health care reform

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Dems Rethinking Health Care After Mass. Loss
Dems Rethinking Health Care
After Mass. Loss

Dems Rethinking Health Care After Mass. Loss

Webb urges Senate to avoid votes before Brown seated

(Newser) - Scott Brown's surprise win in Massachusetts has sent the Democrats scrambling to find a way to salvage health care legislation, as more and more legislators say they won't support hurry-up measures to push through the bill before he is sworn in. Sen. Jim Webb urged the Senate to delay any...

Mass. Vote Wasn't About Health Care
 Mass. Vote 
 Wasn't About 
 Health Care 

Mass. Vote Wasn't About Health Care

Bay State has already got health care reform, writes Steven Pearlstein

(Newser) - The Democrats' Bay State shocker is bad news for health care reform but it certainly wasn't a referendum on it, writes Steven Pearlstein. Massachusetts voters have a long history of electing Republican governors and senators to offset the Democratic-dominated state legislature so it's no surprise that they chose Scott Brown...

Obama Will Urge House to Send Him Health Bill

Ramped up State of the Union indicates Senate-skipping strategy

(Newser) - The White House has essentially accepted the reality of a Scott Brown win in Massachusetts and is orchestrating some health care reform “ping-pong,” Nate Silver writes, urging the House to vote on the Senate bill as it stands so it can go straight to President Obama’s desk...

Mass. Election Could Seal Fate of Health Reform

Dems' options if Brown wins not looking good

(Newser) - With polls showing the majority of Americans opposed to the Democrats' health care reform bill, a victory for Scott Brown in Massachusetts today could sound the death of the party's yearlong effort at health reform. If Dems try to proceed with the reforms in the wake of a Brown victory,...

State of the Union Set for Jan. 27

President Obama schedules speech with health reform still up in the air

(Newser) - President Obama has scheduled his first State of the Union address for Wednesday, Jan. 27. The White House had hoped health care reform would be passed before the speech, but the tight timeline makes that unlikely, CBS News reports. The date confirms White House spokesman Robert Gibbs' assurances that the...

Pals Reid and Lieberman in Spat Over Trash Talk

Majority leader cries 'double-cross' on health care, doesn't quite take it back

(Newser) - Harry Reid can't get a break this week. Just as the flap over his use of the radioactive word "negro" was beginning to fade, the New York Times quoted him, in a preview of an upcoming magazine story, as trash-talking his supposed pal Joe Lieberman. The Times cited an...

Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Mass. Senate Race

Republican leads Martha Coakley 50% to 46%

(Newser) - For the first time in the tumultuous race for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, Republican Scott Brown has pulled ahead in a major poll, beating Martha Coakley 50% to 46%. While Brown's lead in the Suffolk’s Political Research Center poll is still within the margin of error, it's a stunning...

Brown Shows GOP How to Attack Health Care

Why should Mass. residents, who have near-universal care, subsidize others?

(Newser) - Republicans are giddy over the success Scott Brown’s having in Massachusetts, seeing his health care-centric campaign as a model for its other candidates. If Brown even comes close to victory in the liberal state—and polls say he will—then candidates nationwide will be asking “what did he...

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez
 Hanging Up Prez 

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez

Obama needs to learn to listen, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - A year into his presidency, President Obama isn't reading from the same page as the American people and may not even be reading from the same book, writes Peggy Noonan. A president needs to have a "deep and shrewd sense of the people," but Obama seems blind to...

White House, Unions Reach Deal on 'Cadillac Tax'

Agreement clears one of the biggest obstacles to final bill

(Newser) - The White House has struck a deal with unions on how to tax generous health insurance policies, one of the last major sticking points in crafting a final bill. Few details are available on the agreement over the so-called "Cadillac tax," but President Obama is expected to visit...

Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution
Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution
George Will

Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution

The government can't simply require people to buy something

(Newser) - Democrats giddy about being on the verge of health care reform ought to look out for a "rock dead ahead," writes George Will. That "rock" is the US Constitution. The idea of forcing people to buy health insurance just doesn't jibe with the principle of individual liberty,...

Dems Consider Medicare Tax on Investment Income

Expansion would pay for health-care reform

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have cooked up a potential new way of paying for the health care bill: applying the Medicare payroll tax to investment income. The idea would please labor leaders, who oppose the tax on so-called “Cadillac” insurance plans, bolster Medicare’s finances, and place the burden mainly on...

Dems Could Actually Lose Kennedy Seat
Dems Could Actually Lose Kennedy Seat
Nate Silver

Dems Could Actually Lose Kennedy Seat

Swing voters weak on Coakley—even some who back health care

(Newser) - Turnout remains the most important factor in the Massachusetts Senate election, but it’s not the only factor. The latest Rasmussen poll has Coakley ahead by just 2 points, despite an electorate that gives Barack Obama a 57% approval rating, notes Nate Silver of In an election widely...

Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat
Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat

Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat

16,000 online donors respond to request

(Newser) - Scott Brown says he raised more than $1.3 million in just 24 hours as part of his bid to wrest Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat from Democrats' hands in next week’s special election. Brown enticed 16,000 donors to toss money to him online during the so-called "...

Mass. Senate Race Becomes Referendum on Health Bill

Candidates to succeed Kennedy cast selves as deciding vote

(Newser) - The race to succeed the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has turned into a proxy battle over the fate of President Obama's health care overhaul. The contest between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown has coarsened with a week to go, as the two have cast themselves as custodians...

Health Costs Would Rise 1% Under Senate Bill

But modest increase would cover 34 million more, gov't study finds

(Newser) - Americans would see only a modest rise in health costs under the Senate's plan to extend coverage to 34 million people, government economic experts say in a new report. The study found that health spending, which accounts for about one-sixth of the economy, would increase by less than 1% than...

Obama Highlights Health Care Bill's Immediate Benefits

In weekly radio address, president renews push

(Newser) - Barack Obama stepped back into the health care debate in today's weekly radio address, pushing for the bill's final passage and promising that the benefits of reform would be immediately felt. "What every American should know is that once I sign health insurance reform into law, there are dozens...

Health Care Victory Will Cost Dems Pound of Flesh

GOP now needs to ensure their 2010 victory is justified

(Newser) - If the Democrats are able to cheer the passage of a health care bill in time for the State of the Union address they'll be "cheering their own demise," writes Peggy Noonan. The victory won't be worth the loss of support the party has suffered by pushing through...

Obamacare's Real Architect? GOP's Romney

Too bad it's political suicide for him to say so now

(Newser) - Though no Republicans voted for the health-reform bill that just passed the Senate, one GOP star could claim a large chunk of credit for it. The plan has many of the same features as the successful plan Mitt Romney brought to Massachusetts as governor, Timothy Egan writes—but, though Romney...

Palin Lashes Death Panels in Hannity Tirade

'I won't back off,' she vows

(Newser) - Sarah Palin yesterday vehemently reiterated her controversial criticism of "death panels" that she is convinced are part of health reform, reports Huffington Post . "If we have our health care paid for by the bureaucracy, depending on our health condition, depending on our age, we're going to be subject...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>