Hurricane Katrina

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Latino Population Surges in Post-Katrina New Orleans

Rebuilding effort attracts immigrant workers to NOLA

(Newser) - The promise of jobs in New Orleans' ongoing reconstruction has drawn thousands of Spanish-speaking immigrant laborers to the city in one of the quickest demographic shifts America has seen, the AP reports. The Hispanic population has increased from 15,000 to 50,000 since the storm, accounting for 15.2%...

Bush 'the Lamest of All Possible Ducks:' Klein
Bush 'the Lamest of All Possible Ducks:' Klein

Bush 'the Lamest of All Possible Ducks:' Klein

(Newser) - Joe Klein really wants to find something charitable and valedictory to say about George W. Bush. “His position on immigration was admirable,” Klein writes in Time. “He spoke well, in the abstract, about the importance of freedom. He is an impeccable classicist when it comes to baseball....

Big Easy Enlists Artists
 Big Easy Enlists Artists 

Big Easy Enlists Artists

Big Easy will host America's largest exhibition of contemporary art

(Newser) - A new biennial meant to restore New Orleans' cultural life—and expand it—opens this weekend in the city, the New York Times reports. With 81 artists participating in Prospect.1 and 50,000 out-of-town visitors expected, the exhibition could be a pick-me-up for a city still trying to come...

Ike Spilled 500K Gallons of Gulf Oil

Strong winds, waves damaged dozens of oil platforms

(Newser) - Hurricane Ike knocked at least a half million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico and nearby waterways, according to an AP analysis of environmental reports. Worst hit were oil platforms near the coast of Louisiana, but about half of the spill occurred at a facility on Goat...

Social Networking Deposes Porn as Web King

Users searching less for adult sites as they spend more time on Facebook et al.

(Newser) - Porn is no longer king online, thanks to the social-networking sites where people—particularly 18- to 24-year-olds—have become addicted to less X-rated forms of sharing, a Web analyst tells Reuters. “My theory is that young users spend so much time on social networks that they don't have time...

Officials Worry About Staying Power in Gustav Tales

Those who partied in New Orleans could influence evacuees to remain next time

(Newser) - As the thousands who rode out Hurricane Gustav in New Orleans boast about the hardy, and sometimes boozy, camaraderie to neighbors who paid in frustration for following evacuation orders, authorities are hoping those tales won’t keep residents from heeding warnings next time around, the Christian Science Monitor reports. “...

New Orleans Residents Head Home
New Orleans Residents
Head Home

New Orleans Residents Head Home

But blackouts and shortages await returning evacuees

(Newser) - All Hurricane Gustav evacuees are being allowed back into New Orleans after Mayor Ray Nagin abandoned a more drawn-out reentry plan, the Washington Post reports. Those returning had trouble locating supplies, and officials warned power outages would add to difficulties. "We'd like to say welcome back, but it's not...

Bush Surveys Gustav Aftermath
 Bush Surveys Gustav Aftermath 

Bush Surveys Gustav Aftermath

(Newser) - President Bush flew over flooded fields and downed trees today as he kept a close watch on the Hurricane Gustav recovery —in contrast to his administration's bungled response to Katrina 3 years ago. Aboard Air Force One, Bush received a briefing from FEMA director R. David Paulison, who said...

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips
 5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips 

5 GOP Convention Viewing Tips

Assuming Palin's shadow doesn't obscure everything, that is

(Newser) - With the Republicans set to turn on all the lights at their convention tonight, Martin Kady II of Politico runs down five things to watch for:
  • Palin’s shadow: “The theme of tonight’s convention is ‘service,’” Kady notes, “and the trick for the GOP

New Orleans Levees Held — but Still Flawed

Industrial Canal, 9th Ward still vulnerable

(Newser) - New Orleans' levee system withstood the power punch delivered yesterday by Hurricane Gustav, but also revealed its continuing vulnerabilities, reports AP. The Industrial Canal flood wall was swamped, flooding again an area devastated by Katrina. The Industrial Canal is considered the system's Achilles' heel. The Army Corps of Engineers is...

Gustav Makes Landfall Near New Orleans

FEMA, evacuated city prepare for punishing wind and rain

(Newser) - Hurricane Gustav crashed into the all-but-deserted Louisiana coast this morning, and the eye landed southwest of New Orleans. Gustav brought punishing wind and sheets of rain but veered away from New Orleans, where only a few holdouts remained, the AP reports. Tens of thousands were without power in New Orleans...

Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP
 Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP

Gustav: Risks, Rewards for GOP

McCain appears presidential; Repubs, compassionate

(Newser) - For Republicans, the challenge of Hurricane Gustav's disruption of the party convention is to use it to their advantage without looking like political opportunists, writes Susan Page in USA Today. The cancellation of today's events offers risks and rewards—on the one hand, the loss of an evening of prime-time...

'Ghost Town' New Orleans Steels for Gustav

3 die in biggest evacuation in Louisiana history

(Newser) - The last bus out of New Orleans drove off at 3pm yesterday, leaving behind a virtual ghost town, reports the Houston Chronicle. An estimated 10,000 residents are left in the hurricane-threatened city, now subject to a strict dusk-to-dawn curfew. Some 1.9 million Louisianans have fled Hurricane Gustav—the...

McCain Cancels Most Events on RNC's Day 1

But GOP eyes Gustav as opportunity for Katrina redemption

(Newser) - As Hurricane Gustav bore down on the Gulf Coast today, John McCain announced a drastically curtailed schedule for the opening day of the convention that will anoint him his party's presidential nominee, CNN reports. But as organizers stripped a grandiose event down to the bare minimum, Politico reports that Republicans...

Big Easy Not Ready for '100-Year Storm'

Official says city is up to pre-Katrina levels, but unprepared for bigger disaster

(Newser) - With Hurricane Gustav set to thrash the Big Easy almost exactly 3 years after Katrina, Newsweek sits down with New Orleans Levee District executive director Stevan Spencer to find out what will change this time around. “We are better than before Katrina —we've raised the levees and strengthened...

Some Can't, Won't Flee Gustav
 Some Can't, Won't Flee Gustav 

Some Can't, Won't Flee Gustav

Finances, fear, fatigue lead some to ignore evacuation

(Newser) - As Gustav roars toward the Gulf Coast, and New Orleans’ mayor calls it “the storm of the century,” there are some in the city who can’t—or simply won’t—evacuate. “Most people don’t have cars to leave, don’t have money for gas. Pay...

Gustav Throws GOP Convention Up In the Air

Bush unlikely to attend; McCain may speak from hurricane zone

(Newser) - Hurricane Gustav will likely remove President Bush from the Republican National Convention and see John McCain delivering his acceptance speech from amid the rubble, if the “storm of the century” hits the Gulf Coast as hard as predicted. Convention officials have created a five-state working group to update and...

Category 4 Gustav Slams Cuba; La. Exodus Increases

(Newser) - Gustav grew into a fierce Category 4 hurricane and slammed into Cuba this afternoon as the nation scrambled to evacuate its most populated areas, the AP reports. The storm, which had been upgraded to a Category 3 just hours earlier, now has 145mph winds and remains on path to hit...

Lost Coffins Remain Part of Katrina's Legacy

(Newser) - Louisiana is still finding coffins displaced by Hurricane Katrina three years on, the Wall Street Journal reports. Katrina and Rita moved 1,500 bodies from their resting places in the state's swampy south, where floating coffins during floods have long been part of local folklore. Hundreds remain unidentified, and they...

New Orleans Honors Katrina Victims, Keeps Eye on Gustav

City remains in storm's path for possible landfall early next week

(Newser) - New Orleans didn’t have long to commemorate the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina today as it kept a wary eye on another deadly storm. The city could get an evacuation order as early as this evening, Reuters reports, as Tropical Storm Gustav—nearing hurricane strength—churns in the Caribbean....

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