health care reform

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GOP's New Health Reform Trick: Don't Fund It

Boehner and Co. know a repeal's impossible

(Newser) - Republicans threatening to repeal health reform is nothing new, but the GOP is realizing the futility of that and moving on to a new tactic: denying funding to pieces of the bill. "Clearly, with the president’s veto pen, we’re going to have to take interim steps,”...

Public Keeps Warming Up to Health Care Reform

35% now oppose it, down from 41%

(Newser) - The poll numbers for health care reform just keep getting better for Democrats. In a new tracking poll, just 35% say they oppose the landmark law, down from 41% last month, the Washington Post reports, while 50% now hold a favorable view of the law. That’s the best the...

Obama Sticks to Agenda, Polls Be Damned

He's 3 for 3 on stimulus, health care, financial reform

(Newser) - President Obama completed a legislative hat trick yesterday, as he passed a landmark financial reform bill, to go alongside his landmark health care bill, and his mammoth stimulus bill. These victories essentially line up with his campaign promises, but they’ve come at a political cost, giving plenty of ammunition...

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'
Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Rep's running with health reform=slavery

(Newser) - Looks like the far right is running with this health care reform-as-slavery meme. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann accused President Obama of “turning our country into a nation of slaves,” this weekend at a conservative summit in Denver, Politico reports. She was riffing on a quote from Revolutionary War...

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate
 'Seminal' Town Halls 
 of 2009 Still Resonate 
peggy noonan

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate

Consequences will be felt in November midterm elections

(Newser) - The midterm elections are poised to shake up the political landscape, a consequence that Peggy Noonan traces directly back to the volatile town hall meetings of last summer. "Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats saw it coming," she writes of the movement. "But it was a seminal...

Obama to Insurers: Don't You Dare Jack Premiums

Parts of health care reform kick in

(Newser) - With parts of the health care reform law about to go into effect, President Obama has called executives from 13 leading insurers to Washington for a stern lecture about rate gouging. Obama is afraid the insurers will use the law as an excuse to jack up premiums. “Our message...

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

 Support for Health Care 
 Bill Hits New High 
Poll time

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

More now support plan than oppose it

(Newser) - The patient is alive and kicking. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds public support for President Obama's new health care law has risen to its highest point. The nation remains divided, with 45% in favor and 42% opposed to the president's signature domestic accomplishment, but the shift is significant—last...

Bush’s Daughter Glad Health Reform Passed

(Newser) - Barbara Bush, daughter of George W. Bush, told Fox News yesterday that she was glad the Democrats' health care reform package passed, reports the Raw Story. "Health care should be a right for everyone," said the 28-year-old co-founder of a nonprofit promoting "health equity" in the US...

Father, Son Arrested for Stupak Threat

Health care opponents allegedly threatened to kill his family

(Newser) - A father and son have been arrested and charged with conspiring to assault, kidnap, or murder a US official, after allegedly making violent threats toward Bart Stupak. Police say Russell and David Hesch, aged 73 and 50, are behind a letter that arrived on May 25, which warned that the...

GOP Gunning for Obama Health Nominee

Blocking appointment is one way to re-open health care debate

(Newser) - Republicans have their knives out for Donald Berwick, President Obama's nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid. Berwick, a pediatrician and Harvard prof who runs a nonprofit aimed at cutting hospital errors, as well as costs, is a fan of Britain's single-payer health National Health Service, they note; he once declared...

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss
Obama Shows Congress
Who's Boss 

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss

President takes more hands-on approach to legislation

(Newser) - President Obama is growing more assertive on Capitol Hill. Since he took office, the president's supporters have criticized him for not exerting enough control over the details of legislation, instead letting Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi hammer out specifics—even on major administration goals, like the health care bill. On...

Congress Arms Finance Reform With Big Guns

Unlike health care, bill is anything but watered down

(Newser) - After the pinball-esque drubbing health reform took before Congress spit it out, it's Wall Street's turn. But, reports Politico , the financial reform bill making its way through the Capitol is actually picking up fangs rather than being rendered toothless. Democrats know they have the wind at their backs, Republicans can't...

Nevada GOP Candidate Makes Palin Look Smart

'Chickens for check-ups?'

(Newser) - The GOP front-runner in Nevada's senate race is taking flak for a health care policy idea so stupid it makes Sarah Palin seem like "a pointy-headed policy wonk," writes Eugene Robinson. Sue Lowden has seriously suggested that the people in her highly urbanized state barter with doctors like...

Newt Gingrich: How America became a 'secular-socialist machine'
 Why Obama's Our Most 
 Radical President 
Newt Gingrich

Why Obama's Our Most Radical President

Chief executive runs a 'secular-socialist machine' from White House

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is defending—and, in fact, repeating—his assertion that President Obama is "the most radical president in American history." Only those in the "cultural elite" could possibly view his administration as moderate, he writes in the Washington Post . It is a "secular-socialist machine,"...

Health Reform Bill Won't Stop Premium Hikes

Action on curbs didn't make final cut, leaving 'very big loophole'

(Newser) - Turns out the big health care reform bill doesn't actually rein in those out-of-control premium rate hikes. The Democrats used outrage over whopping increases to corral support for the overhaul, but the bill doesn't deliver, finds the Los Angeles Times , because it doesn't give the government the regulatory authority. "...

Oops: Congress Might Have Killed Its Own Health Care

Health bill error may leave lawmakers, aides without coverage

(Newser) - If you know exactly how the health care reform bill will impact your coverage, you may be a step ahead of your member of Congress, according to the New York Times . A report from the Congressional Research Service found that—because of imprecise language and a possible drafting error in...

In Poll, Most Say Biden's F-Bomb No Big Deal

Fox News survey has 57% calling it 'not offensive'

(Newser) - Americans don't seem all that concerned about Joe Biden's "big f---ing deal" comment. In a poll by Fox News, 57% of respondents said his remark about health care reform was "not offensive," vs. 37% who thought it was. Fox News "went bonkers" over the comment, Greg...

Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land
Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land
quick takes

Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land

His decision to retire isn't surprising

(Newser) - Bart Stupak is retiring from Congress, which is not-so-stunning news to pundits:
  • Ben Smith, Politico : "It seems reasonable to take it as a sign of how difficult and unpleasant it is right now, in the House in particular, to attempt to stand in the middle." Stupak moved health

Fox News Made Man Threaten Pelosi: Mother

In 2004, Greg Giusti got a year for train conductor death threats

(Newser) - The mother of the San Francisco man arrested for making threatening calls to Nancy Pelosi over her role in health care reform says his ill-advised action was inspired in part by listening to Fox News. Greg Giusti “frequently gets in with a group of people that have really radical...

Stop Calling It the Slacker Mandate!
Stop Calling It the Slacker Mandate!

Stop Calling It the Slacker Mandate!

It's insulting to both young Americans and their parents

(Newser) - Conservatives have found a new punching bag in the health care reform legislation: the so-called “slacker mandate,” which allows parents to keep their kids under their health insurance until age 26. Michelle Malkin has railed against it as an example of the “Nanny state gone wild,”...

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