gun control

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Giffords to Congress: Background Checks. Now.

Misinformation is stalling a no-brainer that everyone wants

(Newser) - "I think about patience every day," says Gabrielle Giffords, as she rehabilitates from being shot in the head two years ago. But as she looks at the gun control dance playing out on Capitol Hill, she finds herself running short of that particular virtue. "What are they...

Connecticut's Tough Anti-Gun Bill Is Now Law

Governor signs measure banning some assault weapons and high-capacity magazines

(Newser) - The gun-control bill that backers call the nation's toughest is now law, the Hartford Courant reports. Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the measure this afternoon, calling it a "profoundly emotional day for everyone in this room" in the wake of the Sandy Hook rampage. The law requires background checks...

Rand Paul, Hardline Gun Group in Dogfight With GOP

Supports group attacking GOP's Eric Cantor, Scott Rigell

(Newser) - It's a showdown at the GOP corral: CPAC prom king Rand Paul is in a shootout with fellow Republicans Eric Cantor and Scott Rigell after a gun group backed by the Kentucky senator launched about $50,000 worth of attack ads accusing the Virginia reps of "wanting to...

Hardest Key to Gun Control: Background Checks

Obama's most effective gun control measure will be hard won

(Newser) - Expanding background checks for gun purchases is the most vital move President Obama can make in the battle to reduce gun violence, experts say, and 90% of the American public is in favor of expanding them. But the White House still faces an uphill battle in passing the bill—the...

Connecticut Forges US' Toughest Gun Laws

Bipartisan plan requires eligibility certificate for rifle, ammo buys

(Newser) - Connecticut lawmakers spurred into action by the Sandy Hook school shooting have agreed on what they say is the nation's strongest gun control bill. The bipartisan agreements includes universal background checks for firearm sales, new state-issued eligibility certificates for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or ammunition, and a...

Obama: 'Shame on Us' If We Forget Newtown

President pushes Congress for stricter gun laws

(Newser) - President Obama surrounded himself with mothers who lost their children to gun violence today and urged Congress to tighten the nation's laws. He called special attention to the Newtown school massacre, reports the Hill . "Shame on us if we've forgotten," he said. “I haven't...

Gun Store to Mark Kelly: No AR-15 Purchase for You

Sends him refund, won't give him firearm

(Newser) - Well, so much for that: Mark Kelly recently went to an Arizona gun store to buy an AR-15, his goal being to show how easy it is to procure one ... but now the gun store won't give it to him. After buying the gun, Kelly told CNN , "It...

Sens. Paul, Cruz: We'll Filibuster Gun Control

Republicans deliver warning to Harry Reid

(Newser) - If Harry Reid goes forward with a possible gun-control measure, he'll face a filibuster, say three Republican senators. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee have penned a letter to the Senate majority leader, saying, "We will oppose the motion to proceed to any legislation that will serve...

Newtown Residents Blast 'Insensitive' NRA Robocalls

Calls urged them to oppose gun-control proposals

(Newser) - Some residents in Newtown, Conn., say they're outraged at receiving robocalls from the National Rifle Association only three months after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Town residents say the automated calls from the NRA began last week and urge people to tell their state legislators to oppose gun-control...

Colo. Gov: I Was Caught in 'Nightmare' of Shooting

Good friend Tom Clements was allegedly killed by son of another friend

(Newser) - Still reeling from the shooting death of corrections chief Tom Clements , Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed some of the nation's toughest gun laws into effect on Wednesday. Then it turned out that the suspect in Clements' murder was Evan Spencer Ebel, the troubled son of a good friend of...

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Not DOA 

Bloomberg: Assault Weapons Ban Not DOA

As Wayne LaPierre calls mayor 'reckless,' 'insane'

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was today busily putting his mouth where his money will be tomorrow, Politico reports, when he kicks off a $12 million ad blitz targeting 13 senators considered vulnerable on gun control. Appearing on Meet the Press, the New York City mayor said "we are going to win"...

Reid Readies Gun Bill With Background Checks

Senate will take it up early next month

(Newser) - He put the kibosh on an assault-weapons ban , but Harry Reid insisted today that any gun legislation taken up by the Senate will include universal background checks, reports the Hill . Reid confirmed that he will allow measures to restrict assault weapons and high-capacity ammo magazines to be voted on only...

Yoko Shares Photo of Lennon's Bloody Glasses

In tweets pushing for gun control

(Newser) - Yesterday was the 44th anniversary of Yoko Ono's marriage to John Lennon, and she marked the occasion by offering a personal—and graphic—statement on the gun-control debate: She tweeted a photo of Lennon's bloodstained glasses. "Over 1,057,000 people have been killed by guns in...

Clue in Colorado DOC Chief Murder: 'Boxy' Car

Police still have no suspects, motive

(Newser) - Colorado is reeling in the fatal shooting of corrections head Tom Clements, and police are scrambling to come up with either suspect or motive. Fearing additional attacks, the state is ramping up security measures for Gov. John Hickenlooper, lawmakers, and other officials, the Denver Post reports. Police aren't sure...

Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons
Iraqi War Vet:
Ban Assault Weapons

Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons

Steven Katz: Those who blindly cite the 2nd Amendment are being selfish

(Newser) - Before making the case that the US should ban assault weapons, Steven Katz lays out his "street cred" in the Christian Science Monitor : He's a conservative Republican who voted for George W. Bush twice, backs small government and the 2nd Amendment, and served two tours in Iraq. But...

Colorado Gov. Signs Major Gun Control Bill

Hickenlooper ushers in bill without fanfare

(Newser) - It's official: Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper today quietly signed the state's landmark gun control legislation into law, a spokesperson tells NBC News . The new law—which has predictably generated some controversy —limits the size of magazines and expands background checks, among other reforms. Hickenlooper earlier today had...

Colo. Corrections Chief Shot Dead as He Answered Door

Murder comes on eve on new gun regulations

(Newser) - Tom Clements, the executive director of Colorado’s department of corrections, was shot dead last night—but the who and why remain a mystery. Clements was shot fatally in the chest as he answered the door of his home in Monument, Colo., reports NBC , but nobody else in the house...

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed
 Assault Weapons Ban Doomed 

Assault Weapons Ban Doomed

Feinstein's measure won't be included in legislation before Senate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has delivered the expected death blow to a ban on assault weapons, telling Dianne Feinstein that her proposal won't be included in the final package that goes up for a Senate vote. Feinstein will offer it as an amendment instead, but it stands no chance of getting...

No More Big Ammunition Magazines for Colorado

Hickenlooper says he'll sign bill, which state Senate, House passed

(Newser) - A bill limiting ammunition magazines to 15 rounds has cleared Colorado's legislature, meaning all it needs to become law is Gov. John Hickenlooper's signature—which he has said he'll provide. The bill passed the state Senate on Monday and state House yesterday, 34-30; three Democrats joined the...

South Dakota Passes Law Arming Teachers

It allows volunteer 'school sentinels' to carry guns on campus

(Newser) - South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law today that will allow the state's teachers and volunteer "school sentinels" to pack heat in the classroom. While other states have laws that in theory might allow teachers to be armed, South Dakota is believed to be the first to...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>