political advertising

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Candidate Runs 'Fighting' Ad Against Assault Victim Rival

Boxing gloves odd choice in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Scott Walker has taken the gloves off—by putting them on—in his push to be Wisconsin's governor. The Republican county executive of Milwaukee has a new ad attacking his presumptive Democratic rival, Mayor Tom Barrett, that shows him wearing boxing gloves. Walker claims he's "ready to go the...

Tea Partier's Trippy Ad Calls for Revolution

'Gather your armies,' Washington declares

(Newser) - Think the Tea Party rhetoric is getting a little overwrought? Then get a load of this video from Alabama House candidate Rick Barber, in which he has a kind of war council with various founding fathers. Barber calls for President Obama’s impeachment, then launches a mostly nonsensical rant about...

Ad Accuses Meg Whitman of Pushing Porn

Opponent Steve Poizner paints eBay as smut marketplace

(Newser) - Even Meg Whitman's opponents in the California governor's race agree that she led eBay to greatness—as a smut market. A new ad created by Republican Steve Poizner's campaign says when Whitman took the helm, she scrubbed guns from the site but created a separate hardcore-porn division that became one...

Hate Obama? Tell Passing Motorists
Hate Obama? Tell Passing Motorists

Hate Obama? Tell Passing Motorists

Site sells anti-Obama billboards to angry Republicans

(Newser) - Are you an Atlanta-area conservative with a couple of thousand bucks to blow? Then why not give the highway of your choice a piece of your mind with your very own anti-Obama billboard? An anonymous conservative group has set up a website where, for $2,500 to $3,500, Obama...

Texas Papers See First Corporate Political Ads

Real-estate developer buys spots attacking GOP candidate

(Newser) - A Texas developer looks to be the first corporation to take advantage of the January Supreme Court decision allowing them to pay for political ads, with KDR Development buying space in three East Texas newspapers to attack a state representative for being insufficiently Republican. The ads ran before this month’...

Dems Fight High Court's Campaign Finance Ruling

New law would seek to limit flood of corporate cash

(Newser) - Democratic legislators introduced a bill yesterday designed to mitigate the impact of the landmark Supreme Court ruling that gutted decades of campaign finance reform efforts. They’re hoping to get the bill passed ASAP, so corporate money can’t dominate the 2010 election—something that many fear would favor Republicans,...

Progressives Call Out Harry Reid in New Ad

Ask if he's 'strong enough' to pass public option

(Newser) - A progressive group is taking off the gloves with a new ad titled, straightforwardly, “Is Harry Reid Strong Enough?” The ad, which begins airing in Nevada on Wednesday, features a self-proclaimed “typical swing-voter” with health problems vowing ominously to vote for Reid in 2010 based exclusively on whether...

Christie's NJ Lead Shrinks After Corzine's Weight Ads

He's now up by only 1 point in the latest polls

(Newser) - Gov. Jon Corzine's strategy of running an ad that calls attention to challenger Chris Christie’s girth may be paying off: 19% of New Jersey voters said Christie’s weight made them less likely to vote for him, while 11% said it was a “legitimate campaign issue,” a...

Dole Gets DNC Health Reform Spot Pulled

Ad citing former GOP senator's support 'backhanded,' he says

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee is canceling a television ad touting GOP support for health care reform after protests from one of the Republicans mentioned, former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. Dole is quoted saying: "I want this to pass...We've got to do something." The former Kansas senator...

'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Returns With Same Cast

But Clinton thinks forces aren't as strong as those he faced

(Newser) - Americans may be "less receptive" to right-wing messages than they were in the days of Bill Clinton, but as the former president put it last week on Meet the Press, the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that threatened to destroy his presidency is making an encore appearance—and it's surely...

New DNC Ad Slams GOP's 'Angry Mobs'

Dems use town hall protests to fire back

(Newser) - In a new online ad, Democrats return fire at “angry mobs” driven by the Republican Party, the Huffington Post reports. “They lost the election. They lost on the Recovery Act, the budget and children’s health care,” says the ad. “Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded...

Online Political Ads: Subject to Regulation, or Just a Link?

(Newser) - If online ads are the future of political campaigning, then a legal snafu in the St. Petersburg mayoral race bears watching. Florida election officials have ruled that one candidate’s Google and Facebook ads violate state election laws because they don’t clearly state who paid for the ad, the...

Health Care Debate Readies for Road Trip

Democrats will spend recess targeting insurance companies

(Newser) - With the House already on break and the Senate readying for the August recess, the health care debate has moved to the court of public opinion, the New York Times reports. Both sides are launching campaign tours and waves of TV ads, with Democrats attacking the insurance industry and Republicans...

Va. Primary Upset Shows 'Google Blasting' Works
Va. Primary Upset Shows 'Google Blasting' Works

Va. Primary Upset Shows 'Google Blasting' Works

(Newser) - Creigh Deeds owes a debt to Google after his surprising come-from-behind win in this week's Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary. Starting the day before the election, Derek Thompson writes for the Atlantic, Deeds’ campaign employed “Google Blasting, an eleventh-hour strategy to blanket Google-affiliated webpages in an area with a single...

Supreme Court Will Rule on Hillary Documentary

Anti-Clinton flick deemed campaign ad

(Newser) - Supreme Court judges will go the movies next week when they hear arguments about a feature-length film on Hillary Clinton, the AP reports. Screened in eight theaters during the presidential campaign, Hillary: the Movie fizzled after federal courts said the scathing documentary and its commercials amounted to campaign ads....

Critics Invoke Jesus in Anti-Stimulus Ad

Conservative group launches $1M ad to slam government spending

(Newser) - A conservative group has brought Jesus into the fray over the stimulus package, Politico reports. An anti-stimulus ad from the American Issues Project set to start airing today flashes a picture of the three wise men on the screen and asks viewers to imagine spending "$1 million every single...

New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush
New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush

New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush

Attacks GOP senators, tells them not to side with Limbaugh

(Newser) - A radio ad is making the rounds in Cleveland, Reno, and Philadelphia, slamming the local Republican senator and the apparent leader of the opposition: Rush Limbaugh. The ad, from the labor-backed Americans United for Change, slams House Republicans who “voted with Limbaugh against creating 4 million new American jobs....

Dole's Foe Set to Sue Over 'No God' Ad

Democrat Hagan, critics blast NC senator for attack on faith

(Newser) - Kay Hagan, the North Carolina Democrat challenging Elizabeth Dole for her US Senate seat, has launched a defamation suit, and counter-ad, against the incumbent after a Dole spot questioned Hagan’s belief in God, the Charlotte Observer reports. The ad showed Hagan, a Sunday-school teacher, while another woman’s voice...

Coleman Sues Franken in Minn. Senate Race

GOP incumbent says comedian rival's ads are defamatory, false

(Newser) - Minnesota's tight Senate race has turned litigious. Incumbent Norm Coleman sued opponent Al Franken today for character defamation, the Hill reports. Coleman’s campaign says ads claiming he is the “fourth most corrupt senator in Washington” are false and violate Minnesota campaign law. “Our ads are factual and...

Obama Spot Snags 22% of Viewers

Buying time on all networks but ABC still misses most in major markets

(Newser) - Just about a fifth of watchers in big US media markets tuned in to last night’s Barack Obama infomercial, even though the spot aired on four of five major networks, the Chicago Tribune reports. The highest ratings were in Baltimore, where a little less than a third of families...

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