New Hampshire

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Blizzard Socks Northeast
 Blizzard Socks Northeast 

Blizzard Socks Northeast

Month's 3rd blizzard expected to dump 2 feet

(Newser) - The third blizzard of the month is dumping yet more snow on the winter-weary Northeast. Strong winds, wet snow, and heavy rain are forecast to continue today in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and much of New England, AP reports. Schools have been closed and flights canceled, but utility company...

JD Salinger Was No Recluse, Say Neighbors

He was a private man, but he also got around town

(Newser) - He may have been a hermit to the rest of the world, but JD Salinger's neighbors in Cornish, NH, know differently. He valued his privacy to be sure, but the man also got around. He liked the Dartmouth Bookstore in nearby Hanover, favored the Windsor Diner, and was a regular...

First Gay Couples Marry in NH

New year brings new law for same-sex unions

(Newser) - The New Year brought a new law to New Hampshire, where midnight ceremonies took advantage of the fact that gay marriage is now legal in the state. As 2010 dawned, a bill signed last June became law, and the Granite State joined Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Vermont in recognizing same-sex...

NH Gay Couples to Ring In 2010 With Weddings

Some 40 pairs have applied as state legalizes same-sex marraige

(Newser) - Jeffry Burr and Neil Blair are just hours from their wedding, but there are no typical prenuptial jitters. After all, this is the third time they've exchanged vows. First they had their emotional—but legally meaningless—2006 commitment ceremony, then a civil commitment ceremony in 2008. Now, thanks to a...

Drugstore Sorry After Clerk Scares Child With Flu

Employee refuses to serve boy with with mask: 'I'm not dying'

(Newser) - A New Hampshire drugstore has apologized to a customer after a pharmacy clerk enacted her own quarantine. Scott Sullivan’s 12-year-old son was told he probably had the flu by a doctor, who gave him a paper mask because he was coughing. At a local Walgreens, the clerk took one...

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races
Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Latest trends show even Reid, Spector, Dodd in trouble: Silver

(Newser) - Things are looking brighter for Republicans in the Senate, writes Nate Silver of In his monthly ranking of which seats are most likely to switch parties in 2010, Republicans have made a big move. Of the 10 seats that look more likely to switch hands, seven favor Republicans....

Guy Waiting for Obama Had a Gun? Yep, and It's Legal

(Newser) - Byron Crawford had to do a double-take today when he saw a report on MSNBC about a guy with a gun strapped to his leg among the crowd to see Obama in New Hampshire. Seems it was OK because the guy was on private property at a church next door....

Voinovich Makes 9 GOP Yeas for Sotomayor
Voinovich Makes 9 GOP Yeas for Sotomayor

Voinovich Makes 9 GOP Yeas for Sotomayor

(Newser) - As she coasts toward confirmation, Sonia Sotomayor picked up the support of a 9th Republican today, reports MSNBC. Ohio Sen. George Voinovich’s promised yea joins yesterday's announcement by Kit Bond of Missouri and on-again-off-again Obama cabinet nominee Judd Gregg of New Hampshire. Voinovich is among four of six retiring...

Souter Trades Farmhouse for the 'Burbs

(Newser) - It’s a charming, rustic home, a colonial-era farmhouse that’s held generations of Souters. Until now. David Souter is trading the dirt road for the cul-de-sac, ditching his family home in favor of a 3,500-foot abode in the posh suburbs, the Concord Monitor reports. The reason? "He...

Mount Washington Mascot Dies
 Mount Washington Mascot Dies 

Mount Washington Mascot Dies

Nin charmed visitors, staff for 12 years

(Newser) - Mount Washington’s mascot of 12 years died last week at 19 or possibly 20, the Boston Globe reports. Nin the cat “brought a little piece of home” to the New Hampshire mountain’s observatory, says its executive director. He wasn’t much bothered by the site’s vicious...

This Camel Climbed Mount Washington

(Newser) - A camel named Josh has joined the ranks of backwards-walkers and wheelbarrow-pushers to become the first of his kind to summit New Hampshire’s Mount Washington, the Union Leader reports. Josh and his support team of two handlers, two horses, and a dog took 6 hours to reach the 6,...

Souter Says Goodbye to Supreme Court

On his final day, a testament to friendship in the face of dissent

(Newser) - David Souter bid farewell to the Supreme Court today, but not before taking a moment to reflect on the rewarding bonds forged between him and his fellow justices, the AP reports. Though he will leave the court, Souter told his colleagues in an open letter that he would not “...

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage
 NH Legalizes Gay Marriage 

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage

Gov. Lynch expected to sign it today

(Newser) - New Hampshire became the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage when Gov. John Lynch signed legislation this afternoon shortly after it was approved by lawmakers, the AP reports. Legislators hammered out a new version clearly spelling out that churches and religious groups would not be forced to officiate at gay...

Gay Marriage Bill Stalls in NH

Negotiations expected as it goes back to committee

(Newser) - New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage bill is back in limbo, WMUR reports. In a surprise move, the state House rejected the measure because of an amendment proposed by the governor to protect clergy whose beliefs preclude them from marrying gays. The measure isn't dead, however. The House voted to try...

NH Gov Wants Tweaks to Gay Marriage Bill

Protection needed for religious opponents before he'll sign

(Newser) - The fate of New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage bill hinges upon giving protection to religious groups opposing the law, the Union Leader reports. Gov. John Lynch says he’ll sign the law if legislators include his suggested changes to clearly state that religious groups can’t be forced to violate...

NH Passes Gay Marriage Bill, Sends to Gov

He may let hot potato lie until it passes automatically Jan. 1

(Newser) - A bill to legalize gay marriage in New Hampshire has landed on Gov. John Lynch's desk and is likely to stay there for a while, the Edge reports. Lynch—besieged by messages from pro- and anti-gay marriage groups—has signaled that he personally opposes the bill. Many expect him to...

Sentimental Souter: 'Just Give Them My Love'

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice David Souter thinks the worth of a jurist is “not in the great moments, but in being part of the great stream,” he said in an emotional farewell today to appeals-court judges. Souter said he didn’t intend that news of his retirement be leaked...

Sleepy NH Town Happy It's Getting Souter Back

(Newser) - Head over the Piscataquog River, past some stone walls and chickenwire fences, and you’ll find a rickety farmhouse, its barn’s nameplate reading, “Souter,” reports Peter Schworm of the Los Angeles Times. The Supreme Court justice grew up in this sleepy part of New Hampshire, and his...

NH Moves Closer to Legal Gay Marriage

Bill passed by both houses effective Jan. 1 unless governor vetoes

(Newser) - New Hampshire took another step toward legalizing gay marriage today, when the state Senate passed a measure already approved by the House, the Dartmouth reports. The bill will become law automatically Jan. 1 unless Gov. John Lynch vetoes it—and though he has said he’s against same-sex nuptials, it’...

NH Frat Brands Pledges With Bayonet

Police try to be 'fair' on executors of long-held tradition

(Newser) - Two men face misdemeanor hazing charges for branding fraternity pledges at a New Hampshire college with a World War II bayonet, the Concord Monitor reports. Authorities began investigating the hazing after four students sought burn treatment at New England College's infirmary. Six of the seven pledges involved had 7-inch burn...

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