let's Lock Up Casual Drug Users
 Let's Lock Up 
 Casual Drug Users 

Let's Lock Up Casual Drug Users

Addicts need help, but casual users need jail: Monbiot

(Newser) - The head of the UN drug and crime office recommended last week that casual drug use be decriminalized and said users "need medical help, not criminal prosecution." We should certainly help addicts, but casual users of marijuana and cocaine belong in jail, George Monbiot of the Guardian writes....

Ousted Honduran Leader Plans Return

(Newser) - Honduras' ousted president, bolstered by international support, said he will return home to regain control and urged soldiers to stop cracking down on thousands of supporters who have protested his overthrow. Flanked by Latin American leaders who have vowed to help him regain power, Manuel Zelaya said yesterday he would...

Secret Envoy Paves Way for Burma Visit by UN Chief

Ban to press for Aung San Suu Kyi release

(Newser) - A UN special envoy began a secret trip to Burma today to pave the way for a possible visit by Ban Ki-moon, the secretary general, that would be politically delicate because of the continuing trial of imprisoned opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Human rights groups are urging Ban not...

UN Backs Off Hard Line on Drug Crimes

Today's report marks significant change in attitude

(Newser) - The United Nations did a 180 today on its drug decriminalization stance, praising the policy Portugal instituted in 2001 and asserting it has “not led to an increase in drug tourism” as had been feared, the Huffington Post reports. The annual drug policy report opposed full legalization while conceding...

UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B
 UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B 

UN: Hunger Affects Record 1B

Food program directors warn that hunger crisis threatens world peace

(Newser) - United Nations food officials warn that a record 1 billion people worldwide aren't getting enough to eat, the BBC reports. The UN said the number of people affected by hunger—defined as getting less than 1,800 calories daily—has jumped by 100 million people over the last year because...

UN Warms Up to US
 UN Warms Up to US 

UN Warms Up to US

Real challenge comes when US parts with world allies

(Newser) - The relationship between the US and the UN is noticeably warmer these days, with new ambassador Susan Rice getting high marks across the board, write Adam Benz and Robert Friedman in Good magazine. Granted, she replaced Bushie John Bolton, who prior to his appointment could barely conceal his disdain for...

Russian Veto Forces UN Out of Abkhazia

Mission in breakaway Georgian republic ends after vote deadlocks

(Newser) - Russia today vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to keep troops and observers in Abkhazia, one of the two breakaway Georgian regions in last year's war. Western nations say that Abkhazia remains part of Georgia, but Russia has recognized its independence. The veto means that the UN will have to...

Clinton Named UN Special Envoy to Haiti

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has officially been named UN special envoy to Haiti, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon awarded Clinton the $1-per-year post today, noting that “No one is better placed for this mission. He knows the country, he loves the people, and they love him....

North Korea Will 'Weaponize' All Plutonium Stocks

(Newser) - North Korea has for the first time openly confirmed that it is seeking to enrich uranium for the development of nuclear weapons, the BBC reports. The state news agency today announced that the nation plans to “weaponize” its plutonium stocks, and will consider any “blockade” attempts by the...

UN Imposes New Sanctions on N. Korea
 UN Imposes New 
 Sanctions on N. Korea 

UN Imposes New Sanctions on N. Korea

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today punished North Korea for its recent nuclear test, imposing new sanctions, expanding an arms embargo, and authorizing ship searches on the high seas. Russia and China joined Western powers and nations from every region in unanimously approving the resolution. North Korea has said it would...

UN Begins Gaza War Crimes Probe

Israel alleges bias, but Jewish rapporteur draws wide praise

(Newser) - A UN team investigating possible war crimes by the Israeli army and Hamas has arrived in the Gaza Strip for a weeklong fact-finding mission. Israel is refusing to cooperate with what it calls a "masquerade," alleging that the UN Human Rights Council is unfairly biased. But the selection...

UN Fights to Release Child Soldiers in Chad

Boys as young as 13 held captive by African nation's army

(Newser) - The UN has obtained access to 80 child soldiers, some as young as 13, who have been taken prisoner in Chad near the Sudanese region of Darfur. UNICEF says that the children were captured and paraded before television cameras after a battle in early May between the Chadian army and...

Security Council Condemns N. Korea

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has condemned North Korea's nuclear test as a clear violation of its resolutions. The council said in a statement today that it will begin work immediately on a new legally binding resolution addressing North Korea's violations.

UN Scrambles to Meet as World Slams N. Korea

US, Japan want to act, but China may block tough action

(Newser) - North Korea's surprise nuclear test this morning drew protests in the South and threats from world governments to punish the regime with further sanctions. Barack Obama and Gordon Brown both condemned the blasts, and France said it would discuss "strengthening sanctions" at today's emergency Security Council meeting. Even China,...

Sex Harassment Cases Besiege UN

(Newser) - The United Nations is being hammered by a string of sexual harassment cases filed by employees, reports the Wall Street Journal. The development is particularly painful for an organization that is supposed to uphold human rights around the world. Victims complain about an old-boys' network of adjudication that allows colleagues...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>