gun control

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Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US
john howard

Ex Aussie PM: We Banned Assault Weapons, So Can US

John Howard discusses how Australia did it, and the results

(Newser) - In the New York Times today, John Howard details how he, as then-prime minister of Australia, got an assault weapons ban passed after a massacre in which 35 people were killed with semiautomatic weapons. He doesn't want to "lecture" America on the matter, he writes, and acknowledges there...

90% Want Gun Background Checks

 90% Want Gun 

90% Want Gun Background Checks

Including NRA members, Republicans

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama was right when he said the majority of Americans support universal background checks for gun buyers—in a huge way. A whopping 90% of the public supports the idea, according to a new New York Times / CBS News poll, including 95% of Independents, 93% of...

Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us
 Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us 

Jon Stewart: NRA Is Punking Us

'Daily Show' host thinks ad is a Joaquin Phoenix-style hoax

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took one look at yesterday's NRA ad calling President Obama a hypocrite over armed guards at his daughters' school, and thought, "If I didn't know any better, after seeing that ad, I would think the NRA is either an elaborate, avant garde, Joaquin Phoenix-style joke...

Vermont Firing Range Bans Cops Over City's Gun Plan

Club protests possible ban on semi-automatics

(Newser) - A Vermont shooting range doesn't like what it's hearing from the Burlington City Council, which recently backed a ban on semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity magazines. In response, the firing range has closed its doors to police officers, who have historically trained there, the Burlington Free Press reports. The...

So What Is an Assault Weapon?
 So What Is an Assault Weapon? 

So What Is an Assault Weapon?

With many Dems ambivalent, gun control faces big obstacles

(Newser) - A key part of President's Obama's gun control agenda is a ban on assault weapons, but both sides of the gun debate can't even agree on what is an assault weapon, much less whether to ban them, reports the New York Times . Gun control proponents generally use...

Obama&#39;s 23 Executive Orders
 Obama's 23 Executive Orders 

Obama's 23 Executive Orders

Includes having the CDC research gun violence

(Newser) - So just what are the 23 executive orders President Obama signed today as part of his plan to curb gun violence? Dave Weigel at Slate runs them down, and here's a sampling from him and AP :
  • "Require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background

Obama Unveils $500M Gun Plan
 Obama Unveils $500M Gun Plan 

Obama Unveils $500M Gun Plan

And signs 23 executive orders

(Newser) - President Obama and Joe Biden laid out their gun control plan at the White House today, calling for a $500 million program in front of a number of children who had written the president asking that he tackle gun violence. Biden got the first word, boasting that his team had...

2nd Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Any New Gun Laws

Kentucky's Tim Mueller sends letter to Joe Biden

(Newser) - President Obama will reveal his gun control plans this morning, and one Kentucky sheriff will no doubt be listening closely. Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller has become the country's second man in such a position to declare that he does not plan to enforce any laws he sees as...

Inside Obama's Gun-Control Plan

President to set out sweeping moves today, flanked by kids

(Newser) - When President Obama announces a sweeping gun control agenda today, he'll be joined by schoolchildren who wrote him letters after the Sandy Hook school shooting, reports the Washington Post . Among what he's expected to reveal at a press conference scheduled for just before noon: proposals including a ban...

NRA Ad Slams Obama Over Protection for His Girls

It makes him an 'elitist hypocrite'

(Newser) - If President Obama questions the idea of putting armed guards in every school, then why is he willing to let the Secret Service protect Sasha and Malia while they're in class? Because he's an "elitist hypocrite when it comes to a fair share of security," asserts...

New York State Passes Nation's Toughest Gun Law

It tightens rules on assault weapons, mentally ill

(Newser) - New York enacted the nation's toughest gun restrictions today and the first since the Connecticut school shooting, including an expanded assault-weapon ban and mandatory background checks for buying ammunition. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law less than an hour after it won final passage in the...

Gun Protesters Target Walmart Near Newtown

Set to call for an end to assault weapons sales

(Newser) - Anti-gun protesters are taking their message to a Walmart store eight miles from Newtown. In a rally today, they'll call on the company—the largest gun retailer in the country—to stop selling assault weapons. Activist group Sum of Us will give Walmart a letter supporting the cause, along...

Biden: 19 Ways Obama Can Go It Alone on Gun Control

GOP rep warns of impeachment if Obama opts for executive action

(Newser) - As the White House gears up for a battle over gun control, Joe Biden has presented 19 moves the administration could take on its own. Speaking to House Dems yesterday, he outlined an array of executive actions, including boosting enforcement of current laws, empowering the CDC to research guns, and...

Obama: No 'Magic Tricks' for Debt Ceiling

President rules out executive debt ceiling fix

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama really doesn't have a trillion-dollar coin up his sleeve—or any other crafty debt ceiling fix. At what he billed as the last press conference of his first term today, Obama was asked if he'd consider executive action—possibly invoking the 14th amendment—to...

Burglars Hit Home on NY Gun Map

Police investigating whether they used map to target home

(Newser) - More fallout from the controversial "gun map" published by a New York newspaper : The interactive map, which publicized addresses of local gun owners , may have been used by burglars to target a home in White Plains. At least two people broke into the home Saturday night and tried...

Liars Who Attempt to Get Gun Not Punished

Only 44 charged of 80K who fudged background-check forms in 2010

(Newser) - Both sides are bracing themselves ahead of Joe Biden's expected delivery of gun-control recommendations to President Obama tomorrow, with the head honcho of the NRA yesterday declaring that any attempts to pass an assault weapons ban would be DOA. But the New York Times today takes a look at...

CEO Loses Gun Permit Over Plan to 'Start Killing People'

James Yeager raged online over possible gun-control laws

(Newser) - A Tennessee firearms trainer posted a video last week saying he would "start killing people" if gun-control laws are passed—and state officials kinda noticed, Digital Journal reports. In fact, Tennessee's Homeland Security office revoked the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response, due to...

Powell Blasts GOP's 'Dark Vein of Intolerance'

Former general says GOP needs to take a look at its relationship with minorities

(Newser) - If you wanted to know Colin Powell's thoughts on just about anything, today was your day: Appearing on Meet the Press, the former secretary of state covered topics ranging from gun control to torture, but seemed to take particular issue with his own Republican party, saying that while he'...

NRA Honcho: Assault Weapon Ban Won&#39;t Pass

 NRA Honcho: 
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Won't Pass 

NRA Honcho: Assault Weapons Ban Won't Pass

Joe Manchin calls for comprehensive approach

(Newser) - There's no way gun control advocates have the votes to get an assault weapons ban through Congress, NRA President David Keene told CNN today. "I would say that the likelihood is that they're not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this Congress,...

Gun Control &#39;Debate&#39; a Fantasy
 Gun Control 'Debate' a Fantasy 
Kimberly Strassel

Gun Control 'Debate' a Fantasy

Kimberly Strassel points out that Washington already agrees on guns

(Newser) - Ever since Sandy Hook, there's been "an almost cosmic disconnect" between gun control advocates, who "sniffed a rare political opening," and the real world, writes Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal . Gun control advocates are asking for everything up to and including crowning Michael Bloomberg...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>