Washington Post

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Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions
Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions

Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions

But president endured tougher questioning than last conference

(Newser) - President Obama bypassed reporters from the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and other major papers last night, instead taking questions from Spanish-language TV station Univision and military newspaper Stars and Stripes. Yet the president faced tougher questions than at his first press conference, often in the form...

Washington Post Cuts Daily Business Section

(Newser) - The latest newspaper to cut back on business coverage and stock listings is the Washington Post, Reuters reports. The paper will stop publishing a standalone daily business section and beef up its Sunday section, according to an internal memo. The executive editor spun the cuts as a move to integrate...

Obama: Stimulus Critics 'Misguided'

(Newser) - President Obama goes to bat for his stimulus package today in an editorial in the Washington Post, calling it “more than a prescription for short-term spending—it’s a strategy for America’s long-term growth.” He says the criticisms of it are “misguided,” advocating “half-steps...

Post Folds Book Review Section to Cut Costs

Literature reviews will be shuffled into other sections of paper

(Newser) - The Washington Post will print Book World—its stand-alone Sunday section—for the last time Feb. 15 and shuffle its reviews into other newspaper sections to cut costs, the New York Times reports. Book World will remain intact online, run by a previously downsized staff. The closure comes amid a...

Big Day a Windfall for Newspapers

Huge demand for special editions

(Newser) - Newspapers expect a multi-million-dollar windfall in extra sales to people who want a keepsake of Inauguration Day, and publishers are gearing up to make the most of it, Bloomberg reports. The Washington Post is  jacking up its price to $2, and the New York Times, USA Today and other publications...

Obama Dines With Conservative Kings

Dinner with vocal conservative critics

(Newser) - Barack Obama broke bread with America's most influential conservative opinion shapers last night. The Washington Post reports he was guest of honor at a dinner party given by columnist George Will, along with Bill Kristol, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer. Rumors were buzzing that Rush Limbaugh would attend, but a...

Extra! Extra! Obama Win Sells Out Newspapers

Chicago Tribune , Washington Post , others go back to presses

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s victory was excellent news for the newspaper business. Papers sold out so fast the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post and Cincinnati Enquirer fired up presses for a second run, with the Post rattling off 150,000 extra copies. Lines formed outside the New York Times building and Tribune...

Post Backs Obama: 'Right Man for Perilous Time'

Paper cites candidate's impressive temperament, 'disappointing' rival

(Newser) - Barack Obama's intelligence, grasp of complex issues, and skill at consensus-building make him the right man to take on the huge challenges that await the next president, the Washington Post writes in a ringing endorsement. The choice was made easier by John McCain's "disappointing campaign"—especially his pick...

'Bloom County' Cartoonist Retires Again

After 30 years, Breathed will turn focus to children's books

(Newser) - Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Berkeley Breathed, the genius behind “Bloom County,” will retire his current strip, "Opus," on Nov. 2, the Washington Post reports. "With the crisis in Wall Street and Washington, I'm suspending my comic strip to assist the nation,” Breathed joked in a...

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama
Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Dem's vowel-heavy name better as clue than McCain, paper says

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign chief looks to have been on to something when he accused the New York Times of being “in the tank” for Barack Obama; why else, David Levinson Wilk asks on Politico, would the paper’s crossword puzzle so thoroughly exclude John McCain? OBAMA has been...

Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories
Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories

Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories

But print reporters dig up the stories that play on TV

(Newser) - Twenty-four-hour cable networks set the news agenda by turning stories "from brushfire to raging conflagration," Paul Farhi writes in the American Journalism Review. Particularly during presidential campaigns, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC pull stories from newspapers and web sites and make them hot by running them day and...

Arrogance Charge Dogs Obama, Fueled by Misquote

Mark Halperin corrects the record

(Newser) - Washington Post reporter Jonathan Weisman fed the GOP line that Barack Obama is more presumptuous than presidential last night by quoting the candidate telling a gathering of House Dems yesterday, “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.” Weisman quips,“...

Ex- Journal Editor Lands Atop Post
Ex-Journal Editor Lands Atop Post

Ex-Journal Editor Lands Atop Post

Ousted by Murdoch, Brauchli, 46, heading to Washington

(Newser) - The Washington Post has picked Marcus Brauchli, a former top editor at the Wall Street Journal, as its executive editor, sources tell the New York Times, with a formal announcement coming later today or tomorrow. The 46-year-old Brauchli replaces the outgoing Leonard Downie, 66, and represents a dramatic generational shift...

Washington Post Top Editor Calls It Quits

Downie presided as Internet transformed newspapers, media

(Newser) - The Washington Post's executive editor is retiring, he said today, after a 17-year run that included many prizes, painful staff cuts, and the rise of the Internet. A low-profile but highly respected figure, Leonard Downie Jr. told his staff he would miss the paper. "At the same time I'm...

Walter Reed Exposé Helps Post Net 6 Pulitzers

NY Times , Chicago Tribune , Milwaukee Journal Sentinel among other winners

(Newser) - The Washington Post today won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for public service for its coverage of the Walter Reed scandal and grabbed five more of the coveted awards in the biggest haul in the paper's history. A series on the power of Dick Cheney earned the national reporting medal, and...

Cash-Strapped Papers Take Scribes Off Trail

Some mourn loss of perspective; others find blogs are OK substitute

(Newser) - The decline in the number of writers attached to presidential campaigns is “striking,” the New York Times reports—with only five newspapers trying to follow the candidates full-time. With per-person travel costs at $30,000, or more, a month, cash-strapped outlets are choosing not to foot the bill....

SNL May Have Triggered Tougher Scrutiny of Obama

Sketches lampooned starry-eyed coverage

(Newser) - A Saturday Night Live sketch 10 days ago lampooning the perceived media bias favoring Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton may have changed the way Obama has been covered in the last several days, AP reports. The SNL debate skit showing starry-eyed journalists fawning over Obama echoed complaints by Clinton's supporters....

Lesbian Gossip Trumps Mideast Peace Plan

Tabloid buzz draws more readers from hard news; CJR upset

(Newser) - Sure, Condoleezza Rice is trying to broker Mideast peace, but isn't she really gay? Like Hillary Clinton? And isn't John Edwards having an affair? A recent spate of articles has swung the political spotlight on gossip, the Times of London reports—and the Columbia Journalism Review is so concerned that...

Washington Post Reporter Killed in Iraq

Shot taking photos in embattled neighborhood

(Newser) - A Washington Post correspondent in Iraq was killed yesterday reporting from one of the  most volatile neighborhoods in Baghdad. Iraqi Salih Saif Aldin, 32, was shot in the head while taking photographs of burned-out homes. US news organizations rely heavily on Iraqi correspondents willing to  brave the hazards outside the...

Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal
Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal

Larry Flynt Hustles for Scandal

Offers $1-million for proof of sexual hijinks in high places

(Newser) - The porn king is trolling for scandal again: In an ad in yesterday's Washington Post, Larry Flynt asked: "Have you had a sexual encounter with a current member of the United States Congress or a high-ranking government official?"  If so—and you can prove it —a million...

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