Wall Street Journal

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Paulson: We're Doing the Right Thing

Bush administration 'creatively working' on financial crisis

(Newser) - On the eve of his testimony before Congress, beleaguered Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson used last night's speech to defend the administration's response to the nation's "unprecedented" financial crisis. Paulson said without the $700 billion Wall Street bailout, things would be even worse, ABC News reports. "It's hard to...

Obama, McCain Take Fight to Pages of Journal
Obama, McCain Take Fight
to Pages of Journal

Obama, McCain Take Fight to Pages of Journal

Rivals sounds familiar themes with columns in conservative newspaper

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain are appearing together today on one battleground—the opinion pages of the conservative Wall Street Journal. Obama sticks almost exclusively with economics, mentioning the paper’s own reservations with McCain’s housing rescue plan. He’s also quick to remind readers in upper tax brackets...

Meet the Murdochs, the Last News Dynasty

6 children compete for affection and business, writes Wolff

(Newser) - In an age of MBA-holding executives and shareholder revolts, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is that rarest thing: a business dynasty. The media mogul's six children, by three different wives, have conducted their power plays in public and private. But as Michael Wolff writes in Vanity Fair, while the elder...

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama
Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Dem's vowel-heavy name better as clue than McCain, paper says

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign chief looks to have been on to something when he accused the New York Times of being “in the tank” for Barack Obama; why else, David Levinson Wilk asks on Politico, would the paper’s crossword puzzle so thoroughly exclude John McCain? OBAMA has been...

Time for the Dow to Ditch Ailing AIG
Time for the
Dow to Ditch Ailing AIG

Time for the Dow to Ditch Ailing AIG

Index should replace enfeebled AIG or GM with Apple or Cisco

(Newser) - The downsizing of American International Group should spur its ejection from the Dow Jones 30, Paul R. La Monica writes in CNNMoney. The company's inclusion in the index means its troubles will hurt the market even more than the tribulations of Lehman, Fannie and Freddie—its shedding of divisions will...

Chrome Is 'Smart, Innovative'
 Chrome Is 'Smart, Innovative'

Chrome Is 'Smart, Innovative'

Google's beta version hows promise, but lacks key features, too

(Newser) - Google's innovative new browser Chrome could unseat Microsoft's Internet Explorer, but the beta version lacks some important features, Walter Mossberg writes in the Wall Street Journal. Chrome introduces the "Omnibox," a combination search box and address bar, as well as tabs that operate as self-contained browsers. However, its...

'Rupert Murdoch Is Becoming a Liberal'

Mogul held secret meeting with Obama to negotiate a truce: Wolff

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch isn't what you've been told, Michael Wolff writes in Vanity Fair. He's not a destroyer of journalism—he is perhaps the last great lover of newspapers. And he’s actually turning liberal. Yes, he’s still a free-marketeer, but Murdoch has been seduced by his second wife’s...

Laid-Back Bush Enrages Neocon Base
Bush Enrages
Neocon Base

Laid-Back Bush Enrages Neocon Base

Sportsfan prez made even the French look sharp, Journal snipes

(Newser) - The administration’s slow response to the Russia-Georgia conflict has conservatives fuming, with onetime true believers openly questioning President Bush's commitment to the foreign policy of the first 7 years of his term. And they're not keeping their dissatisfaction quiet, reports the Washington Post. The latest blast from a once-unexpected...

How to Spot Overpriced Wines
 How to Spot Overpriced Wines 

How to Spot Overpriced Wines

Experts explain pricing and weigh in with ways to save

(Newser) - Why does a bottle of wine cost $100 at one restaurant and three times that at the bistro down the block? The Wall Street Journal asked wine experts to decipher vino pricing and offer tips for finding the best deals. The results: Expensive wines often mean better value, as do...

Retro Moped Slow, But Efficient&mdash;and Cool
 Retro Moped Slow, 
 But Efficient—and Cool 

Retro Moped Slow, But Efficient—and Cool

Velosolex has old-fashioned charm ... and engine

(Newser) - The Velosolex S4800 motorized bike sports plenty of retro charm—and technology. Its incredible gas mileage (150-200 mpg) makes as much sense today as in postwar Paris, but the two-stroke engine is also a weakness, Jonathan Welsh writes in the Wall Street Journal. The Velosolex generates 0.80 horsepower and...

Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories
Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories

Cable Dominates News by Blowing Up Stories

But print reporters dig up the stories that play on TV

(Newser) - Twenty-four-hour cable networks set the news agenda by turning stories "from brushfire to raging conflagration," Paul Farhi writes in the American Journalism Review. Particularly during presidential campaigns, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC pull stories from newspapers and web sites and make them hot by running them day and...

Ex- Journal Editor Lands Atop Post
Ex-Journal Editor Lands Atop Post

Ex-Journal Editor Lands Atop Post

Ousted by Murdoch, Brauchli, 46, heading to Washington

(Newser) - The Washington Post has picked Marcus Brauchli, a former top editor at the Wall Street Journal, as its executive editor, sources tell the New York Times, with a formal announcement coming later today or tomorrow. The 46-year-old Brauchli replaces the outgoing Leonard Downie, 66, and represents a dramatic generational shift...

Murdoch's Journal Wins Back a Fan
Murdoch's Journal
 Wins Back a Fan 

Murdoch's Journal Wins Back a Fan

Slate critic once thought Murdoch would kill storied paper

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's attempt to make the Wall Street Journal the "first read" for elites, rather than playing second to the New York Times on non-financial stories, looked like a recipe for disaster to Jack Shafer. It was likely to result in me-too coverage crowding out the Journal's signature reporting,...

Murdoch Names Thomson New Journal Editor

Publisher takes over spot left open after forced resignation

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch has named Wall Street Journal publisher Robert J. Thomson as its top editor, reports the New York Times. Thomson, whom Murdoch made publisher just five months ago, was previously the top editor of Murdoch's Times of London. His appointment is expected to speed the pace of change at...

Journal Staff Uneasy as Murdoch Era Rolls On
Journal Staff Uneasy as Murdoch Era Rolls On

Journal Staff Uneasy as Murdoch Era Rolls On

Some worry paper will lose its business edge

(Newser) - Tensions are running high in the Wall Street Journal’s newsroom, the New Republic reports, as staffers wonder just where this Murdoch thing is going. Managing editor Marcus Brauchli’s resignation still hangs heavy in the air. Murdoch pushed Brauchli to resign, and paid him millions to sign a non-disclosure...

The View From Inside the Uma Jury

Member explains how panel reached stalking verdict

(Newser) - A Wall Street Journal reporter who served on the jury that convicted Uma Thurman’s stalker yesterday looks back today, recalling just over a week of debate, junk food, and weird dreams. “The fact that she was a famous movie star made us partly charmed, partly suspicious," writes...

Cut the Charade: Let Rupert Have His Way With Journal

Let's stop kidding ourselves: he's taking it anyway

(Newser) - Let’s stop kidding ourselves, Jack Shafer writes in Slate: Rupert Murdoch is seizing control of the Wall Street Journal, and we might as well be done with the “Special Committee” that was supposed to protect editorial independence. The Bancroft family insisted on the creation of the board, which...

WSJ Oversight Panel Slams Editor's Ouster

Removal violated 'letter and spirit' of agreement with News Corp.

(Newser) - A committee formed to protect the editorial independence of the Wall Street Journal from Rupert Murdoch’s influence said today the solicited resignation of managing editor Macrus Brauchli violated an agreement with Murdoch's News Corporation, Reuters reports. The committee is supposed to review all high-level hirings and firings, but, as...

Newspaper Circulation Off 3.6%
 Newspaper Circulation Off 3.6% 

Newspaper Circulation Off 3.6%

USA Today , WSJ only big names to buck accelerating downward trend

(Newser) - Newspaper circulation contracted the past six months as competition from Internet sources and cutbacks in advertising decreased sales, Bloomberg reports. Circulation dropped 3.6% for the industry as a whole, with only USA Today and the Wall Street Journal enjoying slightly increased circulation among the 25 largest papers. "The...

Paid Off And Gagged, WSJ Honchos Betray Treasured Trust

Murdoch burns paper's 'fundamental value'

(Newser) - More top Wall Street Journal execs have been spit out by the Murdoch machine, and the staff they leave behind is furious they’re leaving so quietly. Zipping their mouths was part of hefty severance packages, David Carr notes in the New York Times, and as the line evaporates between...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>