Aung San Suu Kyi

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Suu Kyi on Trial Today to Answer for American

Yank 'well-wisher' breached terms of Suu Kyi's house arrest, say officials

(Newser) - Myanmar democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi is on trial today for breaking the conditions of her house arrest because an American "well wisher" entered her home. She planned to plead not guilty because the intruder was not invited, her attorney told the BBC. Suu Kyi has already spent...

Suu Kyi Lawyer Banned
Suu Kyi
Lawyer Banned

Suu Kyi Lawyer Banned

Burma disbars activist attorney, files charges against intruding American

(Newser) - Burma has disbarred a high-profile activist lawyer who was meant to be part of Aung San Suu Kyi’s defense team, Reuters reports. Aung Thein said he visited the prison yesterday where the Noble Peace laureate is being held ahead of a Monday trial on charges she violated her house...

Suu Kyi Stalker 'Not Crazy,' Relatives Say

Grief-stricken American dad landed Burmese activist back in prison

(Newser) - The daughter of the man who jeopardized Aung San Suu Kyi's freedom by swimming to visit her while she was under house arrest insist that John William Yettaw is "not crazy" and had "no ill intention," the Telegraph reports. The Vietnam veteran's strange plan may have been...

'American Idiot' Blamed for Suu Kyi's Jailing

Pro-democracy leader faces years in jail because of Mormon's swim to her home

(Newser) - Blame for Aung San Suu Kyi's imprisonment has fallen squarely on a bizarre American who swam a lake to intrude into the pro-democracy's leader's home, CNN reports. John William Yettaw—a Mormon and a Vietnam veteran, according to his Missouri neighbors—is believed to have wanted to speak to Suu...

Suu Kyi Moved to Prison for Trial

Pro-democracy leader faces charges over Yank's intrusion in home

(Newser) - Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been moved from her home to a Rangoon prison, the BBC reports. The country's military junta plans to put Suu Kyi—who has suffered ill health in recent days—on trial for allegedly violating the terms of her house arrest after an...

Yank 'Stalker' Busted Outside Suu Kyi's House

Authorities baffled by American who swam lake to hide in activist's home

(Newser) - Burmese police have arrested an American man they fished out of a lake near the home of detained democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi's Rangoon home, the Guardian reports. Authorities believe the man dodged security around the compound by swimming through the lake and then hid inside Suu Kyi's home...

UN Calls on Burma Junta to Release Suu Kyi

Rare critical report labels detention illegal under country's laws

(Newser) - Burma's continued detention of Aung San Suu Kyi violates both international law and the country's own criminal code, according to a UN report obtained by the AP. The pro-democracy leader has been under house arrest for 13 of last 19 years since her party won a landslide victory in the...

Suu Kyi's Silence Troubles Followers
 Suu Kyi's Silence 
 Troubles Followers 

Suu Kyi's Silence Troubles Followers

Nobel peace prize winner doing nothing as country slides further into squalor

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi, who’s spent 20 years under house arrest, is an almost sainted symbol of democracy to the people of Burma, the Guardian writes. But since 2003, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has  offered no practical leadership for her party, the National League for Democracy, and has...

Secret Court Sentences Burmese Activists to 65 Years

(Newser) - A closed-door court in Burma has sentenced 14 members of a noted pro-democracy organization to 65 years each. Family members and defense lawyers were not permitted at the trial, and relatives only heard of the sentence from prison officials. The activists were members of 88 Generation Students, a group formed...

Laura Bush's Feminist Agenda Is Anything but Demure

First lady quietly used her clout for every lady

(Newser) - You don’t hear much about Laura Bush, probably because her “demure librarian-teacher persona has minimized her appeal,” but women around the world owe a lot to the first lady, writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Bush has campaigned for breast cancer awareness in the Middle East,...

Suu Kyi Rejects Food Deliveries, Sparks Rumors of Hunger Strike

Burma leader frustrated with UN, aides say

(Newser) - Myanmar's detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has refused food deliveries to her house for two weeks, prompting speculation that she is on a hunger strike against the government, the AP reports. Supporters say she's grown increasingly frustrated with the UN's failure to intervene in the junta-ruled nation—the...

Activist Suu Kyi Should be Flogged: Burma Junta

Official media threatens democracy leader with violence

(Newser) - Official media controlled by Burma's junta said today that Aung San Suu Kyi, the democracy leader and Nobel laureate, deserves to be flogged "as in the case of naughty children." Editorials in several Burmese newspapers accused Suu Kyi of being in the pay of rebel guerrillas and foreign...

Burma Junta: No Freedom for Opposition Leader

Aung San Suu Kyi detention extended

(Newser) - The Nobel Prize-winning leader of the Burmese opposition will spend another year under house arrest, the country's military government announced today. Hopes that international pressure, along with the national crisis in the wake of Cyclone Nargis, might lead the junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi were dashed by a...

Burma Votes Amid Cyclone Chaos

Junta ignores calls to delay vote and focus on helping cyclone victims

(Newser) - Burma plowed ahead with a referendum on its constitution today despite cyclone devastation that has left much of the country in ruins, AFP reports. The junta has postponed the vote for two weeks in the worst-hit areas, including the capital and the Irrawaddy delta, where hundreds of thousands have been...

Bush to Junta: Let the US Help
 Bush to Junta: Let the US Help 

Bush to Junta: Let the US Help

President signs act awarding Congressional Gold Medal to Suu Kyi

(Newser) - President Bush today expressed “heartfelt sympathy” to the victims of the Myanmar cyclone and called on the ruling junta to allow the US to offer more help, the Voice of America reports. The government has accepted $250,000 of US aid but balked at letting US Navy rescue teams...

Myanmar Activist Wins Congressional Gold Medal

Aung Suu Kyi tapped for top civilian award

(Newser) - The Senate has voted overwhelmingly to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Myanmar democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi, reports Reuters. Politicians praised her courage, and said the award was a gesture of solidarity with the oppressed Burmese people. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate remains under house arrest in Rangoon,...

Burma Pledges Free Elections in 2010

Opposition leaders dismiss move as 'public relations spin'

(Newser) - The military junta in Burma said today the nation will have multiparty, democratic elections in 2010, Reuters reports. Opposition leaders greeted the decision with a heavy dose of skepticism and charged that even if the vote goes through, the military will not release its grip on power. The regime has...

Burma Frees Thousands in Nod to United Nations

Amnesty frees over 8,500, though uncertain if they include protesters

(Newser) - Burma's military junta has freed 8,585 prisoners but it's not clear if any of those arrested in September's crackdown are among them, AP reports. Burmese state media said the amnesty was to mark progress on drafting a new constitution, and a gesture to the United Nations. Similar amnesties in...

Suu Kyi Sees Hope for Burma Peace
Suu Kyi
Sees Hope for Burma Peace

Suu Kyi Sees Hope for Burma Peace

Opposition party says leader is optimistic after meeting with junta rep

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi expressed hope for a peaceful end to Burma's strife today after meeting with her party for the first time in 3 years and with a representative of the ruling junta, AFP reports. Suu Kyi, who has been under house arrest for 12 of the past 18...

Suu Kyi: 'I Stand Ready to Cooperate'

Imprisoned opposition leader wants 'dialogue' with Burma's junta

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi is ready to cooperate with Burma's military rulers, UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari announced today, reading a statement from the long-imprisoned opposition leader. “I stand ready to cooperate with the government in order to make this process of dialogue a success,” she wrote after the...

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