John Edwards

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McCain, Clinton Lead Polls on Eve of Votes

Candidates hope for edge in SC primary, Nev. caucuses

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and John McCain lead their fields 1 day before important contests in Nevada and South Carolina, Reuters reports. In Nevada, a Reuters/Zogby poll puts Clinton up 42% to 37% over Barack Obama, with John Edwards at 12%. In South Carolina, the poll has John McCain at 29%, ahead...

Candidates Talk Health Care, But Not Their Own

Most GOP hopefuls keep mum on their personal coverage

(Newser) - With health insurance heating up campaign trails, NPR takes a look at how the candidates are covered, and finds not all of them forthcoming. Sitting senators are eligible for a federal plan, which is good but no panacea—packed with co-pays and deductibles. John Edwards reports he and his family...

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'
Dems Tussle
for 'Super Delegates'

Dems Tussle for 'Super Delegates'

Convention-goers not bound by state voting are the gold standard

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama go neck-and-neck through February 5, "super delegates" may decide the Democratic nominee, reports the LA Times. The goal is 2,025—the number of convention delegates needed to secure the nomination—but the grail is the 796 elected officials who are free to...

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith
Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Dem puts religion over race in primary strategy

(Newser) - Barack Obama is putting religion over race in the Palmetto State, where almost half of Democratic voters are black—a strategy that has worked for President Bush twice, Politico reports. As in Iowa, Obama has held faith forums throughout the state and even stumped in conservative, white churches. Some sneered...

Why Edwards Still Matters
Why Edwards Still Matters

Why Edwards Still Matters

Barring a miracle, he won't be nominated, but could be huge as spoiler

(Newser) - He may have lost Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t forget about John Edwards just yet, even if he’s not going to win the nomination, writes the Washington Post’s Dan Balz. Trumped by the celebrity and fundraising might of Clinton and Obama, Edwards will likely have to...

Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!
Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!

Edwards: I'm Stickin' Around!

Sets his sights on Southern primaries

(Newser) - John Edwards isn't letting a distant third-place finish in the New Hampshire primary get him down, and certainly isn't letting it count him out. "Two races down; 48 states to go," the upbeat Democratic candidate told supporters last night. The Edwards camp projects a resurgence in primaries in...

Clinton Wins By a Whisker
Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Surprise victory goes down to wire; Edwards finishes 3rd

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton defied expectations and edged out Barack Obama in today's New Hampshire primary, NBC reports. Clinton's win rights her campaign in the face of surging support for Obama after his victory last week in Iowa. With 98% of precincts reporting, Clinton led Obama, 40% to 37%. John Edwards finished...

Obama Has 91% Chance in NH: Oddsmakers

Online traders jump on post-Iowa bandwagon; McCain has 86% shot

(Newser) - Online traders give Barack Obama a 91% chance of capturing New Hampshire, a huge jump from the odds on him before his victory in Iowa, reports Bloomberg. Hillary Clinton has just an 8.7% chance, down from 60% before Iowa. "I am genuinely surprised at the groundswell of support...

Was Company at Fault in Teen's Death?

Edwards champions cause of young patient, but case is not clear

(Newser) - Seventeen-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, who died waiting for a liver transplant in December, has become the poster girl for John Edwards' call for a government-run health plan. Insurance giant Cigna denied her family's claim for the procedure, then reversed its decision a month later. She died shortly thereafter. But the story...

Obama, Clinton Dead Even in NH, Poll Finds

McCain, buoyed by Iowa, leads Romney among GOP pack

(Newser) - Buoyed by the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama picked up three points to claim a third of Democratic support in New Hampshire, and move into a tie with Hillary Clinton at 33%. John Edwards also benefited from Iowa in the latest CNN poll, moving up three points to 20%, while Bill...

Clinton Aims for Obama in Feisty NH Debate

Candidates look for an edge ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lit into Barack Obama during a sometimes testy Democratic debate in New Hampshire tonight, seeking to put a few chinks in his armor three days before the state's crucial primary. Clinton criticized Obama's health plan as inadequate and accused him of flip-flopping on key issues, including Iraqi war...

Candidates Retool Themes on the Fly in NH

They quickly apply lessons of Iowa on the trail

(Newser) - Presidential candidates were madly shuffling their messages and tactics in New Hampshire today, applying lessons from Iowa and adjusting to NH’s sensibilities, the New York Times reports. Mitt Romney recast himself as a change candidate, while avoiding former go-to issues such as abortion and gay rights. Hillary Clinton threw...

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign
Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Tax Issues Loom Over Campaign

Candidates offer differing views on 'fair tax,' extending Bush cuts

(Newser) - With President Bush’s tax cuts set to expire in 2010, tax reform could become a key issue in this year’s presidential race, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Most Republican candidates favor extending the cuts, though Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul support eliminating income tax altogether. The Democratic candidates...

Clinton Retools for Nastier NH Push
Clinton Retools for Nastier
NH Push

Clinton Retools for Nastier NH Push

Campaign predicts victory, plans to play experience angle

(Newser) - After an embarrassing third-place Iowa finish, Hillary Clinton is refocusing on New Hampshire and taking the gloves off. Her campaign plans to aggressively paint Barack Obama as too inexperienced for the presidency, Politico reports. Clinton barely mentioned Obama’s name in Iowa, but now you can expect attack ads to...

Edwards Presses Ahead in NH
Edwards Presses Ahead in NH

Edwards Presses Ahead in NH

He emphasizes his anti-corporate message

(Newser) - John Edwards pressed ahead in New Hampshire today, embracing his underdog status and signaling that he would focus on beating Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, the AP reports. Edwards, who finished just ahead of Clinton for second place in Iowa, said New Hampshire voters now have "two choices,...

What Will They Say After the Caucuses?
What Will
They Say After the Caucuses?

What Will They Say After the Caucuses?

Why wait until tonight? Get the spin for each and every result here

(Newser) - No matter what result the Iowa caucuses bring tonight, the campaigns will have plenty of spin up their sleeves. NBC’s Chuck Todd previews the politico talk:
  • John Edwards: No one needs this one more. A victory will be a vindication of populism and domestic issues. A loss may well

What Could We Learn Tonight?
What Could We Learn Tonight?

What Could We Learn Tonight?

W ashington Post 's Dan Balz runs down the possibilities

(Newser) - How might the presidential race turn on tonight’s Iowa caucuses? What answers await after the election’s first vote? The Washington Post’s Dan Balz runs down some possibilities:
  1. Will either race end immediately? Probably only if Hillary Clinton sweeps
  2. How big a bounce can the victors expect? The

Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism
Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism

Iowa Tests Appeal of Populism

Will anti-business rhetoric work for Huckabee, Edwards?

(Newser) - Tonight's Iowa caucuses are the first test for the aggressively populist message of Mike Huckabee and John Edwards; even if the candidates falter, writes the Wall Street Journal, their stridently anti-business message—"corporate greed is squeezing the middle class," Edwards declared yesterday—has played well in Iowa, and...

Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll
Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll

Clinton Drops to 3rd in Last Poll

Obama leads Edwards by 4% hours before Iowa caucus

(Newser) - A new poll conducted hours before the Iowa caucus gives a surging Barack Obama a 4-point lead over John Edwards, with Hillary Clinton slipping to third place. The Reuters/Zogby poll puts Obama at 31% support among likely Democratic caucus-goers, with Edwards polling 27% and Clinton 24%. Among Republicans, Mike Huckabee...

Iowa Goes Down to the Wire
Iowa Goes Down to the Wire

Iowa Goes Down to the Wire

Candidates make last-minute appeals to voters

(Newser) - The candidates continued an all-out blitz to the finish line before tomorrow's Iowa caucuses as polls continued to show tight races, the AP reports. All three leading Democrats took out dinner-hour ads on TV. "After all the town meetings, the pie and coffee, it all comes down to this:...

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