
Stories 1341 - 1360 | << Prev   Next >>

Clinton: China, Russia on Board for Iran Sanctions

Fourth round supposed to be the toughest

(Newser) - The US and the other permanent members of the UN Security Council—Britain, China, France, and Russia—have agreed on a package of strong new sanctions to impose on Iran over its suspect nuclear program, Hillary Clinton said today. The secretary of state says the draft plan will be circulated...

France Cracks Down on Facebook Drunkathons

Drinker dies in massive Nantes booze binge

(Newser) - France is cracking down on massive drinkathons organized via Facebook following the death of one young imbiber. Mobs have gathered for the mass outddoor drink-ups—dubbed an apéro gêant in France—in places such as Rennes, Breast and Montpelier. Some 10,000 partied last week in Nantes where...

French Kids Strike Over Vacation Cut

All good fun, but the cut doesn't exist

(Newser) - French schoolkids are saying "non" to a shortened summer, with young people nationwide joining wildcat strikes and staging walk-outs to denounce plans to cut a month of vacation time. Which is all very French, notes the Independent , except that the plan doesn't exist—the education minister merely called for...

Sarkozys' Sex Life So Hot It Stops Clocks

New book spills about why the French first couple is late so often

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy once kept a head of state waiting for a meeting, but they had a good excuse—they were having sex. The revelation about the French president and his ex-supermodel wife gets juicier, ABC News reports: It involves the Obamas. No, not like that! Bruni-Sarkozy "...

Paris Suicides Expose Disney's Dark Side

Uncaring management blamed for worker deaths

(Newser) - Heartless managers are turning the Magic Kingdom into a hellish place to work, say labor leaders at Disneyland Paris. Cost-cutting at the theme park means that worker numbers have been slashed despite more visitors, leaving staff overworked and undervalued. Two Disney workers have killed themselves since the beginning of the...

Carla Bruni Blamed for Axing Louvre Rock Concert

First lady blamed after officials ban museum gig

(Newser) - Plans for the Louvre to host the first rock concert in its 800-year history have been axed, and the French press believes Carla Bruni is responsible. France's culture minister told organizers—who had already won approval to hold the concert in the museum's courtyard—that the event was "unsuitable....

Muslim Polygamist May Lose French Citizenship

'They're mistresses, which is very French,' he claims

(Newser) - French officials are considering yanking the citizenship of a Muslim polygamist, even though he now claims his wives are merely mistresses, which is something he believes is a cornerstone of French culture. Problems for Algerian-born butcher Lies Hebbadj began last week when police ticketed a wife for wearing a full...

Belgium Votes Today to Ban Muslim Veils

French may soon have similar law

(Newser) - Belgium is expected today to become the first nation to ban face-covering Muslim veils in public. Supporters of the bill say they're motivated by concerns about security as well as taking action to protect women's rights. "We think all people in public must show their face," Belgium lawmaker...

French Resort Seeks Sun Lotion Appliers

Get $1,160 a week to apply sunscreen to attractive strangers

(Newser) - If you're young, good-looking, and speak French, you might qualify for ultimate summer job: strolling the beaches of France with samples of sunscreen, offering to rub the product into the shoulders of attractive sunbathers. And then there's the pay: $1,160 a week. The gig, being offered by a French...

Reporter Heads Roll After Bruni Affair Stories

Sarkozy wants those who 'spread fear to feel fear'

(Newser) - Two reporters have been axed with more likely to follow amid French President Nicolas Sarkozy's fury at being called a cuckold in the press. Seems the French aren't so sanguine about marital infidelity after all. Wide-spread media reports of an affair by wife Carla Bruni, reportedly followed by a retaliatory...

Twin Suicides Rattle French Disney
Twin Suicides Rattle
French Disney

Twin Suicides Rattle French Disney

Union links deaths to 'humiliating' working conditions

(Newser) - Two employee suicides linked to "humiliating" working conditions have rattled France Disney and sparked an investigation. A manager hanged himself at his home just weeks after a company cook threw himself in front of a train. The Disney manager told colleagues before his death that he wanted out of...

French Language Cops Go After English Slang

'Le buzz' might be 'le ramdam,' among others

(Newser) - A French panel has made its decision on a handful of English-based buzzwords it hopes to replace. Begone “le buzz” for Internet rumors; enter “le ramdam.” The winners, suggested by students, will be forwarded to the 18—18!—government committees that guard the language. If the...

Obama, Sarkozy Want Iran Sanctions in 'Weeks'

'I'm not interested in waiting months': Obama

(Newser) - With the president of France at his side, President Obama declared today that he hopes to have international sanctions against Iran in place "within weeks" over its nuclear program. But he acknowledged he still lacks full support. "Do we have unanimity in the international community? Not yet. And...

French Cops Nail Man Who Hacked Obama Twitter
French Cops Nail Man Who Hacked Obama Twitter

French Cops Nail Man Who Hacked Obama Twitter

Unemployed, 25-year-old Frenchman did it on a bet

(Newser) - An unemployed 25-year-old was arrested today by authorities in his native France for hacking the Twitter account of President Obama—apparently on a bet, sources tell AFP . No identity was given for the man, who lives with his parents and goes by “Hacker Croll”—the nom-de-Web of the...

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist
smoke, drink instead

Stop Breastfeeding Your 'Tyrant' Baby: Feminist

Attentive parenting new form of oppression, says feminist Badinter

(Newser) - What with all the breastfeeding, diaper washing, and not smoking while pregnant, mothers have become enslaved to their “tyrant” babies. That’s the opinion of French feminist philosopher Elisabeth Badinter, who sees women giving up their lives in the service of their young ones—and risking women's liberation by...

Sarkozy's Party Trounced in Local Elections

French voice opposition to president's reforms

(Newser) - French voters delivered a stinging defeat to president Nicolas Sarkozy, voting against candidates from his Union for a Popular Movement in elections for regional councils. The Socialist/Green opposition coalition won 55% of the vote compared to UMP's 37%. "This is a real defeat for us" said Jean-François Copé...

France Mulls Lifting Brothel Ban

Move would hike safety and ditch pimps, says politician

(Newser) - France shut down its once-famous brothels en masse after World War II amid national shame at Nazi collaboration, but the sex houses may soon be legal again. Legalizing brothels would reduce exploitation, boost safety and provide sex workers with a taxable income, claims a member of parliament from Nicolas Sarkozy's...

Guillotine Returns to Paris
 Guillotine Returns to Paris 

Guillotine Returns to Paris

On display at museum 33 years after last head rolled

(Newser) - Some 33 years after the last head rolled in France, the guillotine is back—as a cutting-edge display item in a Paris museum exhibit about crime and punishment. The former instrument of death was displayed at the request of Robert Badinter, the politician who ended the death penalty in France,...

Fake Game Show Players Shock 'Victims' in Chilling Documentary

Recreation of '60s experiment tests power of TV

(Newser) - Most people are happy to dish out horrendous pain to others if they're told to by a game show host, found a chilling French documentary recreating a famous 1960s psychology experiment. The makers of fake Zone Xtreme told participants they were on a game show pilot, and found that 81%...

Trial Begins for French Mom Who Killed 6 Newborns

Lawyer: She has 'no idea why she did it'

(Newser) - A mom who killed 6 of her newborn babies and stashed their corpses in her cellar has begun trial in one of the most notorious cases in French history. Céline Lesage, 38, faces life in prison for choking the infants to death. She has confessed to the charges, but...

Stories 1341 - 1360 | << Prev   Next >>