science fiction

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100 Top Sci-Fi Flicks
 100 Top Sci-Fi Flicks 

100 Top Sci-Fi Flicks

(Newser) - Science fiction movies run the gamut from cerebral to "joyful space opera." The writers at Total Sci-Fi run down the 100 best; here's the top 10:
  1. Blade Runner: This "masterpiece," with standout performances from Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer, is "backed up by a real

Lost Ends Season on Mysterious Note
Lost Ends Season 
 on Mysterious Note 
tv review

Lost Ends Season on Mysterious Note

(Newser) - Lost ended its next-to-last season last night with a blinding flash of nuclear energy and the fallout the series' fans have come to expect: more questions. Chief among them: When does the final season start? (Answer: Not until 2010.)
  • "Who is Jacob and what does

Original Trek Still The Best
 Original Trek Still The Best 

Original Trek Still The Best

(Newser) - It’s been a long time since James Kirk set out on his 5-year mission, and those early voyages may look cheesy, low-budget, or even sexist now. But “the original Star Trek still has a passion and vitality,” writes Andrew O’Hehir of Salon. “It stands out,...

Trek Lives Well, Should Prosper
 Trek Lives Well, Should Prosper 

Trek Lives Well, Should Prosper

Abrams' bold reinvention of franchise will please both longtime fans and newbies

(Newser) - JJ Abrams has boldly pulled off the almost impossible with his stellar reinvention of Star Trek and made a movie that will wow both newcomers and hardcore Trekkies, critics say.
  • Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer: The prequel "is more exciting than the last four ST pictures put together, more

Critics Split on Battle for Terra
 Critics Split on Battle for Terra 
Movie Review

Critics Split on Battle for Terra

(Newser) - Battle for Terra has a nifty twist of a premise—it’s an alien movie in which humans are the evil invaders—but critics are split on how well it works. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • It’s a “work of art,” writes John Anderson in Variety,

Wolverine Lacks Claws
 Wolverine Lacks Claws 

Wolverine Lacks Claws

Sharp performance from Jackman saves stale X-Men spinoff from total mediocrity

(Newser) - A charismatic Hugh Jackman gamely slashes his way through X:Men Origins: Wolverine, say critics, but he's let down by a stale script and effects that fail to lift the movie above generic superhero fare.
  • The "action-filled spinoff delivers on the brawn but not the soul of

Polish Meaning of New Name Embarrasses 'Syfy'

Slang for VD probably not what network had in mind for rebranding

(Newser) - The much-maligned rebranding of the channel formerly known as Sci-Fi has yielded another embarrassment for the network. “Syfy”—the new name—is Polish slang for syphilis, Broadcasting & Cable reports. Native Poles, however, may be less offended by the name change than hard-core fans: Polish embassy officials say...

Knowing Doesn't Add Up
 Knowing Doesn't Add Up 
Movie Review

Knowing Doesn't Add Up

(Newser) - The reviews are in, and it doesn’t look good for Knowing, Nicolas Cage’s predestination-driven sci-fi epic. Here’s what critics are saying:
  • It’s “laughably bad,” says Joe Neumanier of the New York Daily News, a pseudo-philosophical mess that “reaches for sci-fi relevance, but just

Sci Fi to Syfy: Worst Rebranding Ever?
 Sci Fi to Syfy: 
 Worst Rebranding Ever? 

Sci Fi to Syfy: Worst Rebranding Ever?

Channel's 'cutting-edge' new name ripped to shreds

(Newser) - The Sci Fi channel's decision to change its name to "Syfy" is a blunder of galactic proportions, Linda Holmes reports for NPR. The channel says it wants to show that it's about more than just traditional science fiction, notes Holmes, and has evidently chosen to do so by picking...

Bob May, Lost in Space Robot, Dies
 Bob May, 
 Lost in Space 
Robot, Dies 

Bob May, Lost in Space Robot, Dies

Actor moved the suit, but never said "Danger, Will Robinson"

(Newser) - Bob May, famous for inhabiting the robot suit on 1960s sci-fi hit Lost in Space, has died at 69 of heart failure, the AP reports. “He always said he got the job because he fit in the robot suit,” a co-star said. May did not voice the robot—...

Sci-Fi Guru Forrest Ackerman Dead at 92

Magazine editor coined term 'sci-fi'

(Newser) - Fright-film magazine writer and editor Forrest J Ackerman—credited with coining the term "sci-fi"—died this week of heart failure, the Los Angeles Times reports. He was 92. Ackerman introduced new generations to horror films with his magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland; he was also known for his...

Hollywood Remaking Sci-Fi Classics

New takes on Ghostbusters , Terminator among flicks already in production

(Newser) - Hollywood is looking backward with an eye on the future, reports the Los Angeles Times. Plans to launch remakes of 12 sci-fi flicks from the last millennium are already under way:
  • When Worlds Collide, an update of the apocalyptic 1951 film, will hit theaters next year with Steven Spielberg signed

Crichton Was Master Craftsman
 Crichton Was Master Craftsman 

Crichton Was Master Craftsman

(Newser) - Michael Crichton's seemingly endless output may not be literature (a statement the late Crichton himself might take issue with), but don't discount the "fine craftsmanship" they entailed, writes Charles McGrath in the New York Times. From Andromeda Strain to Jurassic Park, his "intricately engineered entertainment systems" relied on...

Plans to Stop Global Warming Straight From Sci-Fi Novels

Geo-engineering offers promise for slowing climate change ... and fear of consequences

(Newser) - Scientists worry humans might not curb carbon emissions in time to save the planet from irreversible harm, and some have suggested a radical concept called geo-engineering, the Economist reports. Once the stuff of science fiction, geo-engineering would combat global warming by manipulating the environment. While promising, critics warn ecological consequences...

Force is Weak in Clone Wars
 Force is Weak in Clone Wars 

Force is Weak in Clone Wars

Animated Star Wars feature doesn't quite replicate the feel of the real thing

(Newser) - Star Wars: The Clone Wars fills a gap in the saga's chronology, and although the animated feature may give devoted Lucasfilm fans their fix before the TV series launches this fall, the oddly lifeless movie "isn't the Star Wars we've known and loved, Todd McCarthy writes in Variety.

Museum Finds Missing Reels of Sci-Fi Classic

Film historians rejoice as Fritz Lang's iconic Metropolis is revived

(Newser) - The  discovery of long-lost footage from Fritz Lang's futuristic classic Metropolis in the archives of a Buenos Aires museum has given the film world a thrill, reports Der Speigel. Nearly a half-hour of Lang's 1927 vision of 21st-century class struggle can be restored. The new scenes flesh out the characters...

I, (Gay) Robot? Radar Rates the Androids

Just how fabulous are the robots of the silver screen?

(Newser) - Gay marriage in California and Brokeback Mountain's emergence on the opera scene all point to an America that’s "getting its gay on," writes Evan Mulvihill in Radar—including its androids. Using a 'Homometer' (0: asexual; 1: beer and steak; 5: bisexual; 10: flaming), he takes a look...

Battlestar Returns to Raves
 Battlestar Returns to Raves 
tv review

Battlestar Returns to Raves

Final season starts tonight to delight of critics, fans

(Newser) - "Battlestar Galactica," the sci-fi show that has gained cult status and critical acclaim by dabbling in morality, physics, and evil robots, embarks on its fourth and final season tonight. Alessandra Stanley of the New York Times calls it "one of the more beguiling series on television,"...

Arthur C. Clarke Is Dead at 90
 Arthur C. Clarke Is Dead at 90 

Arthur C. Clarke Is Dead at 90

'2001' author shaped space-age thought

(Newser) - Arthur C. Clarke, the sci-fi author who helped shape 20th-century scientific imagination, is dead at 90, the New York Times reports. The co-creator of 2001: A Space Odyssey faced post-polio syndrome in recent decades and died at his home in Sri Lanka due to breathing trouble. “No one can...

Jumper Lands With a Thud
Jumper Lands With a Thud

Jumper Lands With a Thud

Dull plotting, acting undermine high-concept thriller

(Newser) - The concept for Jumper seems promising: An awkward teenage boy who discovers he has the power to instantly teleport himself to anywhere on the globe is targeted for elimination by religious fanatics. And in some respects the film delivers on that promise. "The jumping effect is faultlessly executed,"...

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