Democratic nomination

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Obama to Fans: Don't Protest Rules Meeting

Campaign stays with unity message on Mich./Fla. decision

(Newser) - Barack Obama is urging supporters not to demonstrate at Saturday’s meeting of the Democrats' rules committee, hoping to keep the event from becoming a cable-news circus, the Hill reports. Clinton supporters have pledged to gather outside the meeting, where party bigs will decide whether, and how many Florida and...

Bill Decries 'Cover-Up' By Dem Brass

'They' are trying to pressure superdelegates, bury poll numbers favoring Hillary

(Newser) - Bill Clinton claimed this weekend that there is a conspiracy to bury polls showing Hillary to be the better Democratic general-election candidate against John McCain, adding, “I have never seen a candidate treated so disrespectfully just for running.” “Oh, this is so terrible," said the former...

Senate Homecoming Won't Be Glorious

Power will not fall in losing candidate's lap

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton does indeed lose the Democratic nomination, her Senate homecoming won’t be a glorious one, the New York Times reports. Clinton is still a junior senator, ranking 36th out of 49 Democrats, and would need to leapfrog a lot of people to become a committee chair—much...

Kennedy Clan Blasts Clinton for RFK Flub

Remark 'may be last nail in her campaign's coffin,' one says

(Newser) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has defended Hillary Clinton’s RFK gaffe, but other Kennedy clan members are fuming, the New York Post reports. As the anniversary of RFK’s murder nears, one relative cited Clinton’s “perceived insensitivity,” especially after Ted Kennedy’s brain cancer diagnosis. Another said...

Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits
Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits

Hillary's Killer RFK Quote Stuns Pundits

She shouldn't 'be elected dog catcher,' one gripes

(Newser) - Hillary’s RFK gaffe certainly has people talking—and most aren’t being too kind.
  • Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily News calls it “an X-ray of a very dark soul” that considers murder just another strategic possibility. Hillary has shot her chance at being vice president, he

On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better
On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better

On RFK, Clinton Should Have Known Better

Invoking opponent's killing 'sounds almost like wishful thinking'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton used history to make a point, but her RFK gaffe provides a valuable lesson for those studying it: “There are taboos in presidential politics, and this is one of the biggest,” Libby Copeland writes in the Washington Post. Clinton has apologized for referring to the assassination...

Clinton's RFK Remark Sparks Fear, Outrage

Hillary defends her prolonged bid by recalling '68 murder

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton whipped up a storm of anger today by invoking Bobby Kennedy's murder as grounds for staying in the Democratic race, the New York Times reports. Recalling the surprise outcomes of past contests, including her husband’s in 1992, the senator told editors at a South Dakota newspaper that...

No, She Isn&rsquo;t Winning the Popular Vote
No, She Isn’t Winning the Popular Vote

No, She Isn’t Winning the Popular Vote

Claim divisive at best, untrue at worst, so let's just call it a tie

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s insistence that she’s winning the popular vote not only promotes a meaningless rubric in a delegate contest, but it's also a dangerous claim—and a false one, Jonathan Alter writes in Newsweek. Not only is Clinton trampling on old sore spots (think Al Gore in 2000),...

Clinton Ready to Take It to Convention

Defiant candidate emphasizes the importance of Florida's vote

(Newser) - A defiant Hillary Clinton signaled yesterday that she might take the nomination fight all the way to the convention, the New York Times reports, again emphasizing the importance of seating Florida and Michigan delegates in a swing through the Sunshine State. Those delegates still wouldn't erase Barack Obama's lead, but...

Hillary Will Win Huge Leverage in Narrow Defeat
Hillary Will Win Huge Leverage in Narrow Defeat

Hillary Will Win Huge Leverage in Narrow Defeat

She stands to be more powerful than any loser in history

(Newser) - It doesn’t look like Hillary Clinton will be the Dem nominee this year, but she “may gain more leverage from losing than almost any other failed presidential candidate,” says Michael Tackett in a Chicago Tribune piece about what’s in store for the second-place finisher. Assuming she...

Obama Won't Declare Victory Tomorrow
 Obama Won't
 Declare Victory

Obama Won't Declare Victory Tomorrow

Change shows sensitivity to alienating Clinton fans

(Newser) - Reversing earlier plans, Barack Obama will not declare the Democratic race over tomorrow night—in a move Carrie Budoff Brown, on Politico, sees as concern about “appearing presumptuous or antagonistic” toward Hillary Clinton. Hillary fans are sensitive about disrespect, so Obama will boast he’s won a majority of...

'Poor Hillary' Refrain Has Hillary-Like Staying Power

Voters, rivals and pundits have been tut-tutting for years, but Clinton marches on

(Newser) - There’s Hillary Clinton, writes Libby Copeland in the Washington Post, and then there’s “Poor Hillary.” Though Barack Obama destroyed her “inevitability,” she continues to quixotically pursue the Democratic nomination, touting the power of “grit” against arithmetic, and moving op-ed writers, news anchors and...

Edwards' Endorsement Is No Game-Changer
 Edwards' Endorsement
 Is No Game-Changer 

Edwards' Endorsement Is No Game-Changer

Move was inevitable, says Newsweek analyst

(Newser) - John Edwards’ endorsement of Barack Obama may “hammer another nail into Clinton’s subterranean coffin,” but it won’t do much to sway primary voters, Andrew Romano writes in Newsweek. Had Edwards taken a pro-Obama stand a few months ago, it might have helped the senator with blue-collar...

Obama Hamstrung by 'Nearly Nominee' Status

Barack Obama caught in the middle of two campaign phases

(Newser) - Barack Obama is feeling like a winner but unable to start campaigning like one, the New York Times reports. The almost-nominee can't go after John McCain the way he would if he had the nomination sewn up for fear of infuriating Hillary Clinton's supporters, aides say. He also is still...

A Closer Look at the Math Problem Edwards Averted

Three-way race could have dragged on through the summer

(Newser) - The long-tern effect of John Edwards’ early exit is that Barack Obama will wrap up the nomination by early June, a grateful Steve Kornacki writes in the New York Observer. A  slower withdrawal would have spelled trouble for the Democrats, who are having enough trouble making up their minds. "...

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes
 Team Hillary's
 5 Big

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes

How mood, rules, caucuses, money, and pacing laid her campaign low

(Newser) - With the Clinton campaign in death throes, Karen Tumulty runs down its five crucial  mistakes in Time:
  • Mood. In a season when Democrats were desperate for change, Hillary “completely misread the mood” and went with incumbency.
  • Rules. Clinton's inner circle wasn't up on them. Mark Penn thought California's primary

Hillary Defeat Would Shake Up Democrats

Divisive changing of guard looms if Clintons lose grip on party

(Newser) - With Barack Obama headed toward the Democratic nomination, the Clintons' long reign over the party looks likely to end, the New York Times reports. That could lead to a bold new era—or a divided party that Obama can’t reconcile. “It’s going to create an upheaval,”...

Obama Will Declare Victory on May 20

That's the day he'll have a majority of pledged delegates

(Newser) - Barack Obama plans to lay claim to his party’s nomination on May 20, the day that votes in Kentucky and Oregon will net him a majority of pledged delegates, a top aide tells Politico, setting up what David Paul Kuhn calls “a train wreck waiting to happen.”...

Rush Calls Off 'Chaos,' Says GOP Can Beat Obama

Limbaugh calls him 'weakest' of the Democrats

(Newser) - Now that Barack Obama has all but knocked out Hillary Clinton, Rush Limbaugh is calling off "Operation Chaos" and relishing the notion that Obama will be the nominee, CNN notes. Limbaugh has for months urged Republicans to vote for Clinton to prolong the race. Today, he urged superdelegates to...

Clinton Aides Start to Believe Own Spin

Wright controversy a godsend for Clinton

(Newser) - Optimism is spreading through Hillary Clinton’s once-dispirited war room, Politico reports, as a series of wins accumulate in their candidate’s column: fundraising has rushed in since Pennsylvania, she's collected some well-timed endorsements, she’s bobbed up in the polls, and Barack Obama is once again afflicted by Jeremiah...

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