Guantanamo prisoners

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Last Western Detainee Leaves Gitmo

Former teen soldier Omar Khadr will serve out term in Canada

(Newser) - One of the more notable prisoners at Guantanamo Bay is no longer a detainee there. Toronto native Omar Khadr was flown back to Canada this morning to serve out the remainder of his term, reports the Toronto Sun . Khadr was the last Westerner held at Gitmo, notes Reuters , but his...

Prisoner at Gitmo Found Unconscious Dies

'Extensive lifesaving measures' failed to revive him

(Newser) - A prisoner has died at the US Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, the US military said today, two days after the man was apparently found unconscious in his cell at the isolated, high-security prison. The prisoner, whose name and nationality were not released, was found by guards on Saturday and...

Judge Nixes Feds' Move to Restrict Lawyers at Gitmo

Government confusing 'roles of jailer and judiciary'

(Newser) - The US government was hoping to boost its control over when a Guantanamo detainee could see a lawyer, but a federal judge shot down the effort yesterday. As it stands, private lawyers have a protected right to visit detainees at Guantanamo and make their cases. But the Obama administration argued...

Gitmo Inmates Big Fans of ... Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

 Gitmo Inmates 
 Big Fans of 
 ... Fresh Prince 
 of Bel-Air?

Gitmo Inmates Big Fans of ... Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Librarian says the prisoners have tired of Harry Potter

(Newser) - The Miami Herald unearths this bizarre tidbit about life at Guantanamo Bay prison: The inmates have suddenly become big fans of the 1990s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It's not clear why reruns of the Will Smith show have caught on as a way to pass the time,...

New Plan to Restart Taliban Talks: Move Gitmo Prisoners

Hamid Karzai pushing for all 17 Afghans at Guantanamo to be transferred

(Newser) - Up to 17 Taliban militants who were captured in the early days of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and have been detained at Guantanamo for years could be moved to a prison in Afghanistan in an effort to get peace talks with the Taliban moving again, reports the AP . The...

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab
 Gitmo Gets Major Rehab 

Gitmo Gets Major Rehab

Improvements will allow camp to remain open for years

(Newser) - Looks like Gitmo will be open for a long time to come, even if President Obama wins a second term. The detention center has been quietly undergoing a multimillion-dollar upgrade that will allow it to remain open for years to come, reports MSNBC . Improvements include a $750,000 soccer field...

Was This Pic of 9/11 Suspect Smuggled Out of Gitmo?

Officials scrambling to find out how photos landed on jihadist website

(Newser) - US officials are at a loss to explain how apparently recent photos of the suspected 9/11 master plotter ended up on a jihadist website . They fear the photos may have been taken and smuggled out of Guantanamo Bay. The photos show a calm, often smiling Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other...

Tomorrow: 9/11 Case Back On at Gitmo

3 years later, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 4 others set for arraignment

(Newser) - It's been three years since President Obama paused the case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged planners of the 9/11 attacks. Tomorrow, the case resumes in a military tribunal at Guantanamo after efforts to move the proceedings to a civilian court failed . Things could be a little...

16% of Gitmo Detainees Return to Terrorist Life

And another 12% are suspected of re-upping

(Newser) - Of the 600 detainees who have left Guantanamo Bay, just under 16% of them have re-engaged in terrorist activities—and the director of National Intelligence yesterday pointed out that's a smaller figure than the 27% a Republican congressional report cited last month. That's because the earlier report combined...

Gitmo Prisoners' New Perk: $750K Soccer Field

Many Guantanamo Bay detainees will be allowed access sans escorts

(Newser) - For those in the US wailing about wasteful government spending and/or the Obama administration's failure to close Guantanamo Bay, cue the outrage: Gitmo detainees are getting a new soccer field, which will cost taxpayers $744,000. The field is just about finished and was shown to reporters during a...

Al-Qaeda Magazine Found in Gitmo

Prosecutor reveals embarrassing security breach

(Newser) - A copy of al-Qaeda's Inspire magazine somehow found its way into a terror suspect's cell at Guantanamo Bay. The security breach was revealed at a hearing yesterday by a prosecutor defending the prison camp's plan to review mail between prisoners and their attorneys, the Miami Herald reports....

Guantanamo Bay Turns 10
 Guantanamo Bay Turns 10 

Guantanamo Bay Turns 10

And appears no closer to closure than it was 2 years ago

(Newser) - Today is a birthday, but probably not one you want to celebrate: Guantanamo Bay is turning 10, an anniversary that will be marked by protests here and abroad. Ten years ago, the first 20 detainees were flown to the detention facility in chains. Several of those 20 remain at Gitmo...

US May Swap Gitmo Inmates for Taliban Peace Deal

Negotiations near breakthrough, US officials say

(Newser) - After many months of secretive negotiations, peace talks between the US and the Taliban are at a turning point, reports Reuters , which cites senior US officials speaking under condition of anonymity. The US is considering transferring Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Afghan custody in return for concessions from the...

US Defends Conditions Inside Gitmo

Military releases rare photos of cell to prove conditions OK in 'Five Echo'

(Newser) - To defend conditions in a disciplinary block at Guantanamo Bay prison, US military officials have released photos of the rarely seen interior, reports the AP . "Five Echo," a section of the prison used for "noncompliant" detainees, had been accused of violating Geneva Conventions by lawyers for some...

NATO Raid Kills Ex-Gitmo Detainee in Afghanistan

He became al-Qaeda operative after leaving Gitmo, say officials

(Newser) - NATO and Afghan forces killed a former Guantanamo detainee who had become a key al-Qaeda affiliate after returning to Afghanistan, officials said today. Sabar Lal Melma, who was released from Guantanamo in 2007 after five years of detention, had been organizing attacks in eastern Kunar province and funding insurgent operations,...

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo
 WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo 

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo

Secret interrogation memos reveal inmate details, prison life

(Newser) - A trove of some 700 new WikiLeaks documents on Guantanamo reveals detailed military assessments of hundreds of men who have been locked up there as well as information about interrogations, prison conditions, and inmate behavior. The assessments by military intelligence were carried out from 2002 to 2009 and offer a...

Obama Restarts Guantanamo Trials

Administration ends 2-year military prosecution freeze

(Newser) - President Obama today reversed a two-year freeze on military prosecutions against Guantanamo Bay detainees, the AP reports. In an executive order, the president restarted the process of trying the high-risk detainees—the latest acknowledgment of the political difficulties of fulfilling his campaign promise to close the Cuban detention facility. Defense...

Gitmo Detainee Gets Life for Embassy Bombings

Ahmed Ghailani is first detainee to be tried in civilian court

(Newser) - Ahmed Ghailani—the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried by a civilian court—was sentenced to life in prison today without parole, the AP reports. Ghailani, 36, had been acquitted of more than 200 counts of murder stemming from the attack on US embassies in Africa in 1998, but the...

The Reason Guantanamo Still Isn't Closed

When it comes to resettling prisoners, others want US to go first

(Newser) - Two years ago yesterday, President Obama pledged to close the prison camps at Guantánamo Bay within one year. So why are they still open? Much of the blame falls on Congress, the Miami Herald reports. Because Congress won’t allow any of the captives—even those considered low-risk—to...

25% of Freed Gitmo Detainees Returned to Terror

New report offers first look at what happened to former prisoners

(Newser) - About one-quarter of former Guantánamo Bay detainees have been linked to terrorist activities since being released, according to a government report. Of the 598 men transferred out of the prison, 81 are confirmed to have taken part in terrorism or insurgency; 69 more are suspected of taking part in...

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