health care reform

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>

Health Foes Fight Mandatory Insurance at State Level

Efforts, mainly GOP-led, appear more symbolic, but could result in court battles

(Newser) - Efforts are afoot in more than a dozen states to outlaw mandatory health insurance, a preemptive strike against federal health reform that, though mainly symbolic and constitutionally dubious, could provoke a court battle that would be costly and delay any plan passed by Congress. “I just don’t want...

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

Glenn Beck Boils a Frog * * No, Not Really

... but he did torture a metaphor

(Newser) - Did Glenn Beck boil a widdle bitty frog on national television? It sure looked that way for a second, especially in a video bouncing around the blogosphere today. After explaining the adage that a frog will jump out if you throw it into boiling water, the Fox host appears to...

Premiums Likely to Soar Under Obamacare

(Newser) - Current health care legislation would require every American to buy health insurance, but would do little or nothing to control the skyrocketing premiums they’d have to pay, the LA Times reports. Versions of the bill try to address the problem indirectly—with a public option in the House bill...

Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama
 Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama 

Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama

Prez needs to get off TV, start working on better health plan

(Newser) - If President Obama wants opponents to buy his health care plan he'll have to come with a better plan instead of trying to bore them into submission by repeating details of the one he's got, writes Karl Rove. With his recent round of TV appearances, "Obama made a classic...

Baucus Leaning Left Again
 Baucus Leaning Left Again 

Baucus Leaning Left Again

As interminable mark-up on health bill continues, chair moves on from bipartisan dream

(Newser) - With his health care reform bill finally in committee, finance chair Max Baucus appears to have given up on a truly bipartisan bill. On day one yesterday, "he seemed to be moving back to the left again," writes Mike Madden in Salon. He agreed to a host of...

Hey, Dems: Stop Whining About Civility and Fight Back!

Dems could easily win this debate and should fight back instead of complaining

(Newser) - The Democrats should be trying to land a few blows in the health care debate instead of meekly complaining about a lack of civility from the opposition, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The right wing has made the issue into a crusade for its vision of liberty,...

Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents
Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents

Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents

But president did slow defections with speech on health reform

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech on health reform did stem movement away from him on the issue, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows, but he’s losing steam among independent voters—a key constituency for him and fellow Democrats in recent elections—and facing more doubt about his handling of...

Will Ferrell and Pals: 'Save Our Health Execs'

'What's so American about competition?' asks snarky video pushing for public option

(Newser) - Will Ferrell thinks we need to remember the people who really matter in the health care debate: insurance executives. The comedian has produced a star-studded parody ad for in which he and his fellow actors decry the evils of the reform movement. “Why is Obama trying to...

Baucus Sweetens Subsidies as Bill Goes to Mark-Up

Democrats, Republican Snowe wanted lower costs for health insurance

(Newser) - The Senate Finance Committee finally meets today to consider Max Baucus' health care reform bill—a bill Baucus has already reworked to counter complaints that it puts too much burden on the middle class. Baucus has upped subsidies to those too strapped to buy insurance, and says he may also...

'I Was Black Before the Election'
 'I Was Black Before the Election' 
'late show' sneak peek

'I Was Black Before the Election'

Obama and Letterman tackle the tough topics, including potatoes

(Newser) - President Obama's media blitz continues tonight on The Late Show With David Letterman, where he'll remind the host, "I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election." Snippets CBS released after this afternoon's taping reveal lighthearted moments and more serious stretches, as well...

Will Real Senate Leaders Please Stand Up?

Kennedy's death left a void—and no one is stepping up to fill it

(Newser) - As Democrats fight among themselves over health care, it’s becoming painfully clear that they lack a clear public leader on the issue, writes Manu Raju for Politico. In part it’s because, with a number of House and Senate committees involved, there are too many cooks stirring the pot,...

564 Amendments Await Baucus Bill Next Week

(Newser) - Well, this should zip right along: Members of both parties on the Senate Finance Committee have drafted no fewer than 564 amendments to be considered when the panel takes up chairman Max Baucus' health care bill next week, reports Bloomberg. Expect to hear the phrases "public option"—Democrat...

Obama: Anger Not About Race
 Obama: Anger Not About Race 

Obama: Anger Not About Race

He says anti-government feeling, fear of change fuel rage

(Newser) - Fear of "big changes" and hostility to the growth of government—not racism—are what's driving angry criticisms about his health care agenda, President Obama said in a series of network television interviews that will air tomorrow morning. "Are there people out there who don't like me because...

Unhealthy? Then Shut Up About Health Reform: Maher

(Newser) - Fat? Out of shape? Otherwise unhealthy? Then shut your trap about health-care reform until you do something about your own well-being, comedian Bill Maher writes for the Huffington Post. “Unlike most liberals, I’m glad all those teabaggers marched on Washington last week,” he snickers. “Because judging...

Michelle Pushes Reform, Recalls Sasha's Illness

First lady turns attention to health care and its impact on women

(Newser) - Michelle Obama joined her husband's push for health care reform today with a personal pitch aimed at women, reports Politico. She recalled her father's fight with multiple sclerosis as well as an illness daughter Sasha suffered as an infant. "I think about what on earth would we have done...

Sometimes a Bad Bill Is Good Enough
a Bad Bill Is Good Enough

Sometimes a Bad Bill Is Good Enough

Reformers must see Baucus' effort as starting point: Krugman

(Newser) - Progressives will soon face their "long-dreaded moment of truth" on health care reform, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times. Any bill that emerges is bound to disappoint, and "the question is where to draw the line," he explains. "How bad does a bill have...

Obama Doesn't Lie&mdash;But He Does Mislead
Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

President slides by on half-truths on health care: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Joe Wilson wasn’t quite right. President Obama doesn’t lie, exactly, writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, but he still has an odd “relationship to the truth.” For example, Obama promised to veto any bill that grew the deficit, then with his very next sentence promised...

Right Steals Left's Language of Protest
 Right Steals Left's 
 Language of Protest 

Right Steals Left's Language of Protest

From 'Nazi' to 'my body,' conservatives are the new liberals

(Newser) - If you go to Amazon to buy Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky's classic treatise on left-wing protest, you'll see authors that other readers are also interested in: Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and GOP Sen. Jim DeMint. For Politico, that's one of many signs that conservatives have co-opted liberal techniques, from...

Bill Clinton: Obama Will Win Health Battle
Bill Clinton:
Obama Will Win Health Battle

Bill Clinton: Obama Will Win Health Battle

Up to 6 GOP senators may back Baucus bill, says former president

(Newser) - Barack Obama will prevail in his fight to pass a health reform bill, his predecessor Bill Clinton insists in an interview with Bloomberg. The former president predicts that Olympia Snowe and probably Susan Collins, Maine's two moderate Republican senators, will be persuaded to vote for the Baucus bill, which he...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>