Islamic State

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Report: Bomb on Russian Jet Was in Passenger Cabin

Russian newspaper says it wasn't hidden in cargo

(Newser) - Now that Moscow is on board with the thinking that a bomb brought down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt, a newspaper in Russia is reporting that the explosive was in a surprising place: the main passenger cabin. The Kommersant quotes an anonymous investigator who says the device was likely...

Anonymous Launches Cyber War on ISIS

ISIS' response: 'Idiots'

(Newser) - Anonymous is following through with its promise to target ISIS in a cyber war after the Paris terror attacks. Operating under the hashtags #opISIS and #opParis, the group has begun leaking the personal details of alleged ISIS recruiters, reports the Independent . Anonymous also has compiled lists of social media accounts...

ISIS Threatens DC: Keep Up Airstrikes, and You're Next

Video showing rant against 'crusader campaign' hasn't yet been authenticated

(Newser) - The Paris terror attacks were just the start if airstrikes against Syria don't cease, according to unauthenticated ISIS video that surfaced Monday—and the next target could be DC, reports Reuters . The video—which the news agency says was posted on a site used by ISIS, supposedly by militants...

Obama: No Ground Troops to Fight ISIS' 'Face of Evil'

President says we'll keep calm and carry on with current airstrike strategy

(Newser) - Friday's terror attacks in Paris rocked the world, but President Obama appeared steadfast Monday in his overall strategy to go after the Islamic State. In a presser held after Turkey's G20 summit, Obama said that even though ISIS is "the face of evil" and that Paris' attacks...

US to Send Special Ops to Syria

Officials describe 'shift' in fight against ISIS

(Newser) - All week there's been buzz that the White House was mulling whether to send ground troops to Syria to combat ISIS. Now it looks like it's a done deal. An anonymous senior US official says there will be an announcement Friday that the US will send a small...

Freed ISIS Captives Detail the Torture They Endured

They were preparing for their executions when they heard voices

(Newser) - With their executions set to take place within hours, Islamic State prisoners were writing what were to be their last letters to loved ones when Kurdish and US forces changed their fates. As helicopters loomed overhead, Muhammad Hassan Abdullah al-Jibouri, 35, remembers hearing voices speaking Kurdish and English before the...

US Considers Increasing Ground Troops in Iraq, Syria

Possibility marks big shift in Obama's plan for the Middle East

(Newser) - Concerned about the lack of progress against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, President Obama is considering moving troops to the front lines in both countries, the Washington Post reports. A number of options sent to Obama in a memo last week would have a small number of Special...

US to Toyota: How Is ISIS Getting Your Trucks, SUVs?

Carmaker says it's cooperating with inquiry

(Newser) - How exactly is it that ISIS has a bunch of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs, which the terrorist group has used in propaganda videos? That's the question the Terror Financing unit of the US Treasury Department is asking Toyota, and the carmaker says it is cooperating with the inquiry....

Obama vs. Putin: The Best Lines
Obama vs. Putin:
The Best Lines

Obama vs. Putin: The Best Lines

And neither says much after a 'businesslike' one-on-one meeting

(Newser) - President Obama and Vladimir Putin met privately for more than 90 minutes today, about 30 minutes longer than scheduled, but neither was divulging much afterward. Putin called the meeting "businesslike," while Obama didn't provide immediate comments, reports ABC News . A White House official, however, also used the...

US, Russian Defense Chiefs Have Rare Direct Talks

They discuss Syria, the first time they've spoken in more than a year

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Ash Carter called his Russian counterpart today, the first step in direct military talks proposed by Russia about Moscow's military buildup to support the Syrian government against ISIS. The 50-minute conversation marked the first time that American and Russian defense chiefs have spoken in more than a...

Spy Chief's 'Unusual' Talks May Have Skewed ISIS Intel

Intelligence chief may have exerted subtle, if unintentional, pressure on subordinate

(Newser) - A potential scandal involving intelligence reports about the Islamic State being manipulated to make US progress sound rosier than reality seems to be getting bigger. And now, national intelligence director James Clapper is involved, reports the Guardian . The story surfaced last month, when the New York Times reported that the...

Britain to Accept 20K Migrants, But Is It Enough?

France is taking 24K over the next 2 years

(Newser) - Austria and Germany have already accepted thousands of migrants fleeing the Middle East—now it's Britain's turn. British Prime Minister David Cameron said today that the UK will house up to 20,000 Syrian refugees by 2020, the BBC reports. Britain has a "moral responsibility" to help,...

Archaeologists Race to Map History Before ISIS Destroys It

Volunteers will risk lives to get 3-D images of world's oldest and most important sites

(Newser) - Archaeologists and thousands of volunteers are in a race against time to digitally map some of the world's oldest and most important statues, temples, and cities before they can be destroyed by the Islamic State, the Los Angeles Times reports. If ISIS "is permitted to wipe the slate...

Satellite Confirms ISIS Did Blow Up Key Ancient Temple

UN agency confirms temple's destruction at the hands of ISIS

(Newser) - The world is indeed down one treasure after the destruction of a major temple in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. By comparing a satellite image snapped yesterday with another from Thursday—visible side by side here —a UN agency has confirmed that the 2,000-year-old Temple of Bel...

Pentagon May Be Fudging Numbers in ISIS Fight

Its inspector general is looking into allegations

(Newser) - Next time a US policy maker is talking about the progress being made against ISIS, it might be wise to be extra skeptical. The New York Times reports that the Pentagon's inspector general is looking into allegations that intelligence analyses are being goosed to present a picture rosier than...

ISIS Images Show Destroyed Ancient Temple

It appears the 2K-year-old temple of Baalshamin is no more

(Newser) - ISIS released propaganda images today that purport to show militants laying explosives in and then blowing up the 2,000-year-old temple of Baalshamin in Syria's ancient caravan city of Palmyra. The images, posted on social media by supporters of the group, showed militants carrying barrels of explosives, and laying...

What ISIS Does to Gay Men
 What ISIS Does to Gay Men 

What ISIS Does to Gay Men

Those guilty of sodomy are thrown off buildings, shot, or stoned

(Newser) - Islamic State militants track down gay people through the cellphone and Facebook contacts of their captives, then throw them from rooftops, the UN Security Council heard in a closed-door informal meeting yesterday—the first ever to address violence and discrimination against the LGBT community. "If a victim did not...

ISIS Beheads Archaeology Pioneer

Khaled al-Asaad beheaded in Palmyra, where he worked for 50 years

(Newser) - A tragic blow to the archaeology community: Islamic State militants have beheaded one of Syria's most prominent antiquities scholars in a square in the seized city of Palmyra, where dozens of people gathered to watch, Syrian state media and a British activist group report, via the AP . The body...

How ISIS Entices Teenage Girls From the West

'New York Times' report: It's a 'twisted form of feminism'

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with another investigation into the ways of the Islamic State, this one on how it manages to entice bright young women from the West to pack up and head to Syria. By one estimate, more than 500 Western women have done so. Focusing on...

ISIS Leader Raped American Hostage
ISIS Leader Raped
American Hostage

ISIS Leader Raped American Hostage

Parents of late Kayla Mueller say she was tortured

(Newser) - Awful reports are emerging today about the late American hostage Kayla Mueller on what would have been her 27th birthday. The Independent reports that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi raped her multiple times while she was in captivity. The story is based on the account of a teenage Yazidi...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>