sex scandal

Stories 321 - 336 | << Prev 

Sex Scandal Roils Atlanta Megachurch

After DNA test, archbishop admits 'nephew' is his son

(Newser) - Revelations was the theme of the day for a scandal-plagued Atlanta church as its archbishop had to admit that his "nephew" is really his son. And worse, he’d lied about it under oath, AP reports. A court-ordered DNA test showed Archbishop Earl Paulk fathered D.E. Paulk. Both...

Stripper Spanks Schoolboy While Class Watches

British teen gets real birthday 'surprise'

(Newser) - A British teenager who was supposed to get a "gorilla-gram" for his birthday instead got a spanking from a stripper dressed as a policewoman in front of his teacher and classmates, reports Sky News. The boy's mother had arranged for an unidentified agency to give her son the "...

Craig Can't Rescind Guilty Plea
Craig Can't Rescind Guilty Plea

Craig Can't Rescind Guilty Plea

Judge denies Idaho senator's request

(Newser) - A Minnesota judge today rejected Sen. Larry Craig's attempt to rescind his guilty plea in a June men's bathroom sex sting, saying it had been entered "accurately, voluntarily, and intelligently," CNN reports. There was no immediate response from the Idaho Republican, who had said he would resign if...

Craig Is Back on the Job
Craig Is Back on the Job

Craig Is Back on the Job

Idaho Senator returns to Senate after sex scandal

(Newser) - Larry Craig returned to the Senate today, 2 weeks after he announced his resignation and 3 weeks after news broke that he was caught up in a sex sting in an airport restroom. The Idaho conservative cast two votes and had lunch with some Republican colleagues, but others—including John...

Senator's John Is New Tourist Hot Spot

Airport men's room now on must-see list—even for women

(Newser) - Be careful about tapping your foot in Minneapolis’ latest tourist destination. Travelers passing through the airport are clamoring to see the bathroom made famous by Sen. Larry Craig’s arrest last month in a sex sting. “We had to stop and check out the bathroom,” said one jet-set...

Mugabe Critic Quits Over Sex Scandal

Archbishop's supporters suspect regime is behind adultery lawsuit

(Newser) - An archbishop and prominent critic of Robert Mugabe's regime has resigned his Catholic Church leadership position after being accused of having an affair with a married woman. Pius Ncube remains a bishop, and his supporters say they see the authoritarian Zimbabwean regime behind the scandal, which Ncube calls "a...

Craig Moves to Retract Guilty Plea

Strategy could delay resignation and stave off ethics probe

(Newser) - Toe-tapping Senator Larry Craig will file a motion today to retract his guilty plea to charges linked to allegedly soliciting sex in a public men's room. Minnesota law allows convicts to recant pleas if they can prove they were not intelligently made, but such strategies rarely succeed. The legal proceedings...

Craig's Kids Say He Was 'Victim of Circumstance'

Son insists ex-senator's actions in bathroom were misinterpreted

(Newser) - Idaho senator Larry Craig was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when he was arrested in a bathroom sex sting in June, his children told Good Morning America today. “He was a victim of circumstance,” said his son, who, with his sister, believes his father's...

Republican Scandal Level Approaches Self-Parody

GOP insider: 'You can’t make this stuff up'

(Newser) - Sen. Larry Craig's bathroom toe tap is only the latest in a seemingly endless string of scandal that has Republicans at wit's end, the NY Times reports. Such episodes are fueling voter suspicion of a party already tied to an unpopular president and the Iraq war. "We are approaching...

Idaho Paper Spills Years of Dirt on Craig

Some question why story wasn't released earlier

(Newser) - The Idaho Statesman today released the results of a five-month investigation into charges of sexual improprieties against Sen. Larry Craig—including an encounter in a Washington, D.C., train station described to the paper by the other man. The paper held the story for months after Craig denied the allegations....

Senator Caught in Men's Room Sex Sting

Pled guilty in return for suspended jail term

(Newser) - Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig was arrested after allegedly soliciting sex from a male plainclothes police officer in a men's room at Minneapolis airport June 11. The incident is  spelled out in graphic detail in Roll Call, which obtained the arrest report. August 8th, Craig appeared in the Hennepin County...

Spin Control: A Scandal Survival Guide

A high-profile madam (you know the one) has your number. What do you do?

(Newser) - You thought you were safe by confining your philandering to professionals, but now the cat's out of the bag. Portfolio offers tips for controlling the damage:
  1. Tell your spouse
  2. If you know you'll be ratted out, fess up first
  3. Go directly to the press
  4. Act quickly, then move on

Vitter's Sorry for ... Something
Vitter's Sorry for ... Something

Vitter's Sorry for ... Something

D.C. Madam client apologizes for a "serious sin" he refuses to name

(Newser) - Taking a page out of the Jason Giambi playbook, Louisiana Senator David Vitter yesterday held a press conference to apologize for "actions from my past" but categorically refused to specify what, exactly, he'd done wrong. Vitter spent a week in seclusion after his number showed up in the D....

Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal
Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal

Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal

Offers $1-million for proof of sexual hijinks in high places

(Newser) - The porn king is trolling for scandal again: In an ad in yesterday's Washington Post, Larry Flynt asked: "Have you had a sexual encounter with a current member of the United States Congress or a high-ranking government official?"  If so—and you can prove it —a million...

Presidential Peck Sets Off Iranian Sex Scandal

A kiss on the hand lands Ahmadinejad in hot water with hard-liners

(Newser) - Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is at the center of an unlikely sex scandal today, after being caught on camera kissing the hand—even if it was gloved—of a retired schoolteacher. Ahmadinejad's sexy faux pas, at a ceremony honoring the country's teachers, is a violation of Shariah law, hard-liners say.

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'
Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Republican denies hypocrisy, mulls presidential run

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich, the former "family values" congressman from Georgia, was cheating on his wife even while hounding Bill Clinton for doing the same. In an interview that airs tonight, Gingrich confessed the 1998 affair to Focus on the Family's James Dobson. But he's no hypocrite, he reasons, because he...

Stories 321 - 336 | << Prev