human trafficking

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev 

Journos: Koreans Grabbed Us on Chinese Soil

Laura Ling and Euna Lee describe their capture ordeal

(Newser) - The two American journalists detained for months in North Korea were on Chinese soil when they were seized by border guards, they write in Laura Ling and Euna Lee say they were reporting on the human trafficking of North Korean refugees in China when their guide briefly brought...

Nepali Women Protest $600 'Marry-a-Widow' Incentive

(Newser) - Hundreds of women marched through Kathmandu yesterday to protest a government plan to offer $600 to anybody who marries a widow, the Independent reports. The government says the scheme will help overcome social stigmas attached to widowhood, but the women say it is insulting and warn that it will lead...

Maddy Suspect Asked About Her 'New Daughter'

Calls flood in after request for tips about Australian woman

(Newser) - Private investigators working for Madeleine McCann's parents have received “hundreds of calls” from people with information about a woman who may be involved in the child’s disappearance, the Telegraph reports. A witness said the woman, described as a Victoria Beckham lookalike with an Australian accent, was pacing and...

Taliban Buys Kids for Suicide Bombings

(Newser) - The Taliban is buying children as young as 7 and turning them into suicide bombers, the Washington Times reports. The going rate is $7,000 to $14,000, a huge amount in Pakistan, where where the average income is $2,600. Pakistani and US officials lay blame for the practice...

Madonna's Adoption Only Hurts Malawi
 Madonna's Adoption 
 Only Hurts Malawi 

Madonna's Adoption Only Hurts Malawi

'Misguided' Material Mom should use international adoption as a 'last resort'

(Newser) - By adopting Mercy James, Madonna has actually endangered other Malawian orphans, writes Anna Feuchtwang in the Daily Mail. “Corrupt adoption agencies and child traffickers, newly alerted to the ease with which Malawian laws can be circumvented, are even now planning to target the country,” writes Feuchtwang, chief executive...

Cops Bust Dad Who Married Off Girl, 14, for Beer

Arranged marriage legit in Mexico, but trafficking minors in Calif.

(Newser) - Something got lost in translation when a California man arranged for his 14-year-old daughter to marry an 18-year-old neighbor in exchange for cash, beer, and meat, reports the San Jose Mercury News. When the bridegroom failed to pay the promised $16,000, 160 cases of beer, and six cases...

Foreign Workers Held in Iraq
Held in Iraq

Foreign Workers Held in Iraq

Contractor kept 1,000 Asian laborers 3 months in warehouses

(Newser) - About 1,000 foreign workers brought to Iraq with the promise of lucrative jobs have been living for 3 months in Baghdad warehouses under poor sanitary conditions and in possible violation of US military rules, McClatchy reports. A Kuwaiti company that subcontracts with KBR, formerly Haliburton, brought the men from...

Holloway Suspect: I Sold Her

Dutch man admits selling American teen on Aruba in 2005, then switches stories

(Newser) - After claiming—then denying—he dumped Natalee Holloway’s body in the Caribbean, Joran van der Sloot confessed to Fox News he watched her being hauled away on a vessel after selling the drunk teen in 2005 to a Venezuelan man seeking “a blonde girl.” The interview, which...

FBI Sex-Ring Bust Frees 47 Kids

Multi-agency crackdown snares more than 600 adults involved in '21st century slavery'

(Newser) - A huge nationwide crackdown has smashed apart a dozen child prostitution rings and rescued 47 juveniles, the Washington Post reports. The joint effort from the FBI, Justice Department, and local law enforcement agencies led to the arrest of more than 600 adults in 29 cities, including 73 pimps. Ten of...

San Francisco May Soon Be Hooker Haven

Proposed law would ban cops from arresting prostitutes

(Newser) - San Francisco could soon become the first major city in the US where prostitutes won't be arrested, the AP reports. The city votes next month on the controversial Proposition K to decriminalize sex work. The measure won't actually legalize the trade, but will forbid local law enforcement from investigating or...

Mexico Will Deport Cuban Migrants Headed for US

Crackdown aimed at drug, human trafficking

(Newser) - Mexico agreed yesterday to deport Cubans passing through the country to reach the US, the Los Angeles Times reports. Increased US patrols in the waters between Cuba and Florida have smugglers using land routes through Mexico to transport would-be immigrants. Mexican authorities have arrested 2,000 undocumented Cubans this year,...

Foreign Adoption Getting Harder
Foreign Adoption
Getting Harder

Foreign Adoption Getting Harder

Could be boon for thousands in US foster care

(Newser) - Heightened awareness of child trafficking and improving economies abroad are making it harder for Americans to adopt foreign kids. US officials are taking a closer look at visa applications and discouraging adoptions from countries that don’t comply with a new international adoption agreement, USA Today reports. At the same...

Hooker Sex Is Rape, London Ads Warn Johns

Trafficked women aren't giving consent, campaign maintains

(Newser) - British authorities are targeting men who pay for sex with a hard-hitting ad campaign comparing some instances to rape, Reuters reports. Because thousands of women trafficked into the country each year are forced into prostitution, there's nothing consensual about the sex they sell, the ads suggest. "Walk in a...

54 Burmese Migrant Workers Suffocate in Border Crossing

They screamed an hour before driver halted

(Newser) - Police yesterday discovered the bodies of 54 Burmese migrant workers who suffocated in a truck heading across the border to Thailand. Workers crammed in the 7-by-20-foot space, almost all women, say when they finally managed to alert the driver, he fled. Each worker paid $314 to be smuggled into Thailand,...

South Koreans Turn to Cambodia to Buy Wives

Government decries 'human trafficking' on rise after Vietnam crackdown

(Newser) - A clampdown on marriage brokers in Vietnam has made neighboring Cambodia the new destination for South Korean men seeking to buy wives, the AP reports. About 2,500 Cambodian women have married Koreans this way in the past four years in a process in which men choose from as many...

Sex Slaves Win Cash Damages
Sex Slaves Win Cash Damages

Sex Slaves Win Cash Damages

Ruling could open floodgates of compensation for thousands of others

(Newser) - In a groundbreaking decision, Britain has awarded four women smuggled from eastern Europe to the UK and subjected by their captors to "forced prostitution, multiple rapes and beatings" more than £140,000. The decision, the first to consider false imprisonment and forced prostitution as categories for awarding damages,...

Sweden Law Rids Streets of 'Johns'
Sweden Law Rids Streets
of 'Johns'

Sweden Law Rids Streets of 'Johns'

Crackdown on men soliciting prostitutes hailed as success

(Newser) - A Swedish law that penalizes men who solicit sex with prostitutes rather than the women themselves has been a huge success in cleaning up the streets and reducing human trafficking, proponents say. But Swedish sex workers see the ban as an undue burden on an already burdensome job and argue...

So Many Men, So Much Frustration
So Many Men, So Much Frustration

So Many Men, So Much Frustration

Asian gender gap will see millions without mates, stall economies

(Newser) - A growing gender gap spells trouble for Asian markets, where scholars predict that a glut of men without partners—Chinese and Indian men will outnumber women by more than 20 million each in 2030—will have a cascade of unintended consequences, economic as well as social.  Sexual violence and...

Voodoo Child Smugglers Busted in Netherlands

Young prostitutes took mystic vows

(Newser) - Dutch police have broken a child prostitution ring that used voodoo to control its young charges, authorities announced today. Authorities found missing Nigerian children prostituting themselves in France, Italy, and Spain, apparently obeying mystic vows given them by their kidnappers and voodoo shamans. Police have so far arrested dozens accused...

How the World Dropped the Ball on Burma

And how we can pick it back up

(Newser) - International policy on Myanmar is at an impasse because the world went two different ways on the military junta—the US chose isolation while its neighbors chose constructive engagement—and both strategies failed. The country has gone from “antidemocratic embarrassment and humanitarian disaster” to “serious threat” to security,...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev