Rudy Giuliani

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GOP Gays Feel Party Has Strayed
GOP Gays
Feel Party
Has Strayed

GOP Gays Feel Party Has Strayed

Focus on fiscal restraint lost in courting Christian conservatives

(Newser) - Log Cabin Republicans are growing in number, but they’re also growing in frustration that the Grand Old Party is abandoning fiscal prudence for social extremism. Claiming 20,000 members in 40 chapters, the 30-year-old gay conservative group says the Republican platform will lose its relevance unless it looks beyond...

Half of GOP Evangelicals Might Ditch Giuliani: Poll

55% would consider third-party candidate

(Newser) - 55% of white evangelical Republicans would consider a third-party candidate if the 2008 presidential race comes down to Rudy Giuliani vs. Hillary Clinton, according to a new survey. The GOP frontrunner's views on abortion, gay rights and gun control are too liberal for the tastes of many conservative Christians; evangelicals...

It's Down to Rudy and Mitt
It's Down to Rudy and Mitt

It's Down to Rudy and Mitt

Weekly Standard scribe says no other GOP candidate has a ‘credible scenario’

(Newser) - The baffling race for the GOP nomination is now down to two, argues the Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes: Only Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have what really matters in the primary fight—“credible” paths to victory. Mitt’s the early-state favorite, the man to beat if he captures...

Press Praises Barack and Fred, Knocks McCain

More balanced with Hillary, Giuliani

(Newser) - The press gives Obama and Fred Thompson upbeat coverage, John McCain a hard time, and balances reporting on Hillary and Giuliani, says the Hollywood Reporter. A new study shows that Obama and Thompson received positive coverage in half of their 2007 stories, while McCain's were 48% negative and 12% positive....

Rudy Would Outdo W on Power Grab
Rudy Would Outdo W on
Power Grab

Rudy Would Outdo W on Power Grab

Record shows Hizzoner had little patience for checks and balances

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s record in New York shows a leadership philosophy built on overlooking rules, says Washington Monthly’s Rachel Morris. Should the GOP frontrunner end up in the Oval Office, he would seize even more executive power than his assertive predecessor, Morris predicts.

Lib Label Belies Solidly Right Views

Pundits say Rudy's too 'liberal' for GOP nom; polls show otherwise

(Newser) - Pundits call Rudy too “liberal” to win the GOP nom, but his views on free speech, religion, and government secrecy say otherwise, writes David Greenberg of the Washington Post. Even Rudy's takes on guns, gays, and abortion—allegedly left—are far from it. “As any New Yorker can...

Ford: Clinton Was a Sex Addict, Cheney a Liability

New book offers a look at ex-president's unvarnished opinions

(Newser) - Gerald Ford respected Bill Clinton’s prodigious political skills but thought he needed therapy for sex addiction, according to a new book of interviews the ex-president gave for posthumous publication. Ford also said Dick Cheney was a GOP liability in 2004 and recommended replacing him with Rudy Giuliani, though he...

Mayoral Paper Shuffle Sullies Giuliani Record

Records routed through Rudy's own 'think tank' and then returned

(Newser) - First Hillary Clinton's papers from her tenure as first lady are locked up in the Clinton Library, buried under thousands of FOI requests that have priority. Now it turns out that Rudy Giuliani's mayoral papers—some some 2,100 boxes of them—were removed from City Hall and routed through...

Top Policy Dog Steers Rudy Right
Top Policy
Dog Steers
Rudy Right

Top Policy Dog Steers Rudy Right

Bill Simon hosts crash course to earn Giuliani conservative cred

(Newser) - Giuliani is going to "Simon University," where think tank types school him to be a hawk and a tax-cutter, the Washington Post reports. Bill Simon hosts, teaching Giuliani how to think conservative heartland instead of New York elite. Simon, Giuliani's policy director, "has the added advantage of...

Mexican Fence & More Guards Will Stop Illegals: Rudy

'You can stop them at the border'

(Newser) - Republican White House candidate Rudy Giuliani said that if he's elected president he would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the country by building a high-tech fence along the Mexican border, boosting patrols 50% and stationing guards at 50-mile intervals. "You can stop them at the border,"...

Mob Nearly Iced Rudy in '80s
Mob Nearly Iced Rudy in '80s

Mob Nearly Iced Rudy in '80s

The federal prosecutor narrowly avoided earning a Mafia hit in the 198s

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani could’ve slept with the fishes but for a 3-2 vote among New York’s five Mafia bosses not to put a contract on the then-federal prosecutor in the mid-'80s. Among the two younger hotheads who wanted to whack the GOP's current presidential frontrunner was none other than...

41% Can't Name a GOP Hopeful
41% Can't Name a GOP Hopeful

41% Can't Name a GOP Hopeful

But 81% remember a Democratic name

(Newser) - At least the GOP presidential candidates can rest assured some voters haven’t heard about abortion rights flip-flops or serial divorces: A new Pew poll found only 59% of Americans can even name a Republican hopeful. But unfortunately for Norman Hsu and expensive haircuts, fully 81% of Americans could remember...

Rivals Boast Right Stuff in Fight for Conservative Cred

Who is the right-est one of all?

(Newser) - Republican presidential hopefuls fought bitterly over who has the best conservative credentials in an Orlando, Fla., forum last night. Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee cited their conservative executive experience, while John McCain and Fred Thompson touted conservative Senate voting records. Giuliani generally sparred with Thompson, and McCain with...

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives
Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

GOP front-runner promotes shared values on Iraq and judges, admits to differences

(Newser) - Conservatives at the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC, gave Giuliani polite applause today as he admitted his moderate-to-liberal views on abortion and other issues, the AP reports. He stressed shared stands on Iraq, school choice and conservative judges, but kept mum about gay marriage. "We may not always...

Religious Republicans Dig Fred
Religious Republicans Dig Fred

Religious Republicans Dig Fred

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's campaign is making headway with conservative Christian voters, according to new polling data reported in Politico. Thompson, whose late campaign start was much maligned by Republican insiders, trails Giuliani by 8 percentage points among all Republicans, but he leads 29% to 19% among weekly Republican churchgoers—a group...

Christian Right Isn't Singing the Praises of GOP Candidates

Evangelicals meet today to seek agreement

(Newser) - Crowded as the GOP field may be, the religious right can't  seem to find a congenial candidate. The Washington Post reports that evangelicals—today beginning a 2-day summit—remain unmoved no matter how sweetly Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain come calling. And the idea of a Rudy Guiliani...

Bundling Hits Its Stride
Bundling Hits
Its Stride

Bundling Hits Its Stride

Donation gathering accounts for ¼ of money, is ‘chief source’ of campaign abuse

(Newser) - Bundlers have become the stars of 2008 campaign fundraising, the accounting for one-quarter of all money raised in the presidential race—up from 8% in 2000. Donors sought new inroads when soft money was restricted, and the gathering of donations has become “the chief source of abuse,” says...

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash
Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

(Newser) - The $35 million Hillary Clinton has on hand for her primary campaign edges out the $32 million in Barack Obama’s coffers, according to financial reports acquired by the AP. But both have almost three times the money of any other campaign—Rudy Giuliani leads Republicans with just $11.6...

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt
Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

(Newser) - The gloves are off in the Republican presidential race, with the McCain and Giuliani campaigns forming a tacit alliance to take down Mitt Romney, the Politico observes. McCain said today that, unlike Romney, “I’m not going to con you,” while Giuliani ruthlessly derided Romney for saying a...

Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults
Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults

Rudy, Mitt Trade Kerry Insults

In debate post-mortem, GOP hopefuls spar over who's less like the Democratic loser

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney couldn't seem to get out of the ring yesterday, even though their tussle at Tuesday's debate was over. The campaigns  kept it going with press-release jabs, each rehashing his opponent's debate language on Iran and each comparing the other to John Kerry, notes Election Central’...

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