
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Unknown Soldier No More: WWI Gravestone Gets a Name
Unknown Soldier Is
Unknown No More

Unknown Soldier Is Unknown No More

British soldier who died in WWI is identified via DNA as 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth

(Newser) - For more than a century, the British soldier lay in an anonymous grave, one of so many unidentified victims buried beneath the killing fields of World War I. But now, his headstone finally bears a name: 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth—a great-great-nephew of English poet William Wordsworth—who was...

Ukraine Argues With Macron on Humiliating Russia

French president had urged leaving a path for diplomacy, which didn't impress Ukrainian official

(Newser) - Ukraine's government made clear Saturday that it doesn't share French President Emmanuel Macron's concern about embarrassing Russia. "We must not humiliate Russia so that the day when the fighting stops we can build an exit ramp through diplomatic means," Macron had said in an interview...

After the Club, They Spotted the Puncture Mark

A mysterious wave of needle attacks is being reported in France and beyond

(Newser) - Across France, 302 people have reported being pricked out of the blue with needles at nightclubs or concerts in recent months. Doctors and multiple prosecutors are on the case, but no one knows who's doing it or why, and whether the victims have been injected with drugs—or indeed...

Daredevil's Latest Flight Does Not End Well

Franky Zapata says he's fine after he and jetpack plunge into lake in France

(Newser) - French daredevil and inventor Franky Zapata became world-famous in 2019 when he flew across the English Channel on a self-designed jetpack he calls a flyboard. His most recent flight ended with a scary, unplanned plunge into a French lake, though the BBC reports that he is "recovering well."...

France Has First Female Prime Minister in 30 Years

Elisabeth Borne was appointed PM on Monday

(Newser) - Centrist politician Elisabeth Borne was appointed France’s new prime minister on Monday, becoming only the second woman in history to hold the post, the AP reports. Borne, 61, the labor minister in French President Emmanuel Macron's previous government, succeeds Jean Castex, whose resignation on Monday was expected after...

13 Years After Jet Crash, Sole Survivor May 'Know the Truth'

Bahia Bakari, who emerged from 2009 crash that killed 152, attends trial of Yemenia in France

(Newser) - The lone survivor of a 2009 passenger plane crash in the Indian Ocean that killed 152 people sat in the front row of a Paris courtroom Monday at the opening of the trial of the Yemeni airline that operated the flight. Yemen's main airline, Yemenia, has been charged with...

At Inauguration, Macron Suggests 'New Method' of Rule

Easing France's social tensions is among the goals listed for a second term

(Newser) - French President Emmanuel Macron was inaugurated for a second term on Saturday, vowing to take action to avoid any further escalation of Russia's war in Ukraine and promising he would promote France and Europe on the world stage. Macron was reelected for five years after winning the April 24...

Eiffel Tower's Olympic Revamp Angers Thousands

125K have signed petition against tree felling

(Newser) - The Eiffel Tower is undergoing a makeover, including a paint job, before the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, though not all Parisians are happy with the planned changes. AFP reports some are "up in arms" over a plan to fell 22 trees near the base of the famous landmark,...

Macron Defeats Le Pen
France Reelects Macron

France Reelects Macron

Le Pen promises to keep fighting president's policies

(Newser) - Emmanuel Macron became the first French president to be elected to a second term on Sunday, defeating far-right challenger Marine Le Pen. At closing time for the polls, projections showed the incumbent's winning margin to be about 58% to 42%, Axios reports. Polls during the campaign generally had shown...

World Has Eyes on France
World Has Eyes on France

World Has Eyes on France

Macron tries to fend off far-right challenge Marine Le Pen in runoff election

(Newser) - The voting is underway in France , where President Emmanuel Macron hopes to become the first French leader in 20 years to win reelection. The vote, however, is seen as one with potentially huge global implications as well should far-right challenger Marine Le Pen pull off an upset, given her longtime...

Macron Clashes With Le Pen in Key Debate

Polls show Macron came out on top, though many voters consider him 'arrogant'

(Newser) - Watching presidential debates and getting rid of incumbents are both popular activities in France, so the stakes were very high for French President Emmanuel Macron in his televised debate against far-right challenger Marine Le Pen on Wednesday night. The second-round face-off is "seen as the time when presidential destinies...

Medieval &#39;Riches&#39; Found Under Notre Dame&#39;s Floor
'Riches' Found Inches Below
Notre Dame's Floor Slabs
in case you missed it

'Riches' Found Inches Below Notre Dame's Floor Slabs

Sarcophagus, fragments of original rood screen are 'extraordinary'

(Newser) - There's an upside to rebuilding after a fire , as archaeologists at France's Notre Dame cathedral have discovered. In preparation for the monument's new spire, to replace the one burned in 2019, workers will build 100-foot-high scaffolding. But before they do, officials asked archeologists to perform a "...

Headscarves Become Sticking Point in French Election

Rivals Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron confronted by Muslims ahead of presidential runoff

(Newser) - Muslim headscarves took center stage in France's presidential campaign Friday amid far-right candidate Marine Le Pen's push to ban them in the country with Western Europe's largest Muslim population. Both she and rival Emmanuel Macron, facing a tightly contested April 24 runoff, were confronted by women in...

France Begins Voting, and Macron May Be in Trouble

Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen has been rising in the polls

(Newser) - French voters headed to polling stations nationwide Sunday for the first round of the country’s presidential election, one that seemed for months like a shoo-in for French President Emmanuel Macron but is now a toss-up amid a strong challenge from the far right's Marine Le Pen, per the...

Challenger's Surge in France Worries US, Probably Ukraine

Marine Le Pen has closed in on Emmanuel Macron as she's toned down her rhetoric

(Newser) - Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared "a huge victory" this week that will keep him in office as Hungary's prime minister. Now White House officials are beginning to worry that another friend of Putin's could take over a US ally. Polls show that French President Emmanuel Macron and...

Latest Crackdown on Russia: $46M Worth of Art

Customs officials in Finland seize paintings, sculptures, antiquities

(Newser) - Some $46 million worth of art on loan from Russian galleries to museums in Japan and Italy has been seized on the return trip. Customs officials in Finland seized the paintings, sculptures, and antiquities in three shipments at the Vaalimaa crossing of the Finland-Russia border on Friday and Saturday, in...

He Lost His Job for Not Predicting Russian Invasion
He Lost His Job for Not
Predicting Russian Invasion
in case you missed it

He Lost His Job for Not Predicting Russian Invasion

Gen. Eric Vidaud, France's chief of military intelligence, had only been in the role for 7 months

(Newser) - As the US warned earlier this year that Russia may try to invade, others pushed back on that prediction, including the new chief of France's military intelligence. Now, just seven months after he was hired, Gen. Eric Vidaud is out of a job, Reuters reports, citing an internal email...

French Presidential Candidate Sued for Holocaust Denial

Eric Zemmour doesn't believe French homosexuals were arrested, deported

(Newser) - Nazi Germany considered homosexual people "socially aberrant," and they were persecuted harshly during the Holocaust. Tens of thousands were arrested or deported, hundreds of those in France, and the numbers are believed to be vastly under-reported. But according to far-right French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, all of that...

Netflix Heist Drama Lupin Ends Up Target of Thieves
After Heist on Lupin Set,
7 Hit With Charges

After Heist on Lupin Set, 7 Hit With Charges

Authorities are still seeking others after Feb. 25 incident in which $330K in equipment was stolen

(Newser) - Update: Seven youths have been charged in connection with a heist last month on the set of the Netflix series Lupin. On Feb. 25, about 20 thieves descended upon production taking place in the Nanterre district of France, outside of Paris, swiping equipment worth $330,000. According to AFP, the...

This Russian Oligarch Just Lost His Superyacht
Superyacht Seized as It
Prepared 'to Sail Off Urgently'
in case you missed it

Superyacht Seized as It Prepared 'to Sail Off Urgently'

France seizes $120M yacht linked to Putin's friend and ally Igor Sechin

(Newser) - Two days after he was sanctioned by the European Union, Russian oligarch Igor Sechin lost his superyacht. France on Wednesday seized the 280-foot yacht Amore Vero ("True Love"), with a reported price tag of $120 million, reports CNN . The ship, reportedly owned by an entity of which Sechin...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>