South Carolina

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Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

Colbert's Super PAC Buying Ads in SC

Jon Stewart throws his newfound money around

(Newser) - Looks like newly-minted presidential candidate Stephen Colbert is going to have a mostly unregulated "independent" super PAC throwing thousands of dollars' worth of ads around on his behalf in South Carolina—just like a real candidate! Yes, the "Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Colbert Super PAC," now...

Romney&#39;s Lead Vanishing in South Carolina
Romney's Lead Vanishing
in South Carolina
Poll numbers

Romney's Lead Vanishing in South Carolina

Gingrich nipping at his heels in new poll

(Newser) - Could South Carolina be Mitt Romney's first stumbling block? A new Insider Advantage poll has Romney falling to 23% in the state, an insignificant two points ahead of Newt Gingrich's 21%. Rick Santorum is well behind them with 14%, followed by Ron Paul with 13%, Jon Huntsman with...

Your Cheeky Guide to the SC Primary

 Your Cheeky Guide 
 to the SC Primary 
Gail Collins

Your Cheeky Guide to the SC Primary

First of all, know that the palmetto is a tree, not a bug: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Gail Collins—who had quite a bit of fun with the Iowa caucuses—today turns her attention to the upcoming primary in South Carolina, the Palmetto State. In her New York Times "primary primer," she answers such important questions as, "What is a palmetto?" (Answer: It is...

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC
 Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC 

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC

Tea Partiers, evangelicals starting to panic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney now has two wins under his belt, and some conservative activists are starting to panic. Many see South Carolina's Jan. 21 primary as their last chance to unify support behind a conservative candidate, but there's no agreement on who that candidate should be, the Washington Post...

In SC, Huntsman Trailing ... Colbert
 In SC, Huntsman 
 Trailing ... Colbert 


In SC, Huntsman Trailing ... Colbert

Despite the fact that the comedian isn't actually running

(Newser) - We already knew Jon Huntsman was polling terribly in South Carolina , but here's some additional perspective for you: He's polling behind Stephen Colbert, who is neither a politician nor running for president. Colbert was unsuccessful in his attempt to get his name on the SC ballot , but Public...

South Carolina Poll Has Mitt Romney Ahead of Rick Santorum by Three Points
 Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC 
Poll Numbers

Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC

Newt Gingrich falls to third with 18%

(Newser) - Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich had a huge lead in South Carolina, and two months ago Rick Santorum was languishing at 1%. Times, they have a'changed. Santorum has vaulted into second with 24% of the vote in the latest Rasmussen poll , just behind Mitt Romney's 27%. Gingrich...

Why the Heck Is Perry Still In?

 Why the Heck Is Perry Still In? 
Nate Silver

Why the Heck Is Perry Still In?

Nate Silver ponders whether the answer is political or personal

(Newser) - Normally when candidates say they're "reassessing" their campaign , they're done for, but for some reason Rick Perry is soldiering on . Why? Nate Silver of the New York Times contemplates that question today, posing two exaggerated hypothetical scenarios: Either a) It was personal. Perry prayed on the decision,...

Forget New Hampshire: South Carolina Is the Prize
 Forget NH: SC Is the Prize 

Forget NH: SC Is the Prize

Conservatives hope to capitalize on anyone-but-Romney sentiment

(Newser) - With the proverbial fork stuck in Iowa , the GOP herd galloped off to next-up New Hampshire, but the real battleground lies in Dixie: Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed a victory in New Hampshire, so his GOP challengers' only chance is to expose the frontrunner's moderate Achilles heel in...

Rick Perry Isn't Dropping Out of the Race, Plans Trip to South Carolina
 Rick Perry  
 Won't Drop Out 

Rick Perry Won't Drop Out

'Here we come South Carolina!'

(Newser) - The Republican field will shrink by only one candidate today. Unlike Michele Bachmann , Rick Perry has decided to hang around despite his lackluster finish in Iowa, reports the National Journal . He will stay in a Texas for a few days, head to New Hampshire—which has two debates this weekend,...

Bachmann Axes Today's South Carolina Events

...and schedules news conference in their place

(Newser) - The hot scuttlebutt of the morning: Is Michele Bachmann dropping out of the race, even though she earlier vowed to stay in? "There are many more chapters to be written on our path to the nomination," she told supporters last night, but today's chapter apparently won't...

Justice Dept. Shoots Down South Carolina Voter ID Law

Says law makes it harder for minorities to vote

(Newser) - The Justice Department today rejected South Carolina's law requiring voters to show photo identification, saying the law makes it harder for minorities to vote. Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez said the law didn't meet the burden under the Voting Rights Act and tens of thousands of minorities...

Cops: Man Dies Eating Bro's Cocaine to Spare Him Jail

Older brother begged sibling to eat drugs to spare him prison, say officials

(Newser) - A 20-year-old South Carolina man died after eating an ounce of cocaine his brother was hiding in his buttocks as the two were sitting in the back of a police cruiser, authorities say. Wayne Joshua Mitchell began having difficulty breathing and collapsed an hour after his older brother begged him...

Gingrich: Freddie Money Went to 'Overhead'

Romney steps up attacks on Gingrich: 'It's a duck'

(Newser) - Saying he wanted to "set the record straight," Newt Gingrich once again defended his work for Freddie Mac yesterday, now emphasizing that the $1.6 million he took in over six years went to his company, not into his pockets, and that he was mostly concerned with providing...

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Will Endorse Mitt Romney
 Haley Endorses Romney 

Haley Endorses Romney

SC governor says he's not part of Washington chaos

(Newser) - Another big endorsement for Mitt Romney, this one a bit more impressive than Christine O’Donnell : Nikki Haley announced her endorsement this morning on Fox and Friends. The South Carolina governor is one of the most coveted endorsements remaining, Politico notes. “When I look at the focus of what...

With Gingrich on the Rise, It's No More Mr. Nice Mitt

He's ready to get aggressive, says differences will be 'well aired'

(Newser) - Looks like it's no more Mr. Nice Mitt. With Newt Gingrich suddenly ahead of him in the polls, Mitt Romney says he's getting more aggressive, with more ads, campaign stops, and media appearances. "We're just starting. We're just getting up ads. We're making our...

Man Arrested After Facebook Threat to SC Governor

Nathan Shafer says post wasn't serious

(Newser) - A South Carolina man has been arrested after he threatened to kill Gov. Nikki Haley on Facebook. Nathan Shafer, angered by the recent arrest of 19 Occupy Columbia protesters, commented on Haley’s Facebook post about the arrests, in which she said she “appreciate(s) freedom of speech,” KLTV...

Military College Apologizes for Not Reporting Sex Abuse

President John Rosa 'profoundly sorry'

(Newser) - The president of South Carolina military college The Citadel acknowledged yesterday that he should have reported the actions of summer camp counselor and alleged child sex abuser Louis "Skip" ReVille to police. "We're profoundly sorry, sorry that we didn't pursue it more . We acted on what...

2nd College Didn't Report Suspected Child Molester

Louis 'Skip' ReVille has admitted to molesting teens

(Newser) - Just days into Penn State's sex abuse scanda l, a South Carolina military college admits it also failed to report a suspected child molester—who has now been arrested and charged with abusing five teens, the Charlotte Observer reports. "We regret that we did not pursue this matter...

Sheriff to Women: Pack a Pistol to Shoot Rapists

Gun control is getting your barrel on a target, says SC lawman

(Newser) - Ladies, if you want to stop rapists, start packing heat. That's the advice from a South Carolina sheriff who reassures women that "you ain't got to be accurate; you just have to get close." Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright was moved to encourage local gals to...

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