sex scandal

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Paraguay's Bishop-Turned- Prez Admits Fathering Child

(Newser) - The president of Paraguay admitted today to fathering a child with a 26-year-old woman while he was still a Roman Catholic bishop, the Daily Telegraph reports. Fernando Lugo, 57, left the church to pursue political office in December 2006; a son was born five months later, according to the paternity...

Key Brown Aide Quits Amid 'Sex Smear Scandal'

Adviser planned to slander top rivals' wives on gossip site

(Newser) - A senior adviser to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has resigned after word leaked of a plan to smear opponents with sex rumors on a gossip website, the Guardian reports. In email exchanges with a blogger, Damian McBride discussed targets for the project, including the wives of top Conservatives. One...

HK Star's Sexcapades Hit Court
HK Star's 
Hit Court 

HK Star's Sexcapades Hit Court

Computer worker accused of stealing star's serial sex pics

(Newser) - The trial of a computer repairman accused of sparking the biggest sex scandal in Hong Kong's history has begun, the BBC reports. Prosecutors say the worker illegally copied and distributed 1300 photos taken by actor Edison Chen as he engaged in sex acts with a variety of famous young Hong...

A Year Later, Spitzer Hooker 'Proud' of Herself

Dupre discusses 'mistakes' in blog

(Newser) - Wondering how Ashley Dupre is doing, one year after Eliot Spitzer’s downfall? She'll tell you herself, in lengthy detail, through her blog on Global Grind, the New York Daily News reports. Though she’s “made more mistakes than most people make in a lifetime,” the 23-year-old is...

'Swiss Gigolo' Gets 6 Years in Blackmail Schemes

(Newser) - Helg Sgarbi, the man European media nicknamed “the Swiss Gigolo,” was sentenced to 6 years in prison today after pleading guilty in German court to seducing and conning the BMW heiress who is Germany's richest woman, along with several others. Sgarbi apologized to his victims, none of whom...

Gigolo Who Scammed German Women Goes on Trial

Swiss seducer accused of blackmail

(Newser) - A smooth-talking Swiss man accused of bilking Germany's richest woman out of millions will go on trial next week, Der Spiegel reports. Prosecutors say Helg Sgarbi seduced billionaire BMW heiress Susanne Klatten, persuaded her to give him $8 million, and then threatened to send sex tapes of the two of...

Spitzer Moves Into DC Real Estate
Spitzer Moves Into DC
Real Estate

Spitzer Moves Into DC Real Estate

Disgraced NY gov buys $180M office tower a block from tryst hotel

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer is now working in real estate in the city where his downfall began, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ex-governor of New York has worked with his father's real estate company to buy an office block in Washington DC, only a block away from the hotel where he...

Portland Mayor Cops to Sex With Male Teen Intern

Oregon AG will investigate possible lies, sex-with-minor angle

(Newser) - Oregon’s attorney general today announced the launch of an investigation into the conduct of Portland’s mayor, who Monday copped to having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old male intern. As more details emerge, the Oregonian also reports that a Portland Mercury writer who confronted Sam Adams last year...

HBO Doc Unveils Down-and-Out Haggard
HBO Doc Unveils Down-and-Out Haggard


HBO Doc Unveils Down-and-Out Haggard

"Wincingly candid" documentary set to air Jan. 29 on HBO

(Newser) - A new HBO documentary on Ted Haggard catches the disgraced minister at his most candid and vulnerable, Newsweek reports. Emmy-winning director Alexandra Pelosi shot the film impromptu, capturing Haggard the failed insurance salesman as he struggles with gay feelings and looks out the window at his old church. But hasn't...

House Panel To Investigate Spitzer Probe

Dems wonder if feds' prostitution sting was politically motivated

(Newser) - The House Financial Services Committee is poised to open an inquiry into the investigation that led to Eliot Spitzer’s resignation, the New York Times reports, with Democratic members wondering aloud if the federal probe could have been a politically motivated hit job. The former New York governor was not...

Mark Foley Ends Silence, Still Can't Explain Page Scandal

2 years after resignation, Republican tries to put own spin on explicit messages to teens

(Newser) - Even today, 2 years after Mark Foley's very public fall from grace, the former congressman can't explain why he sent lurid, sexually explicit computer messages to male teens working as Capitol Hill pages. "There was never anywhere in those conversations where someone said, 'Stop,' or 'I'm not enjoying...

Feds Won't Charge Spitzer
 Feds Won't Charge Spitzer 

Feds Won't Charge Spitzer

Not enough evidence against former NY governor in prostitution case

(Newser) - Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer will not be charged in connection with his involvement in a prostitution ring, the New York Times reports, as federal prosecutors could not adequately connect payments made by Spitzer. “The public interest would not be further advanced by filing criminal charges in this...

Florida Dem Cops to Affairs, Won't Resign

Tim Mahoney will let voters decide on 'disgraceful behavior'

(Newser) - Tim Mahoney has come clean about having "multiple affairs” reports ABC News. The Florida congressman admits his behavior was "disgraceful" but insists he did not violate any laws. His six-figure payoff to hush one mistress came from personal funds, Mahoney says, and his affair with a county official...

Florida District Endures Another Sex Scandal

Election year foibles mirror page-loving Foley he replaced

(Newser) - Just two years after Mark Foley resigned, Florida’s 16th district has another sex scandal on its hands, Time reports. Democratic Representative Tim Mahoney, who is fighting for reelection, has been implicated in an affair/payoff scandal, and investigators are wondering if he hushed his mistress with taxpayer dollars. Mahoney took...

Mistress Got Hush Money From 'More Moral' Fla. Rep.

Foley's successor ponied up $121K

(Newser) - Maybe it’s Florida? Two years have passed since Mark Foley, Palm Beach’s Republican Congressman, was forced to resign after sending lewd messages to male pages. His successor, Democrat Tim Mahoney, who ran on a ticket of “restoring America’s values,” gave a former mistress $121,000...

Spears Camp Working to KO Sex Tape

Denies it exists, then tries to buy it

(Newser) - Rumors that Britney Spears’ paparazzo ex-boyfriend is shopping a sex tape of the star during her drug-addled, depression-ridden breakdown have prompted her camp to act to squash the video—at any cost. While a Spears insider denies the existence of the tape to E! Online, the Sun reports that Brit’...

Memoir: I Taught Dupre the Biz
 Memoir: I Taught Dupre the Biz 

Memoir: I Taught Dupre the Biz

Hooker reveals Dupre's transformation from 'little lamb' to call-girl

(Newser) - New York's self-proclaimed No. 1 escort recounts how she introduced Eliot Spitzer’s $4,300-an-hour call girl to the drug-fueled world of prostitution in an upcoming book, The Price. Natalie McLennan reveals, in an excerpt in the New York Post, how within months Ashley Dupre transformed from a “little...

Foley Won't Be Charged in Page Scandal

Investigators come up dry in case against former congressman

(Newser) - Investigators haven’t turned up enough evidence to indict former Florida congressman Mark Foley on charges he sent salacious emails to underage pages, the AP reports. Both Florida and federal officials have been investigating the charges for two years, but with Congress blocking access to House computers, they've had little...

Dems Shun Elizabeth on Affair Cover-Up

'She's complicit,' says one as health reform star sits Denver out

(Newser) - As the Democratic stars are shining over Denver, Elizabeth Edwards barely glimmers in seclusion in North Carolina, reports the AP. Cancer-stricken Edwards was expected to lead the convention charge toward health care reform, but sympathy is running short for her by Dems who believe that her failure to lift the...

Enquirer Editor Details Edwards Stakeouts

Tabloid chief slams NYT for missing huge story

(Newser) - The National Enquirer scored big this month by accusing John Edwards of an extramarital affair—but it worked hard for the news, the New Republic reports. The tabloid's reporters staked out Rielle Hunter for days and spent hours waiting for Edwards in a Los Angeles hotel. When the hopeful snuck...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>