Meg Whitman

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Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting Is Dumb
Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting
Is Dumb

Don't Apologize, Meg, Voting Is Dumb

Whitman's ballot wouldn't have made a difference anyway

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has taken heat for her, ahem, spotty voting record—the ex-CEO wasn’t even registered to vote until 2002—and, of course, she has apologized. But she shouldn’t have, writes Christopher Beam for Slate. Economists have long argued that, from an individual’s perspective, voting is irrational....

Whitman Skipped Voting Due to 'Family Demands'

But that's no excuse, admits former GOP favorite for Calif. gov race

(Newser) - Wanna-be California governor and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman says she skipped voting for 28 years because of her family and her hubby's work. "I was focused on raising a family, on my husband's career, and we moved many, many times," she told reporters. "It is no...

Meg Whitman Tests Media's Celeb-CEO Myth
Meg Whitman Tests Media's
Celeb-CEO Myth

Meg Whitman Tests Media's Celeb-CEO Myth

Calif. voters to decide if ex-eBay honcho was really a rock star

(Newser) - For years Meg Whitman has benefited from the sycophantic business media’s lionization of the CEO. Throughout the boom years, “CEOs were pretty much automatically rock stars,” writes Simon Dumenco for Advertising Age. “If they banked a billion or more, the thinking went, they must have been...

Tech Tycoons to Battle for California's Top Job

Silicon Valley vet Steve Poizner preparing to take on Whitman in GOP primary

(Newser) - Ex-eBay boss Meg Whitman is the early favorite to win the GOP nomination for California governor but another tech billionaire is looking like an increasingly serious contender, the Wall Street Journal reports. Silicon Valley veteran Steven Poizner is currently third, behind former Congressman Tom Campbell, but his pockets are much...

In 2010, GOP Set to Shake White-Guy Image

Party has wealth of female and minority candidates on deck

(Newser) - The ongoing shake-up in the Republican Party may see a much more diverse set of GOP candidates up for election in 2010, Politico reports. Viable female and ethnic minority Republicans candidates will be seeking governor's jobs or Senate seats in states across the country, including California and Texas. The candidates,...

Who Replaces Arnold? 'Entertaining' Race Unfolds

(Newser) - Sure, California's going through a little financial Armageddon, but that's not keeping candidates from lining up to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is prevented by term limits from running in 2010. In the New York Times magazine, Mark Leibovitch takes a look at the eclectic field, which includes Jerry Brown ("...

Would-Be GOP Successors Flee the Governator

But trashing Arnold could backfire on Whitman, Poizner

(Newser) - After years of getting the cold shoulder from Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Republicans are returning the sentiment as they mount efforts to succeed him, the Los Angeles Times reports. Top GOP contenders Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner have criticized Schwarzenegger’s budget and ballot measures, tossing in digs about his ego...

In Bid to Be Calif. Guv, Whitman Still Figuring It Out

Ex-eBay chief positions just to the right of Arnold

(Newser) - Former eBay chief Meg Whitman is officially running for governor of California, but she still has some details to work out, reports the LA Times. She’s studied up on issues, but isn’t yet a master of political positioning (on hot-topic school vouchers: “I don't know the answer...

Whitman Gears Up to Run for Governator

Former eBay CEO clears way to run in California

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has her eyes on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s job, sources tell the San Jose Mercury News. The former eBay CEO has resigned from all three corporate boards she serves on—including eBay’s—a clear sign that she’s interested in running for California governor in 2010, when Schwarzenegger...

Candidates Diverge on Picking the Next Paulson

McCain looks to big names; Obama seeks to sooth markets

(Newser) - The post of Treasury secretary may be the most important appointment the next president has to make and John McCain and Barack Obama seem to be using different criteria, Bloomberg reports. McCain has mentioned big names like billionaire investor Warren Buffett and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, while insiders say...

Who's the Best VP Pick? Take a Wild Guess

Political mag lists longshot candidates that strangely work

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi suggested an unlikely vice-presidential candidate for Barack Obama this week, and got Politico's editors thinking—who are the best longshot candidates for both parties? They called up political analysts and drummed up seven names that are "unconventional" but "reasonably viable." Bill Gates topped the list...

Can New CEO Keep eBay on Top?

Company faces slowing growth, competition

(Newser) - As John Donahoe takes over from Meg Whitman as CEO of eBay today, he inherits a grande dame where Whitman oversaw the rise of an e-commerce belle. Still dominant in online auctions, the company has nonetheless faced slowing growth and stiffening competition. But analysts think Donahoe, the former eBay Marketplace...

eBay Slashes Listing Fee in Half
eBay Slashes Listing Fee in Half

eBay Slashes Listing Fee in Half

Company hopes to drive growth with new policies

(Newser) - eBay is chopping its listing fee in half and will take a bigger chunk out of the price of sold items, a change that should lower risk for sellers and encourage more listing, the AP reports. The online auction giant is also changing the way its search results work, the...

Ex-eBay CEO Weighs Run for Calif. Governor

Whitman's billions attract attention from Schwarzenegger's party

(Newser) - Meg Whitman, who is resigning as eBay’s CEO after 10 years, is considering running for governor of California as a Republican, the LA Times reports. Whitman became “fascinated” by politics while bundling donations for ex-colleague Mitt Romney, a source says, and some California Republicans like her executive chops...

eBay Names CEO From Its Own Ranks
eBay Names CEO From Its Own Ranks

eBay Names CEO From Its Own Ranks

Donahoe set to take over as auction site predicts weak growth

(Newser) - EBay today named John Donahoe to replace Meg Whitman, who will retire in March, as CEO, the Wall Street Journal reports. Donahoe’s ascension from president of the firm's auction business comes as the company is attempting to transform that aspect of its operations, which provides two-thirds of eBay’s...

EBay Honcho Whitman to Step Down
EBay Honcho Whitman
to Step Down

EBay Honcho Whitman to Step Down

High-profile CEO preparing for retirement, insiders say

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is getting ready step down as eBay chief executive, the Wall Street Journal reports. She has been delegating more of her responsibilities, insiders tell the Journal,  and preparing for a successor to take charge. Whitman has been at the helm of eBay for almost a decade, a...

New Era at eBay Includes Absent CEO, Turmoil

Auction site leaning on Skype, other new services for renewal

(Newser) - Online auction site eBay is sailing into new, perhaps troubled waters, reports Wired, as users write angry letters to newspapers, its CEO-in-waiting--John Donahoe--disses the site as a flea market, and CEO and founder Meg Whitman follows the campaign trail behind presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. Yet, in a down market, its...

eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill
  eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill

eBay's $1.4 Billion Phone Bill

Takes huge write down on overpriced Skype

(Newser) - eBay's $2.6 billion acquisition of phone service Skype looks like a wrong number, with profits on hold indefinitely. The Wall Street Journal reports eBay will take a $1.4 billion write down on Skype, which  accounts for $90 million of eBay's $1.83 billion in revenue in the third...

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