unemployment benefits

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Senate Fails to Extend Unemployment Benefits That Expire Friday

The extra $600 per week is set to expire

(Newser) - With aid expiring, the White House offered a short-term extension Thursday of a $600 weekly unemployment benefit that has helped keep families and the economy afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Democrats rejected it, saying President Trump’s team failed to grasp the severity of the crisis. Democratic leaders panned...

Kudlow on Next Stimulus Bill: 'There's a $1.2K Check Coming'

Senate GOPers set to reveal $1T coronavirus relief package on Monday

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are set to release a $1 trillion coronavirus relief package on Monday, and with that deal, Americans can expect checks similar to the ones sent out in the last round. "There's a $1,200 check coming," White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow said in...

Jobless Claims End a 4-Month Streak
Jobless Claims End
a 4-Month Streak

Jobless Claims End a 4-Month Streak

They rise for the first time since March

(Newser) - The number of laid-off Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose last week for the first time since the pandemic struck in March, evidence of the deepening economic pain the outbreak is causing to the economy, per the AP . The rise in weekly jobless claims to 1.4 million underscores the outsize...

Jobless Claims Continue an 11-Week Streak

1.5M apply for benefits, but that's another decline from the previous week

(Newser) - About 1.5 million laid-off workers applied for US unemployment benefits last week, a historically high number, even as the economy increasingly reopens and employers bring some people back to work. The Labor Department's largest figure marked the 11th straight weekly decline in applications since they peaked at nearly...

With Jobless Numbers, 'Recovery Appears to Be Underway'

But debate continues between GOP, Dems on whether to extend unemployment stimulus relief

(Newser) - America has started its economic recovery process, reopening businesses in phases across the nation, and the labor market numbers are beginning to reflect that. Per a Thursday release from the Department of Labor, the number of people drawing unemployment benefits for the week ending May 30 fell to 20.9...

Millions More Jobless in US, but a Small Bright Spot

Layoffs are slowing as businesses start to reopen, rehire workers

(Newser) - Roughly 2.1 million people applied for US unemployment benefits last week, a sign that companies are still slashing jobs in the face of a deep recession even as more businesses reopen and rehire some laid-off employees. About 41 million people have now applied for aid since the virus outbreak...

Foreign Hackers Swipe Millions in Unemployment Benefits

Secret Service says a Nigerian fraud ring has been very busy filing fraudulent unemployment claims

(Newser) - With the United States furiously shoveling money at millions of recently unemployed Americans, the New York Times reports that very employed foreign hackers sensed an opportunity to siphon millions of dollars in benefits in "an immense, sophisticated attack." Using personal data like social security numbers that were likely...

It's Easy to Check on Your Stimulus Payment

IRS.gov goes live with a tracking tool

(Newser) - It's safe to say everyone who's expecting a federal stimulus check is eager to "get my payment." Those wondering exactly when that will happen can now turn to "Get My Payment" to find out. The new feature on went live on IRS.gov on Wednesday,...

Automakers Close All North American Plants

Unemployment applications soar across the country

(Newser) - At the UAW's insistence, Ford, General Motors, and Fiat Chrysler decided Wednesday to close all of their plants in North America to combat the spread of the coronavirus. The plants won't restart before March 30 for Ford and GM, the Detroit Free Press reports. Fiat Chrysler has not...

An Uber Headache? 2 Drivers Awarded Unemployment

Which means the NY Labor Department considers them employees

(Newser) - Uber has been fighting tooth and nail to keep its drivers classified as independent contractors rather than employees, with success . Now, a speed bump in New York: The state's Department of Labor in August and September ruled that two Uber drivers are eligible for unemployment payments, the New York ...

Jobless Claims Hit Pre-Recession Levels

2.56M people are receiving benefits, a 6-year low

(Newser) - Fewer Americans sought unemployment benefits last week, as the number of people collecting jobless aid fell to its lowest level in more than six years. The Labor Department said today that weekly applications for unemployment benefits fell 6,000 to a seasonally adjusted 312,000. The four-week average, a less...

Senate OKs More Jobless Benefits

But Boehner spokesman says House isn't interested

(Newser) - After months of knocking heads, the US Senate voted today 59-38 to revive jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed—but the bill's fate in the House looks hazy at best, the AP reports. A small group of GOP senators quickly reached out to House Speaker John Boehner, urging him...

Long-Term Unemployed May Get Benefits After All

Senators reach compromise on retroactive assistance

(Newser) - Long-term unemployed people who lost their benefits at the end of last year now have hope of getting that money after all. A group of bipartisan senators struck a deal today to extend the benefits for five months, retroactive to December, reports Politico . Because five Republicans already have signed on...

Bill to Extend Jobless Benefits Fails in Senate

Republicans insist on offsetting budget cuts

(Newser) - Republicans today blocked legislation from advancing in the Senate to restore benefits for the long-term unemployed. Only four GOP senators voted to advance the legislation, which all 53 Democrats and two independents support. When its fate was sealed, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid switched his vote, which made the final...

Jobless Bill Clears Key Senate Vote in Squeaker

Republicans cross aisle for unexpected success

(Newser) - A bill to revive extended unemployment benefits squeaked through its first procedural vote 60-37, a narrow win that outlets including Politico are characterizing as a surprise. Six moderate Republican senators voted with Democrats to renew the recently expired benefits: Kelly Ayotte, Susan Collins, Dan Coats, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, and...

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Today's the Day: Long-Term Jobless Benefits Expire

More than 1M affected

(Newser) - A political fight on Capitol Hill becomes very real today for about 1.3 million Americans: Their long-term unemployment benefits expire. In the latest budget deal, lawmakers didn't extend the 5-year-old federal emergency program that provides an average of $300 a month to people who have used up their...

Corporate America Likes High Unemployment Rates
Corporate America Likes
High Unemployment Rates

Corporate America Likes High Unemployment Rates

It gives companies more leverage over workers, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Benefits for the long-term unemployed run out tomorrow, which Paul Krugman thinks is not only a travesty but a reminder that we need to make reducing unemployment a top priority. The problem is that the political will to do so isn't strong, he writes in the New York Times...

Do-Nothing Congress Has Lots to Do This Month

Senate, House will only be in town together for a few days

(Newser) - Here's a list of things Congress must get done in December or else: Confirm Janet Yellen's Fed nomination; pass a new farm bill; fund the Pentagon; renew a ban on hard-to-detect plastic guns; and extend some unemployment benefits, help for workers displaced by global trade, and a set...

For 2M Jobless, Benefits Set to Dry Up

Congress isn't looking likely to pass an extension

(Newser) - Some 1.3 million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits at the end of the year, with another 850,000 seeing benefits expire in March 2014 if Congress doesn't extend an emergency plan that ends Dec. 31. And though congressional Democrats and the White House are urging an extension,...

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