
Stories 121 - 131 | << Prev 

Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney
Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney

Evangelical Semantics Shadow Romney

In Southern pulpits, 'Mormon' doesn't always equal 'Christian'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is vying aggressively for the religious right's support, but experts are advising him not to overdo it. Political strategists and religious experts alike caution that it’s dangerous for the Mormon candidate to sell himself as a Christian. Bloomberg looks at the complicated intersection of politics, faith, vocabulary,...

Mitt Veils His Mormonism
Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Disguising a central biographical peg leaves candidate Romney with authenticity problem

(Newser) - In downplaying his Mormonism, Mitt Romney is a candidate “who seems to have no history, and, as a result, no heart,” argues Newsweek. When Mitt boasts of his “Judeo-Christian tradition” roots, calls Jesus his “personal savior”—not Mormon terms—and says he hasn’t “...

Thompson Lacks Zeal, Charge Conservatives

Senate record reflects possible lack of passion for politics

(Newser) - Fred Thompson was supposed to be the conservative movement’s savior in the presidential campaign. But now, less than a month after entering the race, many on the right question his devotion to their causes and passion for politics, the New York Times reports. His record in the Senate reflects...

Evangelicals Divided Over Global Warming

True believers want to know if the Bible Belt should go green

(Newser) - Tensions among evangelicals are rising along with the sea level in a battle over whether concern for the environment has a place in houses of worship. Both sides of the widening gulf quote scripture, either to remind that God's plan is unalterable, or to cite the biblical injunction to be...

Thompson Losing Evangelicals
Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Balk at endorsing candidate who won't talk about his religion, doesn't back gay marriage ban

(Newser) - Fred Thompson, once the longed-for alternative to a field of uninspiring GOP candidates, didn't get through his campaign's first official month before the religious right started jumping ship, Politico reports. Thompson's refusal to back a gay marriage ban, past lobbying for an abortion-rights group, and refusal to talk religion has...

Barack Bashes Right for 'Hijacking' Faith

Dem candidate inveighs against evangelicals for dividing the country

(Newser) - Barack Obama assailed right-wing evangelical leaders yesterday, accusing them of "hijacking" faith and politicizing religion, the Daily News reports. Addressing the national conference of the United Church of Christ, he criticized "so-called leaders of the Christian right" for demonizing Democrats and convincing Americans that Christians' main concerns are...

Abortion Docs Drawn to Fight for Access

In shrinking field, they're backing up politics with action

(Newser) - Abortion doctors are an embattled bunch, harassed by activist opponents and shunned by other doctors. But a new generation of practitioners is entering the field not in spite of the obstacles, but because of them, the LA Times reports. Galvanized by the prospect of abortion rights being curtailed, they are...

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center
Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

New generation prays for Darfur, against climate change, though abortion lingers

(Newser) - The once hard-right Evangelical Christian movement is waxing centrist, the New York Times reports, as a new breed of religious leaders breaks from an abortion-and-sexuality-obsessed old guard to tackle broader nonpartisan issues like AIDS, and even liberal-leaning ones like Darfur and global warming. 

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote
Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Focus on the Family founder cites abortion support, "moral concerns"

(Newser) - Christian evangelist James Dobson came out swinging against Rudy Giuliani after the former mayor admitted last week that he supports abortion rights and same-sex domestic partnerships. Dobson says he won't vote for Rudy if he wins the GOP nomination, citing those issues and "moral concerns"  over his marital...

Falwell's Death Ends an Era
Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Fineman takes the measure of a partisan preacher and his political legacy

(Newser) - It's impossible to grasp the profound change in American political life in the last quarter-century without understanding Jerry Falwell and the movement he fostered, writes Newsweek's Howard Fineman. Falwell, who died yesterday, created the Moral Majority, helped launch the Reagan Revolution, and dug the evangelical foundations—currently shifting—on which...

Evangelicals Split on Climate Change
Evangelicals Split on
Climate Change

Evangelicals Split on Climate Change

Christian universities find their own ground on global warming

(Newser) - American evangelical Christians diverge on the issue of climate change, with one side calling it a hoax and the other exhorting believers—in the Lord as well as the scientific evidence—to work against global warming. The BBC reports on two Christian universities in Virginia that come down on opposite...

Stories 121 - 131 | << Prev 
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