congressional Democrats

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Dems Keep Distance From Possible 2nd Stimulus

GOP says talk of new bill is admission of failure

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi said this week “we have to keep the door open” to the possibility of a second stimulus bill—but most lawmakers, including fellow Democrats, are allergic to the idea, Politico reports. “If there’s appetite, there’s not in my office,” said one. “Enough...

Dems Hit With Revolt in the Ranks

Line-by-line lawmaking drives wedge into plans

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats figured Obama's aggressive legislative agenda would face challenges from the GOP, but they've been surprised by squabbling within their own party that's broken out even before they've gotten to the new initiatives, the Washington Post reports. Among the people holding up the $410 billion spending bill leftover from...

Bloggers, Unions Team Up to Push Dems to the Left

Liberal coalition will fund competition for centrist incumbents

(Newser) - A new political action committee backed by liberal bloggers and labor unions aims to push the Obama administration and Democratic establishment to embrace more progressive politics, the New York Times reports. Called “Accountability Now” the group will recruit and promote liberal candidates to challenge centrists in Congress. Their goal...

Dems Shrug Off Obama's Call to Battle Earmarks
Dems Shrug Off Obama's Call to Battle Earmarks

Dems Shrug Off Obama's Call to Battle Earmarks

'Faceless bureaucrats' shouldn't guide funds: Reid

(Newser) - Leading Democratic lawmakers didn't welcome President Obama’s call to jettison budget earmarks, suggesting that as elected officials, they should control where funds are headed, the Hill reports. “We cannot let spending be done by a bunch of nameless, faceless bureaucrats,” Harry Reid said yesterday. Obama pointed to...

Burris: 'I Have Done Nothing Wrong'

He'll comply with perjury review, but no more interviews

(Newser) - Roland Burris today urged his constituents to "stop the rush to judgment" as he denied any wrongdoing in the process of gaining his Senate seat, the Chicago Tribune reports. "If I had done the things I’ve been accused of, I’d be too embarrassed to stand up...

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For
10 Democrats
Obama Must
Watch Out For

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For

Conyers, Feinstein, Biden could be pains in president's rear

(Newser) - The good vibrations can’t last forever. Sooner or later,  President Obama is bound to run afoul of members of his own party. Glenn Thrush, in Politico, scopes out the suspects:
  • John Conyers: The irrepressible House Judiciary chairman wants to investigate the US attorneys scandal and other potential Bush-era

Obama to Meet With Congress on Economy

First talks with congressional leaders since election will cover stimulus plan

(Newser) - Barack Obama's Hawaiian holiday is over, and he's now preparing to meet with congressional leaders Monday to discuss jump-starting America's economy, reports Reuters. Aides say the meetings—the president-elect's first with Congress since winning the election—will cover Obama's proposed stimulus package and a range of other issues.

Big 3 Bailout Plan Goes to White House
 Big 3 Bailout Plan 
 Goes to White House 

Big 3 Bailout Plan Goes to White House

Measure has provision for watchdog, but other questions remain

(Newser) - A draft of the multibillion-dollar bailout agreement for the Big Three automakers went from Capitol Hill to the White House this afternoon and found a chilly reception, the AP reports. The draft legislation calls for a government watchdog appointed by the Bush administration to oversee the companies' operation, but its...

To Succeed, Obama and Congress Must Stay Tight

Dems eager to make mark after GOP domination, but priorities could shred unity

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress and Barack Obama want to move quickly once he assumes office, but they must pull in the same direction to achieve anything, Naftali Bendavid writes in the Wall Street Journal. “Pent-up energy among House Democrats” could test Obama’s centrist leanings, one observer notes, and history...

Waxman Unseats Dingell to Chair Key House Committee

Energy and Commerce Committee will see much legislation from Obama

(Newser) - House Democrats elected Californian Henry Waxman to chair the House Energy and Commerce Committee today, the Hill reports. Waxman’s new post will hold considerable influence over how the next administration will effect its legislative agenda; his selection over Michigan’s John Dingell, who has served on the committee for...

Auto Bailout Unlikely Until Obama Takes Office

Detroit automakers warn that next year may be too late for rescue

(Newser) - It’s looking unlikely that a new economic stimulus package and a Detroit bailout will happen this year, the Wall Street Journal reports. The proposals are facing stiff resistance from Republicans and may have to wait until the new, more heavily Democratic Congress convenes in January and Barack Obama takes...

House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts
House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts

House Dems Wrangle Over Top Posts

Waxman aims to bump Dingell out of key chairmanship

(Newser) - Tuesday's votes were still being counted when House Democrats started wrangling over leadership positions, Politico reports. Henry Waxman has launched a challenge for chairmanship of the Energy and Commerce Committee, aiming to take out John Dingell of Michigan, whose support is eroding. Says a lobbyist: "He has done...

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England
GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

Himes' victory over Shays in Conn. completes Republican rout

(Newser) - With the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays in Connecticut, the GOP has been completely routed from New England. The Republicans’ expulsion from the Northeast derives from losses in centrist districts, those where moderate Republicans like Shays could be expected to win, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard.

Spectre of Dem Landslide Sparking GOP Civil War

Wins for Obama, Dem lawmakers could spell Republican collapse

(Newser) - As polls continue to give the election edge to Barack Obama, GOP leaders are fearing the Democrat could win in a landslide, reports the Telegraph. Second-guessing of John McCain's campaign and deep fears for the GOP are already triggering a battle among Republican faithful for control of the party's future....

Dems Ditch Ban on Offshore Drilling

Current moratorium expires Oct. 1, GOP hails victory

(Newser) - Democrats are removing a ban on offshore drilling from the budget resolution to avoid a White House veto, Politico reports. The move aims "to take a budget standoff of the table so we can address the larger Bush financial crisis," said a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelos....

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations
Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

McCain's scorn, growth of government programs behind shift in support

(Newser) - Pharmaceutical firms have been a stalwart Republican ally—$22 million of the industry’s $30 billion in contributions went to GOP congressional candidates in 2002—but drug makers are increasingly supporting Democrats, Jeanne Cummings reports in Politico. Programs such as President Bush’s prescription-drug plan mean half of pharmaceutical sales...

Democrats Switch Policy to Back Offshore Drilling

GOP pressure, $4 gas behind sea change on energy position

(Newser) - The Democrats are tossing a big part of their environmental policy overboard to reach a compromise on offshore drilling, reports the New York Times. A shift in public opinion, coupled with Republican pressure on the issue, has convinced the party to reverse its long-held opposition to back a deal allowing...

FBI Looks to Expand Powers of Investigation

Agency wants to open cases without reason for suspicion

(Newser) - The Department of Justice is aiming to relax restrictions on the FBI so agents can investigate people without any clear reason for suspicion, congressional Dems tell the New York Times. The plan, which may be revealed in September, has attracted concern, including a letter from four Democratic senators warning that...

Obama Campaign Insular, Arrogant, Hill Dems Complain

Lawmakers cite lack of coordination with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Some Congressional Democrats say they're not feeling the love from Barack Obama's campaign, Politico reports, with the candidate inattentive to broader election strategy and his camp uncommunicative on the day-to-day message blitz. "They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” one senior...

Countrywide 'Bailout' Is Dem Chicanery
Countrywide 'Bailout' Is Dem Chicanery

Countrywide 'Bailout' Is Dem Chicanery

Left is extending crisis by irresponsibly aiding its pals, Armey says

(Newser) - Congressional Dems are selling their $300 billion bill granting new taxpayer loan guarantees as a boon to homeowners, but Dick Armey sees more cynical motives in the “bailout” legislation. The former House majority leader writes in the Journal, pegging the recent revelations of sweetheart Countrywide loans for top (Dem)...

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