online advertising

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Banner Ads Get Nasty
Banner Ads
Get Nasty

Banner Ads Get Nasty

Legit sites hijacked by malware that can hack into PCs, even without a click

(Newser) - Some banner ads on legit sites can hack into your PC—even if you don't click on them. The new ads, which have been seen on sites like the Economist's and, try to scan your hard drive and download malicious software, Wired reports. DoubleClick, which hosts the ads...

Ads Could Spark Privacy Lawsuits by Facebook Users

Using member's images without consent could violate laws

(Newser) - Facebook's new cutting-edge ads which cherry-pick the names and faces of members who use featured products may violate privacy laws. The ads attach photos and identities of members to products they've purchased or endorsed, but without explicitly obtaining members' consent, reports the New York Times. That could open Facebook to...

Internet Ads to Pass $21B
 Internet Ads to Pass $21B

Internet Ads to Pass $21B

Web ad revenue will double by 2011

(Newser) - Spending on Internet advertising will pass $21 billion this year and double to $42 billion by 2011, as money is drawn away from print and television, according to research firm eMarketer. Paid searches will account for about 40% of spending.  Reuters reports all ad spending will rise just 2....

AOL to Buy Online Ad Outfit Quigo
AOL to Buy
Online Ad
Outfit Quigo

AOL to Buy Online Ad Outfit Quigo

It's the last big acquisition in new restructuring plan

(Newser) - AOL will purchase online advertiser Quigo, its final acquisition on a major restructuring agenda. The Time Warner unit has had poor ad growth recently—13% this past quarter, down from 40% percent levels—and is seen as trying to stay competitive with Google and Yahoo. The purchase, reportedly valued at...

Targeted Ads Come to Facebook
Targeted Ads Come to Facebook

Targeted Ads Come to Facebook

Info to stay private; plan unveiled day after MySpace does same

(Newser) - Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new ad-selling strategy today that will allow companies to create their own pages on the social networking site and zero in on customers based on their profiles. Users can sign up with advertisers they like and share information about them in their network. Advertisers...

MySpace Aiming Ads at You and Only You

Site rolls out 'HyperTargeting,' but does it work?

(Newser) - MySpace is entering the second phase of its "HyperTargeting" advertising program, meant to use data from member profiles to match up users with the perfect online ads. But CNET blogger Caroline McCarthy became skeptical of how dead-on the targeting is when her profile offered her "a Christian dating...

Privacy Groups Want Online ‘Do Not Call’

‘Do Not Track’ would bar companies from targeting ads

(Newser) - Consumer and privacy advocates have proposed a voluntary online “Do Not Track” list that would bar companies from monitoring web traffic for the purpose of targeting ads. Modeled on the popular “Do Not Call” list, which blocks phone telemarketers, the new proposal wouldn’t outlaw ads altogether, the...

Microsoft Beats Out Google for Facebook Deal

Company will handle international ad sales, invest $240 million

(Newser) - Microsoft has beaten out Google for the hand of fair Facebook. The much-anticipated decision was announced today: Microsoft will handle Facebook's international ad sales (it already handles US sales) and invest $240 million for a 1.6% stake in the networking site. "We are pleased to take our Microsoft...

Facebook Closes in on Combo Ad, Investment Deal

Company's partner choice will be either Microsoft or Google

(Newser) - Google and MIcrosoft are both pushing hard to land a deal to sell international ads for Facebook, and the networking site could announce a decision as early as today. Whichever company is chosen will also buy a minority stake in the startup. Top Google and Microsoft execs are traveling to...

Doubts Arise About Web Traffic Tracking

Huge gaps in audience estimates are stunting advertising growth

(Newser) - If you think the internet makes tracking audience numbers any easier, think again. Media companies sometimes report millions more online visitors to their sites than tracking companies like Nielsen—because they use different measurements—and the gap makes online advertisers queasy. It's preventing the industry from growing as quickly as...

Hey, Google, Search for This: Competitors

Fortune scribe lays out ways for Net giant to fight monopoly fears

(Newser) - With more and more businesses reliant on Google for advertising and search services, there may be regulation on the horizon for the online Goliath. The solution? Healthy competition, Fortune columnist David Kirkpatrick says, which it's not getting enough of. Major innovation by Microsoft and Yahoo may be precisely what it...

Yahoo's Newspaper Deal Still Buggy
Yahoo's Newspaper Deal Still Buggy

Yahoo's Newspaper Deal Still Buggy

Ad agreement may not be the magic bullet for flagging print sector

(Newser) - Yahoo!'s deal to handle online ads for 19 newspaper publishers is approaching its first anniversary, and it's still unclear how helpful the partnership will be, reports Reuters. Much of the promised technology hasn't even been built yet, and individual papers may be limited in their options by the size...

Google Adding YouTube Videos to AdSense Stream

Google will syndicate videos through AdSense

(Newser) - Google’s once-inconspicuous text ads are getting a grainy video makeover in the latest attempt to monetize YouTube. A new service today will let websites embed relevant clips amongst AdSense offerings, sprucing up ads in exchange for a cut of revenue. Video auteurs will also get revenue pie, but only...

Google Stock Passes $600 in Monthlong Surge

Shares reach new high ahead of third-quarter report

(Newser) - Google's stocks have shot past $600 for the first time, kindling investor hopes as the cyber giant eyes a possible buy of ad distributor DoubleClick. CNN Money reports that stocks peaked at $610.26 in New York today and closed at $609.92, a 2.6% gain. The rise extended...

Free Phone Service Listens In, Tailors Ads

Startup sparks privacy concerns with marketing that draws on conversations

(Newser) - In much the same way that Gmail scans emails to push relevant advertising, a California start-up is using voice-recognition software to translate the strategy to Internet phone calls. Puddingmedia offers free phone service if customers allow eavesdropping on their conversations, the AP reports. The data isn't recorded, but privacy advocates...

Yahoo Joins Forces With UK Social-Networker Bebo

Net mainstay will bring advertising to Britain's top networking site

(Newser) - Internet giant Yahoo and networking site Bebo will collaborate on advertising in the UK and Ireland, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bebo—launched in 2005— hasn't taken off in the US, but it's the top social-networking website in Britain. Yahoo will sell the bulk of Bebo's banner and video ads,...

Google Phone: Fact or Fiction?
Google Phone: Fact or Fiction?

Google Phone: Fact or Fiction?

Blogosphere speculates on possible iPhone rival

(Newser) - The blogosphere is rife with rumors of a possible Google phone, even though the tech behemoth won't confirm the gossip—but it has been investing heavily in the mobile search market. The buzz: The so-called GPhone would offer mobile phone service free, as long as customers can stomach the advertising,...

Group Drops $15M on Pro-Surge Campaign

TV, Internet, radio ads backed by GOP heavies

(Newser) - Launched today by ex-White House PR man Ari Fleischer and a laundry list of pro-Bush bigwigs, a new group called Freedom's Watch has spent $15 million on ads to support the president's troop surge in Iraq, Politico reports. The group aims to fill a conservative "vacuum" ahead of September's...

And Now, a Word From YouTube's Sponsor(s)

Google-owned video site phases in "unobtrusive" ads

(Newser) - As it struggles to turn a profit, YouTube will begin to show ads overlaid on some videos, the Times of London reports. The spots will consist of a semitransparent strip covering 20% of the screen appearing 20 seconds into the video.They'll appear only on content from 1,000 "...

Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads
Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads

Identity Theft Ring Uses Job Ads

Investigators uncover 1.6 million pieces of stolen info

(Newser) - Fraudulent job ads on and other websites have been used to obtain personal information to steal thousands of identities, reports Information Week. Researchers at security company Symantec uncovered a major database containing 1.6 million pieces of personal information on an undisclosed number of people who clicked on...

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