
Read recent Canadian news stories and current events on

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

12 Deaths From Tainted Meat Cause Canadian Furor

Listeriosis in meat has left 12 dead; scores of products recalled

(Newser) - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says an unprecedented meat recall is proof that the government’s proposed inspection reforms are necessary, despite opposition accusations that the changes will actually undermine food safety, the Globe and Mail reports. Maple Leaf foods has issued a 220-product recall, following a listeriosis infection scandal...

Newspaper Rejects PETA Ad on Bus Decapitation

Group aimed to use murder to push anti-meat message

(Newser) - A Canadian newspaper has nixed a PETA ad that likened the decapitation of a bus passenger to the killing of animals in slaughterhouses, reports AP. The animal rights group had sought to run the ad, depicting a throat being cut, in a city close to where a man was stabbed,...

Killer Who Beheaded Bus Rider Ate Flesh: Cop

Suspect was 'very nice, polite guy,' says boss

(Newser) - The man who beheaded his seatmate in a savage random attack on a Canadian bus ate pieces of the body, an officer said in a police tape leaked online. The attacker is “at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it,” said one officer who...

Alleged Bus Killer Quiet in Canadian Court

Accused to face 2nd degree murder charge, psych test

(Newser) - The 40-year-old Edmonton native accused of beheading a man on a Greyhound bus made his first appearance in court yesterday, the Winnipeg Free Press reports. Visibly shaken and quiet, Vincent Weiguang Li was ordered to undergo psychological testing once he talks to a lawyer. He will remain in police custory...

Canadian Bus Passenger Beheaded by Seatmate

Horrified witnesses flee savage random attack

(Newser) - A "totally calm" attacker stabbed and beheaded his seatmate on a bus in Canada, the Globe & Mail reports. In an apparently random act of violence, the man suddenly stood up and slashed his sleeping victim dozens of times with a hunting knife. Terrified passengers fled as the attacker...

Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia
 Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia 

Eclipse Draws 15K to Siberia

Thousands flock to Russia for rare solar spectacle despite threat of rain

(Newser) - Prospects of rare total solar eclipse have drawn thousands of sky-watchers to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, where the moon’s passage between the earth and sun will create 140 seconds of darkness at 5:45 pm local time today. Hotels in the city—Russia’s third-largest—are fully booked,...

Huge Chunk Snaps Off Largest Arctic Ice Shelf

Arctic's biggest ice shelf is falling apart and not regenerating

(Newser) - An 8-square-mile chunk of ice has broken off an ancient ice shelf in Canada's Arctic, the Globe & Mail reports. The Ward Hunt Shelf, the biggest in the Arctic, has shrunk over the last century from 3,500 square miles to less than 400 today. Huge cracks have appeared in...

'Bigfoot' Reported in Canada
 'Bigfoot' Reported in Canada

'Bigfoot' Reported in Canada

'Sasquatch-like creature' startles berrypickers in woods

(Newser) - A family out picking berries in northern Ontario claims they caught sight of a creature they believe was the mythical man-like ape "Bigfoot," the Ottawa Citizen reports. The 8-foot tall furry black creature disappeared into the woods when it spotted them, they recounted. The Canadians searched the area...

Europe Seeing Rise in War Memorial Porn

Latest case has couple filming sex acts at WWI monument in France

(Newser) - Europe’s war memorials are seeing an uptick in obscene acts of desecration, the Telegraph reports, with the most recent involving a couple making a pornographic film at the Vimy Ridge memorial in northern France, which commemorates some of the 60,000 Canadians who died in the First World War....

Canadian Foot Linked to Depressed Man

First to be identified in mysterious case of dismembered feet

(Newser) - One of five dismembered feet that have mysteriously washed ashore near Vancouver over the past year has been linked by DNA to a depressed man who disappeared a year ago, police announced. Investigators released no other information at the family's request. The foot is the first to be identified in...

Canadian Court Sends Deserter Back to US

Judge rejects American soldier's plea to avoid deportation

(Newser) - Canada's federal court ruled yesterday that an American army deserter can be deported to the US, rejecting his request for a stay to the order. The judge said that Robin Long did not provide clear and convincing evidence that he will suffer irreparable harm if he is returned to the...

Video of Gitmo Interrogation Hits Web

Sobbing 16-year-old Canadian detainee claims torture

(Newser) - A videotape of Canadian officials interrogating a sobbing 16-year-old detainee at Guantanamo Bay surfaced on the Internet today. The clip, made public under a court order obtained by the suspect's lawyer, is the first such footage from the detention center to reach the public, the CBC reports. It shows an...

DNA Tests Yield Few Clues on Canada Victims

But authorities say two of the floating feet belonged to one man

(Newser) - Canadian authorities have determined that two of the five feet found floating on British Columbia's coastline came from the same man. The only other information about the mystery victim are his shoe size (11) and brand preference (Nike), and fact that he must have been alive in early 2003 when...

Arctic Boom Awash in Green Risk
 Arctic Boom 
 Awash in
 Green Risk 

Arctic Boom Awash in Green Risk

Rush to tap vast mineral riches will tax area dearly without needed infrastructure

(Newser) - As the Arctic sea ice melts, it’s uncovering vast resources, leading to an international energy and mining rush. Companies are lining up to explore the region, and nations are reviving Arctic border disputes in hopes of tapping its wealth. But the exploitation of the area’s resources could have...

Bush to Canadian PM: 'Yo, Harper!'
Bush to Canadian PM: 'Yo, Harper!'

Bush to Canadian PM: 'Yo, Harper!'

Commander-in-chief his ever-so-diplomatic self at G8 summit

(Newser) - Mixing Texas diplomacy with the high diplomacy of the G8 summit in Japan, President Bush showed off his characteristically casual behavior today by introducing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to another leader with a "Yo, Harper!" Bush landed British PM Tony Blair in hot water at a 2006...

US Removes Last of Saddam's Uranium From Iraq

US completes months-long mission to secure material

(Newser) - A secret US mission to remove 550 metric tons of concentrated uranium known as “yellowcake” from Iraq came to a close yesterday as the material arrived in Canada, AP reports. In an operation that quelled concerns over the yellowcake falling into insurgency hands, 37 flights took the remainder of...

Quebec City Celebrates 400th
 Quebec City Celebrates 400th 

Quebec City Celebrates 400th

Officials pay tribute to Canada's 'most beautiful city,' weather notwithstanding

(Newser) - Canadians celebrated the 400th birthday of Quebec City today, the Toronto Globe and Mail reports. In a rain-drenched ceremony, Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised the adventurous Quebecois spirit and the city—“the most beautiful city in Canada, the most enchanting"—where explorer Samuel de Champlain landed on July...

A Weekend for 2 Nations to Celebrate
 A Weekend for 2
 Nations to Celebrate 

A Weekend for 2 Nations to Celebrate

400th anniversary of Quebec City offers chance to reflect: historian

(Newser) - Tomorrow is Independence Day, but north of the border today marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City, the first settlement of New France and one of the oldest cities in Canada. David Hackett Fischer, a historian writing in the New York Times, uses the occasion to explore...

Rendition Victim Loses US Torture Appeal

Technicality KOs case at center of recent movie

(Newser) - A Canadian software engineer has lost an appeal against the US for his torture in Syria on a technicality, Reuters reports. Syrian-born Maher Arar, whose story inspired the Hollywood movie Rendition, was forced off a flight in New York in 2002 and shipped to Syria, where he says he was...

Mysterious Human Feet Baffle Police
Mysterious Human Feet Baffle Police

Mysterious Human Feet Baffle Police

Speculation afoot around washed up body parts

(Newser) - Police are struggling to explain a string of washed up human feet found on beaches along one 125-mile stretch of British Columbia. So far five of the grisly, sneaker-clad appendages have been found, and all are right feet. “It’s a mystery,” said one Royal Canadian Mounted Police...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>