gun control

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We Regulate Toys, So Why Not Guns?
We Regulate Toys,
So Why Not Guns?
nicholas kristof

We Regulate Toys, So Why Not Guns?

Nicholas Kristof: Better laws would be the greatest tribute of all

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof makes his case for stricter gun control today in the New York Times , but not before laying out his credentials first: He's "an Oregon farm boy" who got a .22 for his 12th birthday and still shoots occasionally—meaning he's no "city slicker" alarmist who thinks...

Arizona Rep. Wishes for 'One More Gun' at Shooting

Presumably, a gun that could have stopped Jared Loughner

(Newser) - Don’t count Arizona Rep. Trent Franks among those calling for increased gun control in the wake of Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting. "I wish there had been one more gun there that day in the hands of a responsible person, that's all I have to say," said the Republican,...

Pete King Wants to Ban Guns Near Lawmakers

His proposed bill is meant to protect the public as well

(Newser) - In the wake of Saturday’s tragic shootings in Tucson, one of the rare pro-gun control Republican representatives is trying to make it illegal to carry a gun near members of Congress and certain other federal officials. Rep. Peter King’s proposed bill is designed not just to protect lawmakers,...

To Buy a Gun, You Should Need a Doctor's Note
To Buy a Gun, You Should
Need a Doctor's Note

To Buy a Gun, You Should Need a Doctor's Note

Why won't anyone talk about gun control?

(Newser) - We require a doctor’s note to buy certain medications—why not to buy guns? In the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, pundits have talked unendingly about what role violent political rhetoric might have played in the shooting. But the real issue is a "dead debate, lost long...

The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We
The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We

The Wild West Had Gun Laws, and So Should We

It's time for 'commonsense restrictions'

(Newser) - Following Saturday’s tragic shootings, the Pima County sheriff referred to Arizona as “the Tombstone of the United States,” a clear reference to the silver-mining town that played host to the OK Corral shootout some 130 years ago. "The irony of (his) remark," writes Katherine Benton-Cohen...

In Arizona, a Fresh Battle Over Gun Laws

The state's laws are among the weakest in the nation

(Newser) - Charles Heller doesn't travel light. The secretary of the Arizona Citizens Defense League can be found carrying two handguns (at least) at all times. He has another in his car door, and more in a safe bolted into his trunk. "What happened at the Safeway plaza shows why it's...

More States Shoot for Guns in Bars

Move triggers heated debate

(Newser) - Mixing guns and alcohol may seem like a bad idea, but more American states are now allowing people to carry registered guns in bars and restaurants, finds the New York Times . Four states—Tennessee, Arizona, Virginia and Georgia—have recently made it legal to carry a loaded weapon in a...

Mexican Drug War Being Fought With American Guns

75% of tested cartel guns come from border states

(Newser) - A significant number of people killed in Mexican drug cartel violence since 2006 may have been killed with guns bought in US border states, according to a report based on data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco. The report—prepared by the advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns—...

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama
 Gun Rights Gain Under Obama 

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama

Fear of backlash keeps Dems timid on 2nd amendment

(Newser) - Gun-rights advocates who feared that the Obama presidency would mean the end of the Second Amendment have instead found the political climate surprisingly friendly, the Washington Independent reports. The Supreme Court and state legislatures alike have awarded victories to pro-gun forces, and federal lawmakers are wary of rocking the boat....

Utah Becomes Gun Permit Capital of US

State gives concealed permits to thousands who don't live there

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of Americans are applying for concealed weapon permits in Utah, even though they’ve never been there, and don’t intend to visit. The state has become the gun permit capital of the country, the New York Times explains, because its permits are dirt cheap, easy to...

Wisconsin DA: Go Ahead, Pack a Concealed Weapon

Prosecutor won't press most cases in wake of Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - One Wisconsin DA is taking the US Supreme Court's ruling on gun rights and running with it, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. In Jackson County, prosecutors won't be pursuing cases against defendants accused of carrying concealed weapons, among other infractions. The high court's ruling in McDonald vs. Chicago "immediately...

Chicago Rushes New Gun Ban Into Place

Unanimous vote comes in wake of US Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - Wasting little time after the US Supreme Court threw out the city's gun ban , Chicago aldermen today voted unanimously to institute new gun regulations. By a 45-0 vote, the lawmakers passed laws considered the nation's strictest, and they weren't coy about their motivation. "No Supreme Court judge could live...

Big Winners in High Court's Gun Ruling? Democrats

Issue thankfully off the table for November

(Newser) - Conservatives may be pleased with the Supreme Court’s recent gun rights ruling, but Democrats are the big winners politically. Lots of Democratic incumbents hail from gun-loving districts, and now they’ve got one less wedge issue to deal with, Politico reasons. “It pretty much took that off the...

Gun Control Is Dead

 Gun Control Is Dead 

Gun Control Is Dead

Conservatives celebrate, liberals predict anarchy

(Newser) - The Supreme Court issued a major gun rights decision today, one that conservatives believe forever ends gun control in America. Here’s what the pundits are saying:
  • David Rittgers of the National Review expects violent crime to fall now that people can finally defend themselves. The decision finally kills off

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Ex-governor has a packed speaking schedule

(Newser) - For someone not officially running for anything, Sarah Palin spends an awful lot of time running her mouth. Among highlights from yesterday's soundbite extravaganza, as reported by the AP :
  • If Obama and the Dems thought they "could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and

Toddler Kills Self With Gun She Mistook for Wii Gadget

Girl, 3, drops dead as mom works nearby on computer

(Newser) - A 3-year-old Tennessee girl fatally shot herself in the chest with a gun she apparently mistook for a Wii gadget. The tragedy occurred as Cheyenne McKeehan picked up a loaded pistol left out by her stepfather that looked strikingly similar to a toy-gun Wii controller the girl had recently learned...

Starbucks Caught in Gun-Control Crosshairs

And it desperately wants out

(Newser) - Starbucks doesn’t want to be part of the gun control debate, but lately it seems to be something of a bullseye. After the coffee chain refused to ban guns in its stores, both Brady Campaign protesters and those packing heat have been demonstrating at Seattle-area Starbucks, the Post-Intelligencer reports....

Obama Presidency a Surprise Boon to Gun Owners

States loosen laws as expected gun control push fails to arrive

(Newser) - New laws allowing weapons in bars, national parks and Amtrak trains were probably the last thing gun-rights advocates would have expected from the Obama administration. But that's exactly what's happened, as the president stays largely silent on the gun issue while states bracing for a pro-gun-control agenda from Washington rush...

Video Bares Snowball-Gun Near Tragedy

Pistol-brandishing detective on desk duty

(Newser) - A video has emerged revealing how tense a standoff became between a pistol-brandishing cop and several snowballers on a DC street. The angry off-duty detective, who has been rebuked by his superiors, is seen waving his gun after his Hummer was pelted by snowballs, and taunting the crowd, "Go...

It's Time for Congress to Stop Fearing the NRA
It's Time for Congress to
Stop Fearing the NRA

It's Time for Congress to Stop Fearing the NRA

Poll shows even NRA members back sensible gun laws

(Newser) - Congress should stop cowering in the face of the NRA and start passing some sensible gun laws—without fear of retribution, writes EJ Dionne. Lawmakers worry that the NRA will unleash hordes of single-issue voters on them if they call for any restraint whatsoever on firearms, but a new poll...

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