gays in the military

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Biden Pardons Veterans Convicted 'for Being Themselves'

Thousands were found to have violated repealed military ban on consensual gay sex

(Newser) - President Biden pardoned potentially thousands of former US service members convicted of violating a now-repealed military ban on consensual gay sex, saying Wednesday that he is "righting [a] historic wrong" to clear the way for them to regain lost benefits. Biden's action grants a pardon to service members...

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Icon

'When Harvey Milk served in the military, he couldn't tell anyone who he truly was'

(Newser) - Five years after the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law allowed gay sailors to serve openly, the Navy plans to name one of its ships after California's first openly gay elected official. A Military Sealift Command ship, one of several John Lewis-class oilers currently...

US Senate Approves Openly Gay Army Secretary

Eric Fanning's case was held up for 8 months

(Newser) - The Senate confirmed the long-stalled nomination of Eric Fanning to be Army secretary, making him the first openly gay leader of a US military service, the AP reports. The unanimous voice vote approval on Tuesday came after Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., dropped his opposition to Fanning after a senior Pentagon...

Gay Veterans: Upgrade Our Discharges to 'Honorable'

After being kicked out of military, gay veterans fight for recognition

(Newser) - Kicked out of their units, rejected by their churches, denied veterans' benefits and job opportunities after being interrogated about the most personal details of their lives. This was the plight of many of the estimated 100,000 gay US service members discharged between World War II and 2011, when the...

6 States Defy Pentagon on Gay Military Benefits

Couples being forced to travel to federal bases to get ID card needed for benefits

(Newser) - In 44 states, the gay spouse of an active-duty National Guard member can register for a military spouse ID card at his or her partner's base and begin getting federal marriage benefits. But in six states, it's not so easy. As the New York Times explains, bases in...

Same-Sex Couple Set for National Cemetery Burial

First-time event follows VA waiver

(Newser) - For the first time, a veteran's same-sex partner is due for burial in a national cemetery. Nancy Lynchild, who died in December, will be buried in Willamette National Cemetery in Oregon; her partner, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Linda Campbell, will someday have her ashes buried alongside Lynchild's....

Fort Bragg Spouse Group Allows First Lesbian

Officers' club changes laws after initial denial

(Newser) - Gays can now serve openly in the military, so it only follows that their husbands and wives can join military spouse groups, right? Right, although it took a formal review of the bylaws at Fort Bragg in North Carolina to make it so, reports BuzzFeed . The Association of Bragg Officers'...

Troops Win OK to Wear Uniforms in Gay Pride Parade

And first gay wedding held on military base

(Newser) - The military has now repealed the hell out of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." For the first time, American troops will be allowed to march in uniform at a gay pride parade, reports the BBC . The Pentagon—which marked gay pride month in June —says it...

Pentagon Saluting Gay Pride Month

Military planning event to honor gay service members

(Newser) - Don't Ask, Don't Tell must be spinning in its grave: This is gay pride month at the Pentagon. With gays and lesbians now allowed to serve openly, the military has decided to mark the month just as it marks celebrations honoring other groups, reports AP . Defense Department officials...

Gay Kiss Is Milestone, but Military Must Do More
Gay Kiss Is Milestone,
but Military Must Do More

Gay Kiss Is Milestone, but Military Must Do More

Racism, sexism, homophobia still exist: LA Times

(Newser) - When Marissa Gaeta stepped off the USS Oak Hill after a three-month deployment and gave her girlfriend the "first kiss" , it was just one example of the "exemplary progress" the US military has made in "modernizing its culture," declares the Los Angeles Times in an editorial....

Perry Ad Is YouTube's No. 3 Most-Disliked Video

'Strong' ad behind only Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black videos

(Newser) - Rick Perry's controversial new campaign ad is closing in on the YouTube record for most disliked video ever. The ad—which currently has close to 400,000 "dislikes"—is now behind only Justin Bieber's video for "Baby," and Rebecca Black's "Friday" video....

Gay Troops Sue Over DOMA
 Gay Troops Sue Over DOMA 

Gay Troops Sue Over DOMA

Lawsuit to be filed today

(Newser) - Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell may be gone, but married gay and lesbian service members aren’t done fighting for equal rights: Six active troops and two veterans are filing suit today to challenge the Defense of Marriage Act. Lead plaintiffs Shannon McLaughlin, a Massachusetts Army National Guard...

Pentagon Allows Gay Weddings on Military Bases

And will allow military chaplains to perform them

(Newser) - The Defense Department today issued guidance to military chaplains saying that they are free to perform gay marriages on or off military bases in states where it’s legal. The memos are quick to add that these weddings can’t be official Defense Department events, and that “making DoD...

Viral Video: Gay Soldier Tells His Father That He's Gay on YouTube
 Soldier Tells Dad 
 He's Gay on YouTube 
in case you missed it

Soldier Tells Dad He's Gay on YouTube

'I still love you, son,' replies his father

(Newser) - After the official press conferences and announcements, it's a viral video on YouTube that might be the stealing the show regarding the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. In it, an unidentified gay soldier stationed in Germany films himself telling his father that he's gay, notes...

Debate Audience Boos Gay Iraq Vet

 Boos Gay 
 Iraq Vet 
GOP Debate

Debate Audience Boos Gay Iraq Vet

Rick Santorum would repeal the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

(Newser) - First they cheered letting the uninsured die —then they booed a gay soldier. The audience at last night's GOP candidates debate didn't keep it classy when an Iraq war vet asked Rick Santorum on a YouTube clip where he stands on this week's repeal of the...

Discharged Gay Soldiers Suing for Full Severance

Fight over half-pay has outlived Don't Ask, Don't Tell

(Newser) - "Don't Ask Don't Tell" wasn't cold in its grave before Obama administration lawyers were in court opposing giving full severance pay to service members honorably discharged under the policy. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the case on behalf of 142 people discharged under the policy...

Daily Show Applauds Our New Gay Army

Jason Jones reports... in short-shorts

(Newser) - The Daily Show reported on the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell last night with its customary level of sobriety and dignity. Which is to say, Jason Jones was wearing short-shorts and rubbing his belly under a too-small camouflage T-shirt. “The nightmare is real!” Jones declared,...

Navy Officer, Partner Wed as 'Don't Ask' Ends

Pair marry in Vermont the minute policy becomes history

(Newser) - Navy Lt. Gary Ross, like every other gay and lesbian service member, was free to disclose his sexuality as of midnight—and he did it in style. The 33-year-old lieutenant and his partner of 11 years traveled from their home in Arizona to Vermont so they could marry as the...

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Ends Sept. 20

President and Pentagon certify repeal

(Newser) - Supporters and opponents of Don't Ask, Don't Tell won't have to pay attention to the dizzying back-and-forth court developments anymore: The ban on gays in the military will end on Sept. 20, reports Politico . President Obama certified the repeal today after the Pentagon brass—including new defense...

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal to Be Certified by Leon Panetta
 Panetta to Certify DADT Repeal 

Panetta to Certify DADT Repeal

New defense chief to start 60-day repeal countdown

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will sign the death warrant for "Don't Ask Don't Tell" soon after he is officially sworn in today, according to Pentagon sources. Panetta and other defense chiefs will certify that the military is ready to ax the policy barring gays from serving openly,...

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