Washington Post

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Dear Senators: Your Time Is Now. Sincerely, Ex-Senators

'WaPo' op-ed penned by ex-senators reminds current ones to stand up for the nation

(Newser) - An unusual byline in the op-ed section of the Washington Post is creating some buzz: "44 former US senators." Sharing the belief that "we are entering a dangerous period," the ex-legislators—a group of 32 Democrats, two independents, and 10 Republicans that includes the likes of...

WaPo Creates New Fact-Check Category for Trump

Newspaper introduces the 'Bottomless Pinocchio'

(Newser) - The Fact Checker blog of the Washington Post has just added a brand-new category to rank what it sees as the more egregious of lies, and only one person in the world has managed to qualify so far: President Trump. What's more, he's done so 14 times, according...

Pompeo's Request for Khashoggi's Son: Granted

Travel ban in Saudi Arabia apparently lifted, Salah Khashoggi is now in US

(Newser) - When Mike Pompeo met with the Saudis in Riyadh earlier this month , the secretary of state made one specific request, per a State Department rep: "He wanted Salah Khashoggi returned to the United States." Reuters reports that now appears to have taken place, with sources saying Salah Khashoggi—...

Caitlyn Jenner on Trump: I Was Wrong
Caitlyn Jenner
on Trump: I
Was Wrong

Caitlyn Jenner on Trump: I Was Wrong

Says she 'misplaced' her hope that president would do right by LGBT community

(Newser) - When Caitlyn Jenner first became part of what she calls the "valuable, vulnerable" LGBT community, she says she saw an opening in which to make inroads at changing more conservative people's views. And so she threw her support behind a newly elected President Trump—whom the former Olympian...

WaPo Reluctantly Runs Khashoggi's Final Column

He warns that Arab governments are silencing the media

(Newser) - Jamal Khashoggi's final column for the Washington Post "perfectly captures his commitment and passion for freedom in the Arab world"—"a freedom he apparently gave his life for," writes Post Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah. She says the newspaper delayed publishing it because they hoped...

She&#39;s 16 and Married. Here&#39;s What That Looks Like
She's 16 and Married.
Here's What That Looks Like

She's 16 and Married. Here's What That Looks Like

Terrence McCoy looks at one instance of child marriage for the 'Washington Post'

(Newser) - Tacked to Maria and Phil Manning's fridge is a budget detailing how the $1,600 they pull in a month is allocated. The hope—unfulfilled time and time again—is to save $450 of that, so they can move out of their trailer in Everett, Pa., and head to...

What Happened to Jamal Khashoggi?
What Happened
to Jamal Khashoggi?

What Happened to Jamal Khashoggi?

We need answers on journalist's disappearance, and possible murder, in Turkey: editorial

(Newser) - Is Jamal Khashoggi alive or dead? It's time the US got involved to determine the truth about the missing Saudi Arabian journalist, declares an editorial in the Washington Post . Khashoggi, who contributes to the Post, hasn't been seen since Tuesday, when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul....

Missing WaPo Journalist 'Killed in a Barbaric Way:' Friend

Turkish officials conclude that Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate

(Newser) - Missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey by a 15-member team dispatched by Riyadh specifically to murder him, two Turkish officials tell the Washington Post . "It was a preplanned murder," one says. A third backs up that account. "The initial assessment...

Washington Post Column Is Blank for a Reason

It's the space supposed to be filled by missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi

(Newser) - The Washington Post has printed one of the most unusual op-ed pieces in its history. It consists of a byline—that of Jamal Khashoggi—and then is followed by blank space. In both its print and online versions, the space where Khashoggi's column should be has been left deliberately...

Did Huckabee Sanders Deserve It? 2 Opposing Views
Did Huckabee Sanders Deserve
It? 2 Opposing Views

Did Huckabee Sanders Deserve It? 2 Opposing Views

'Washington Post' says Trump officials should be able to 'eat in peace.' A columnist disagrees

(Newser) - Did a Virginia restaurateur go too far by asking Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave her establishment? The incident came after the Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen and top Trump aide Stephen Miller were publicly heckled at DC restaurants. Below are two different views on whether this kind of thing is...

Conservative George Will's Push: Vote Dems in Midterms

Columnist rips on Paul Ryan, 'louts' Stephen Miller and Corey Lewandowski

(Newser) - George Will quit the Republican Party two years ago due to Donald Trump's candidacy. Now the conservative columnist is pushing a new strategy: to topple the GOP in the midterms. In a Washington Post op-ed with the explicit title "Vote Against the GOP in November," Will cites...

Laurene Powell Jobs Is Rebooting Philanthropy
Laurene Powell Jobs Is
on Her Own Mission Now

Laurene Powell Jobs Is on Her Own Mission Now

Widow of Steve Jobs is investing in various fields though her Emerson Collective

(Newser) - She's 54, the widow of Steve Jobs, one of the richest women on the planet, and the founder and driving force behind what might be "the most influential product of Silicon Valley that you've never heard of," according to a lengthy profile in the Washington Post ...

Charles Krauthammer: I Have Just Weeks to Live

Pundit writes that his cancer has returned, aggressively

(Newser) - A stunning revelation from pundit Charles Krauthammer, who's been off the commentating beat for months now: "This is the final verdict. My fight is over." A note to readers penned by Krauthammer appeared Friday in the Washington Post , and the news wasn't good. He informed readers...

Trump to Postal Chief: Do What I Say With Amazon

President urged her to change packages contract

(Newser) - Turns out President Trump isn't just attacking the Postal Service on Twitter. In off-the-book meetings, he's been urging US Postmaster General Megan Brennan to hike package-delivery charges for Amazon and other companies by 100%—a change that could add billions to their bills, insiders tell the Washington Post...

Charlie Rose’s Sex Harassment Trouble Just Got a Lot Worse

'Washington Post' finds 27 more women accusing him of improper advances

(Newser) - Just last week, a report surfaced at Page Six that Charlie Rose was taking steps toward a comeback after his sexual harassment scandal . But a new investigative report in the Washington Post will likely make that much more difficult. The story suggests that Rose has been harassing women at work—...

Trump Slams Washington Post for Running 'False Accusation'

Rachel Crooks retells her accusation about a forcible kiss, and president denies

(Newser) - One of the women who has accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct retells her story in a front-page Washington Post feature that caught the attention of the president himself. "A woman I don't know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE...

He Says He Was Nurturing Relations With Russia. Now, Spy Charges

Frode Berg first Norwegian arrested for espionage in Russia since Russian Revolution

(Newser) - For 25 years, Norwegian border agent Frode Berg fostered relations with Russia from his post in the town of Kirkenes, just minutes from the border. That is, until the 62-year was arrested in December in Moscow on espionage charges, shocking those who knew him in Kirkenes, as Anton Troianovski explains...

Katharine Graham's Son Commits Suicide, as His Dad Did

William Graham was 69

(Newser) - When Washington Post publisher Philip Graham killed himself in 1963, wife Katharine took the reins and began a tenure at the paper that would become legendary. Some 54 years after that death via gunshot, a tragic repeat for the Graham family: The Telegraph reports one of the couple's four...

The Post Has Serious Theme, but Is &#39;Highly Entertaining&#39;
The Post Has Serious Theme,
but Is 'Highly Entertaining'

The Post Has Serious Theme, but Is 'Highly Entertaining'

Movie chronicles publication of the Pentagon Papers

(Newser) - Steven Spielberg signed on to The Post in March. Just nine months later, the film chronicling the Washington Post's publishing of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 is hitting theaters at what some critics argue is the perfect time. It has a solid 85% "fresh" rating from critics at...

CDC Denies Word Ban as Uproar Ensues

HHS statement calls the story 'complete miscalculation'

(Newser) - "Here's a word that's still allowed: 'ridiculous.'" Chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Rush Holt wasn't alone in his reaction to the Washington Post report that the CDC has banned seven words from its budget documents, the...

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