sex scandal

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Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix
 Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix 

Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix

Dr. Khristine Eroshevich is shown in several, er, compromising positions with Smith

(Newser) - Not only did Anna Nicole Smith have a lesbian tryst with her psychiatrist, but there are pictures, TMZ reports. Legal documents describe photos of Smith and Dr Khristine Eroshevich, naked and contorted in various positions, including one in a bathtub. Radar also happened upon photos of Eroshevich—accused of supplying...

John Edwards Ready to Admit Paternity—But Not Elizabeth

She 'has yet to be brought around'

(Newser) - John Edwards once insisted on national TV that he did not father his mistress’ daughter. But secluded at his 100-acre estate in tony Chapel Hill, Edwards is now close to a public reversal—if he can convince his wife to let him, the New York Times reports. Elizabeth Edwards “...

Berlusconi: So Sue Me, I Like Gorgeous Babes

'Greatest Italian PM in history' hits back at sex scandal allegations

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi says he's the best prime minister Italy's ever had and resigning has never crossed his mind, despite a string of sex scandals, the Wall Street Journal reports. Berlusconi scoffed at claims by businessman Giampaolo Tarantini that he invited women to Berlusconi's parties and paid them to sleep with...

Italian Businessman: I Supplied Girls for Berlusconi

Allegations reignite Italian's leader sleaze scandal

(Newser) - An Italian businessman claims to have supplied 30 women for parties held by Silvio Berlusconi, some of whom slept with the Italian leader, the Guardian reports. Gianpaolo Tarantini, who is under investigation for corruption, says he was trying to gain influence with the prime minister. He told investigators that he...

Berlusconi: 'Italians Want to Be Like Me'

He 'can't remember' the night escort says they had sex

(Newser) - Stubbornly unrepentant Silvio Berlusconi is insisting Italians support his behavior and "would like to be" him, reports the Telegraph. "Italians aren't stupid, and they prefer my government," added the randy prime minister, 74, on Italian television. The man who last week called himself  "superman" insisted that...

Spitzer Eying Return to Politics: Insiders

Others close to ex-guv dispute claim

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer is tossing around the possibility of a comeback bid, mulling a run for New York state office next year, insiders tell the New York Post. The ex-governor is said to be eying the state comptroller's job or Kirsten Gillibrand’s Senate seat. But it’s all informal at...

Vatican Snubs Berlusconi Over Cheeky News Article

Scandal-ridden Italian premier disinvited from pardoning religious ceremony

(Newser) - He may still be beloved by Italian voters, but there’s clearly no love lost between Silvio Berlusconi and the Vatican, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Holy See has disinvited the scandal-ridden Italian premier from a religious service and dinner after a newspaper owned by his brother ran a...

Lt. Gov: Sanford Must Resign

(Newser) - The heat gets turned up on Mark Sanford today: His own lieutenant governor will ask him to resign, the State reports. Andre Bauer plans to make the request in both a news conference and in a personal letter to the embattled South Carolina governor. Bauer says he would serve out...

Jenny Sanford: 'The Ball Is in His Court'

She's graceful, has it together, but is 'not emotionless'

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford has become a hero to many, the wronged political wife who is neither bitter nor silent. But she is human, admitting to Vogue’s Rebecca Johnson that she Googled her husband’s mistress. Verdict? “She’s pretty.” Sanford, a conservative Christian but not of the in-your-face...

Madoff Liked Them Gorgeous, Blond, and Young

Secretaries were paid off to be discreet

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff practically had his own harem, and former mistresses were often paid off—to the tune of $250,000 in one case—to keep quiet, the New York Post reports in a look at the latest Madoff book. “He started having affairs all over the place,” one...

I Had an Affair With Madoff: Accountant

Zionist group's CFO, bankrupted by Ponzi schemer, writes tell-all

(Newser) - An accountant says Bernie Madoff didn’t just steal her money, he stole the shirt—and various other articles of clothing—right off her back. In her upcoming book Madoff’s Other Secret: Love, Money, Bernie, and Me, Sheryl Weinstein, former CFO of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of...

National Enquirer: Test Proves Edwards Is Baby's Father

(Newser) - A new DNA test proves John Edwards is the father of ex-mistress Rielle Hunter's daughter, the National Enquirer reports. (Yep, it's the Enquirer, but remember they broke news of the affair before any of the mainstream media and forced Edwards into a televised confession.) And it gets worse: Hunter...

Sanford: 'I'm Dead Politically'

(Newser) - His wife and kids have moved out, and now his career path looks a little shaky, too. "I'm dead politically," South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford told a radio station today. "I am not running for another office." Sanford made the rounds of local stations today, defending...

Berlusconi: Why the Sex Scandals Don't Hurt Him

(Newser) - Besieged Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is “a national joke,” Michael Wolff writes in Vanity Fair. He’s also immensely popular. In the midst of his most recent sex scandal, he and his party were handily reelected. What’s the deal? To begin with, “he controls his...

Daughter 'Astounded' by Berlusconi's Indiscretions

And says pols can't expect much private life

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi’s daughter says she was “astounded” by allegations that the Italian premier consorted with model Noemi Letizia before she turned 18, Bloomberg reports. “I never hung out with elderly men,” Barbara Berlusconi, 25 and the mom of two, tells the Italian edition of Vanity Fair....

Ex-Hooker: Berlusconi Offered Me a Parliament Seat

Says he gave escorts acting, political roles

(Newser) - Patrizia D’Addario, the prostitute who brought the world what she says are audiotapes of her having sex with Silvio Belusconi, says the Italian PM offered her a seat in the European Parliament, the Times of London reports. He offered her the position in lieu of paying for sex, she...

Racy New Berlusconi Sex Tape Released

(Newser) - A newly released audio tape apparently captures Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in a graphic sexual conversation with a female escort, reports the Daily Telegraph. Two voices on the tape discuss orgasm and a just-ended satisfying sexual encounter, with the man recommending that the woman "touch" herself "often....

Berlusconi Admits He's 'No Saint'
Berlusconi Admits He's
'No Saint'

Berlusconi Admits He's 'No Saint'

Italian PM shrugs off call-girl scandal as 'low-level stuff'

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi appeared unconcerned about the recent disclosure of tapes of an alleged intimate conversation between him and a prostitute, the Telegraph reports. “There are a lot of pretty girls about. I am no saint but you know that,” the Italian PM said today in his first public...

Power Meets Prayer at DC 'Family' House
Power Meets Prayer at DC 'Family' House

Power Meets Prayer at DC 'Family' House

C Street House members believe they 'transcend morality'

(Newser) - The C Street House, the Capitol Hill religious enclave that Mark Sanford, John Ensign, and Chip Pickering have in common, is more than a residence that happened to shelter three lawmakers involved in recent sex scandals, writes Jeff Sharlet in Salon. "If sexual license was all the Family offered...

Sanford: I Feel Like I Was at My Own Funeral
Sanford: I Feel Like I Was
at My Own Funeral

Sanford: I Feel Like I Was at My Own Funeral

'Broken' governor vows to be more 'humble' leader

(Newser) - A “broken” Mark Sanford says the fallout from his admission of an extramarital affair has been like attending his own funeral, but he’s “thankful for the perspective it has afforded.” In a column for the Greenville News, the disgraced South Carolina governor shares the life lessons...

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